
CH:2 The man in the maroone robe

After detention Amelie was about to walk out the when the charming boy rushed up to her to introduce himself his name was chaim chaim then grabbed amelies hand and pulled her in for a freindly hug amelie then rushed out saying goodbye but she had to go meet sunshine out front of the school once she had met up with sunshine asked amelie we should go camping In the woods near are house amelie said I heard that there's a cult house in the woods so no then sunshine laughing are you a chicken amelie hating being called a chicken said fine with a upset voice but then said I mean it's just a roomer amelie and sunshine walked home to get the supply once they had everything amelie brought a knife just in case sunny freaked out and telling her your insane with a goofy giggle as they walk out the house once they got to the very begging of the old hiking trail where hikers would round up all the time but ever since the report of a little girl missing and rommers about cults in the woods the city shut down the hiking trail sunshine and amelie walking in always on alert walked in to the dark forest they both took out there flashlights and noticed how scary it looked once the got deep in to the forest amelie had brought lots of reflecting tape so they would know the way back they came to abandoned cabin sunny wanting to go check it out amelie said "no ate you insane!" sunshine wanting to get a souvenir and not listening to amelie amelie asked in a mad and scared voice starting to cry sunshine let out a sigh mixed with disappointment then her deep voice calming amelie down to look at the ground to find a big polished rock black sunshine picks it um and said put it un your bag sunshine walking over to amelies side saying let's go home but right before they where gona walk away from the old house a mand shouted "hey!" amelie and sunshine were about to run away holding hands tightly there faces showed fear the man with a deep creepy voice the laughing dont worry I wont hurt you I'm just cutting down trees they then notice the big axe he had thrown over his sholdenhet put the axe down and then breaking the silence the creepy man asked are you to young ladies single sunshine yelled what a creep!

amelie and sunshine the were hit in the back of the head with something to only black out

To be continued~

hey guys so I will post another one tonight bye