
The Don's Betrayal

Ruby Rivera works as a mysterious masked dancer at Desire Club at night and as a waitress at an upscale restaurant during the day to support her mother's cancer treatment. One night, she catches the eye of Massimo Valenti, a powerful and dangerous Mafia boss. He requests a private dance, but before long, Ruby slaps him and runs away, leaving Massimo captivated and spellbound. Despite the encounter, Massimo is drawn to Ruby's beauty and spirit. As their paths cross again, he learns that there is more to Ruby than meets the eye, and she may have secrets of her own.

IvoryGold · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Pain and Promises

Massimo woke up to a searing pain in his side, the taste of blood in his mouth. He lay in the wreck of the SUV, his clothes stained with blood, the smell of smoke and burning metal filling the air. 

Groaning, he tried to sit up, but his body was in pain. Blinking through the smoke, he ran into panic as he realised Ruby was gone.

"Ruby!" he shouted, his voice hoarse. He looked around for her but she was nowhere to be found, he spotted the diamond hairpin that she wore for the wedding and her lace wedding veil on the ground.

 He turned his head and saw Lucas, slumped sideways over the steering wheel. Massimo crawled over and shook him. "Lucas, wake up!"

Lucas's body was limp, lifeless. Massimo felt for a pulse but found nothing. He let out a breath in frustration as he covered the eyes of the corpse

Desperation clawed at him as he searched the wreckage for his gun, finally finding it under the seat. He checked the chamber and tucked it into his holster.

Massimo tried to make a call, but his phone had no signal. He cursed under his breath and began to walk, his body protesting with every step. He had to find help and had to find Ruby.

Massimo stumbled along still clutching his side, he looked at his fingers stained with fresh blood. His vision blurred, as he was losing more blood, but he forced himself to keep moving. 

The sun came out, heating the ground as drops of sweat rolled down Massimo's face, he had no idea how far he had walked when he finally saw a car approaching in the distance.

Staggering into the middle road, he waved his arms, hoping the driver would stop.

 The car slowed, and the driver, a middle-aged man with glasses, rolled down the window.

"Are you okay?" the man asked, looking at him warily.

" Yes I had an accident, some miles back, I just needed a ride to get to the nearest town so I could make a phone call.

" Okay hop in '' Massimo didn't hesitate as he got into the passenger's side of the car.

" Thanks, man" 

They drove for a few hours when a siren sounded behind them, the blue and red light of the police car illuminating the dark road.

" What the hell?" Massimo cursed as he looked back. " Did you call the police on me?". He asked in anger.

The driver trembled at his voice " I…I know you, you are part of the Mafia in Miami. I recognized you from the news of the church explosion today".

Massimo didn't hesitate. He reached out and yanked the driver's door open ignoring his protests and pushed him out onto the road as he moved into the driver's seat.

Massimo sped up, swerving sharply at a turn, causing the police car to run into a tree.

Massimo drove fast, still searching for a signal on his phone, as he drove to his safe house, his mind racing. 

He hoped to find his men there, to regroup and plan his next move. He pulled up, getting out of the car. His heart sank as he walked through the door. The place was a massacre. Bodies of his men lay strewn across the ground, the metallic scent of blood and death heavy in the air.

Stepping over the corpses, he made his way inside, to his safe, working the lock and retrieving his passport and some cash. He knew he had to get back to Miami, to his mansion, where he could gather the rest of his men and plan his retaliation against Gustavo and get Ruby back.

He got back into the car, his mind racing as he drove to the airport. Gus had killed his father to become the Mafia king.

 He had always wanted to avenge his father's death but he had been waiting for the right time, now Gus was taking everything away from him and he was ready to strike back.

The plane ride was bumpy as Massimo had to hide out in a cargo plane, he had to keep a low profile in case Gus' men were on the lookout for him in the airport.

When Massimo finally reached his mansion in Miami, he was exhausted and battered.

He almost collapsed as he walked through the double doors, Eve rushed to him, her eyes wide with shock and concern.

"Massimo, what happened?" she cried, helping him to a chair, his blood staining the cushion.

" Call the doctor" he whispered with his last strength as he lost consciousness.

" Massimo" she called out as she quickly dialled Massimo's personal doctor's number.

Massimo woke up still seated in the chair, the injury on his side already stitched up. Eve ran to him immediately and she noticed he was awake.

" Massimo, you're awake. I was so scared, what happened?" She cried with unshed tears.

"Gus," Massimo spat, wincing as he sat up. "He caused an explosion at Ruby's wedding. He took her, Eve. He took Ruby."

Eve's face paled. "We have to get her back."

"We will," Massimo promised, his voice hard. "No matter what it takes."

"I need to call an urgent meeting, get me the phone in my study" Massimo requested.

Eve stood unmoving, staring at her brother " Massimo the doctor said you should rest, you've had two major injuries in just a few weeks".

" Ruby is out there somewhere as a captive, I'm not even sure she's alive, just get me my phone".

Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Angelo, Ruby's father. He barged through the doors of the mansion, gun drawn, his face twisted with rage.

"Where is my daughter?" Angelo demanded, aiming the gun at Massimo.

Massimo didn't flinch. "I don't know. Gus took her."

Angelo's eyes narrowed. "If you don't bring her back, our deal is off."

Massimo stood, his body screaming in protest. "I don't give a fuck about our deal. I care about Ruby. I'll get her back." 

Angelo stared at him, lowering his gun before he walked it off the mansion.

Eve returned with the phone, handing it to Massimo. He made me a few phone calls before going to his room.

Massimo took a shower, wincing as water touched his stitches by his side, he got dressed up in a crisp suit, and combed his hair back, checking his gun before attaching it to him.

He quickly got into his car and drove off to the club. The club was closed off and empty when he arrived just a few cars packed out belonging to his men.

He walked into his den, his mind focused as he stood before them, his eyes scanning the room.

"We have to avenge our brothers who were killed in the war with Gus," he said, his voice cold and determined. "Are you with me?"

A chorus of agreement met his words, but Massimo's eyes fixed on one man in particular. Sucre. Without warning, he drew his gun and shot Sucre in the head. The room erupted in chaos.

"Sucre was a rat," Massimo shouted, his voice echoing across the room as the men watched him in silence and fear, "He betrayed us to Gus, he was the only one I called when the accident happened, he shared our location so Gus could kidnap Ruby."

The men were silent, their faces pale. They knew Massimo's reputation and knew better than to question him.

" That is the fate of anyone in this room that decides to betray me." he gestured to Sucre's lifeless body handling off the chair. " Now prepare gentlemen because we are going to war"

The men collectively nodded, their minds ready.

As the meeting ended and Massimo was walking 

out, his phone rang. He answered immediately, his brows furrowed as he stared at the number listed as 'Private'.

"Massimo," came Gus's voice, smooth and mocking. "I know by now that I have Ruby."

Massimo's grip tightened on the phone. "Gus, if you've done anything to her, I will skin you alive ." he spat through the phone.

" No need to make threats Massimo, you are in no situation to threaten me, I have your girl and I call the shots".

" Let me talk to her," Massimo demanded.

" Sure, whatever you request," Gus replied mockingly.

There was a pause, and then Ruby's voice came through, filled with pain and fear. "Massimo, help me! Please!"

"Ruby, I'm coming for you," Massimo said, his voice breaking. " I promise you I'll get you out of there. Hope you're okay."

" I'm okay, just get me out of here Massimo ".

" I promise Princessa," Massimo whispered.

Gus came back on the line. " Don't make any promises, you know you can't keep, you don't want to break her fragile heart, now you'll do exactly what I want, or she dies."

Massimo's heart pounded. "What do you want?"


s laughed. "I'll be in touch."

The line went dead, and Massimo stood there, his mind racing. He had to save Ruby. No matter the cost.