
I hate you!.

Hmph!. I won't look over you again. Min Feng said out before coming inside of Zhang bedroom. To be sure that Zhang won't come to bother him, Min Feng shut the door behind him. That should prevent him and keep him out from coming inside this room.


What's with that jerk!?. I just told him how pitiful I am and he still left me?. What a bad jerk!. He's the cause of this. "Min Feng if you can hear me, just say you know, you're just a bad jerk!!!". Zhang yelled this at the top of his lungs hoping for Min Feng to actually hear this. Zhang didn't at all cared for his health before yelling this.

He just wished that Min Feng heard him to see how angry he is with him. How can he just leave in the middle of their conversation when he was done with him?. What a bad jerk!. I hate you!. I hate you!. You better gear this!. I know you're hearing me now but you're keeping a deaf ear to me. 

I hate you!!.


Inside the bedroom...

So he have this kind of energy left in him?. Whoa! Whoa!. Some people never change. A moment before now he was thinking when Zhang wakes up he'll be calm and gentle like never before. Who knew that he was going to behave like this.

It's just inside his blood. Zhang indeed would never change that easily. He's just a Dude with never ending running mouth. Like he never gets tired at all. Does he perhaps takes in just kind of secret energy drink?. Min Feng just doesn't know how to understand this Zhang anymore.

This really surprised the hell out of him. Someone that couldn't make a movement almost through out the night woke up and started blaming him and this time making noise... Loud noises. Some people just never changes.

I can't believe that I'm about saying this but... It's much better seeing him unconscious instead. At all last night was really really peaceful to him, he wouldn't lie about that one fact.


Is he ignoring me?. Zhang said to himself before getting up from the bed. To him Min Feng is just heartless. How could he not give him medicine when he just woke up?. 

Well I didn't request for that but still. He supposed to remember and give that to me. "I'm not even sure if he got a medicine for me". How heartless he just is like a beast. Maybe a beast is even much more better than he is. Zhang thought to himself. Be already have made his way outside from the room.

Zhang wore a smirk on his face as he head out from the room. He'll make sure to disturb the hell out of Min Feng. He deserved it anyways. That's what Zhang think. 

Him and his big mouth. [Zhang: And they say I talk to much. Hmph!]. Zhang is referring the they to Min Feng and his Boss that called him a parrot mouth before. So not fair. How is the a parrot mouth when he doesn't talk that much?.

I think it's payback now. He muttered before heading over to his own bedroom. He was sure that Min Feng is definitely inside... If he wasn't in, then he definitely would have headed outside from the apartment.


Huh?. It's locked?. This dude really is something else. I hate him already. Seeing that Min Feng defeated him for this round Zhang head back to the room where he came out from. He feel that he was gonna faint anytime soon if he doesn't rest. I'll deal with him later after my recovery. Zhang said as he climbed on top the bed after which he lay still looking up at the ceiling.


Li Yun and Li Shan explained to Grandpa Li and to Grandma Li that listened to all that they said. Grandfather Li deeply sighed before saying. Actually he doesn't even know of what to say in this anymore. 

Is this possible that guy is his Grandson?. Grandpa Li even held himself back from quarrelling his dude son. Actually it was Grandma Li that stopped him from doing so if not Li Shan would have already received some spankings on his head from his father.

I don't think we should just ignore this. What if he really is a Li?. No Li of ours are outcast to this family. We'll have to find and track him. Grandma Li was the one to say this and the others agreed definitely to it. They have to find this guy. Who knows that he really might be what they're thinking. The resemblance is there.

What they only needed for the meantime is a hacker that can track the whereabout of this person. But where do they find one that's an expert?. 

The Li family only make deals with ingenious hackers. 

After spending some minutes in father Li and Mother Li own apartment, Li Yun and Li Shan decided to take their leave.

They better should tell this to their daughter. After all they made a promise to tell her everything they discussed. She's just curious and hoping. Li Yun also hoped that this is true. She misses her baby so much.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
