
CH: 3 Bond fire

As amelie wakes up to see sunshine crying she looks at sunshine up and down to see her rist and ankles tied up she then tries to find her bag with the knife she had packed in case of and emergency amelie also expecting to feel cold since it was halloween time and it was late but she felt warmth she looked behind her to see a huge bond fire then to notice the people in black cloak but one had stood out the most he wore a marrone cloak but the most disturbing thing was that the wore white mask but all of them had red dots but the one who wore a marrone cloak that persons mask was all the way red he seemed to he the leader of it all I asked sunshine where my bag was sunshine whimpers in her voice "they placed it on the porch of the house" amelie wanting to get her and sunshine out and safely amelie jumps up knocking the leaders stand on to the ground trying to hop over to her bag but all of the sudden is shot bye a numbing bullet in the back of her leg she fell over and started to be dragged on the floor back to the bond fire the cult put sunshine out side of the circle amelie mouthing to her to run sunshine shaking her head crying mouthing back at her no but then she ran back as fast as she could to find help amelie scared and alone but relieved that sunny is getting back to safety the cult started to chant "we bring you a new wife" amelie scared and confused until the whole cult falls to the ground in to unconscious amelie to see chaim from detention with back horns and wings and a tail with an arrow shaped tip he let's out his hand to carry her like a princess asking are you ok

amelie . Amelie answers with a scared shakey voice asking have you seen sunshine chaim answers with a calming deep voice answering dont worry princess sunshine was picked up.By my freind justin he is taking her home and your coming with me ...princess...!

whoa plot twist am I right! Anyway hope your enjoying this story!♡