
Bad jerk

You made Boss ordered to increase the cooler of that cold room!. [Like seriously what is he meaning now?. Min Feng couldn't help but to wonder].

Huh?. Min Feng was confused of what Zhang was saying. That he made Boss increase the cooler?. But how?. He doesn't remember doing anything wrong. He thought to himself. "What did I do?". Min Feng asked Zhang that refused to look him up in the eyes. Seems like Zhang was giving him the attitude. At least should tell to him what he did wrong instead of giving him the attitude. 

Like that really hurts. Maybe he's experiencing a headache. That should explain why he's behaving like this with him.

You know it so stop denying. I tried telling you to keep that mouth of yours shut but you refused to look me up in the eyes. You're a bad friend. Hmph!. Zhang said out before folding his hand around his chest. 

He still haven't forgotten that big mouth of Min Feng. Did he even plan it by informing Boss about it?. It's so hurtful. He still was feeling cold inside of him.

Min Feng was just staring at Zhang dumbstruck of what Zhang was saying. Keeping his mouth shut?. As in how?. What the hell is Zhang blabbing about?. He doesn't remember doing anything wrong and this Dude isn't helping out at all. Shouldn't he at least tell him so he could know whether what he did was really wrong as he said.

Dude what did I do to you because I don't remember me doing anything wrong. Min Feng announced this to Zhang that finally look up to him in the eyes. Finally. Min Feng thought after seeing Zhang finally look up to him. His eyes meet with Zhang own eyes as they both start staring at each others.

Why are you staring at me like that?. Min Feng asked because the way that Zhang was staring at him only it look as if he was a bad person which he's not. Just what the hell is wrong with Zhang this morning?. Did the cold entered his brain hitting him hard?.

I don't know... Just go fetch me some water I think I'm thirsty. Zhang said out to Min Feng. He didn't even mind in telling him what he did wrong. Well it's much better to leave him hanging and in guilt. Hehehe. That's called payback. Zhang indeed was satisfied seeing how troubled Min Feng face is right now.

Min Feng was hesitant to go but finally did after seeing that Zhang wasn't ready in telling him what he did wrong. What a Dude. At least it's better not to know... If he even did know it might make him feel bad. He sure wouldn't like to spoil his day today.

Hmph!. Bad jerk. 


After 3 minutes Min Feng came back holding a glass of cup filled with water. "Here you go". He said before handing over the water to Zhang that collected it from him. But Zhang didn't stop with complaining about Min Feng to him. He was wondering what took Min Feng long in bringing him the water. Or was he trying to avoid him?. He thought to himself.

Took you long enough. Were you perhaps sleeping inside the kitchen?. Zhang teased Min Feng that was frowning his face a little. What the hell did he do to Zhang that made him behave like this with him? Did the cold really got into his head making him a little nuts?. 

Zhang really was being wild now. Maybe the definitely did entered his head.

That should really explain it why... Because he's acting as if I'm the bad guy around here. When I'm not.

Min Feng started looking at Zhang suspiciously. Since he has the energies left inside him to give him the attitude, then there's no possible need for him to remain here watching over him. Yeah that's definitely right. No need for him to keep on watching over him. It's just a waste of his energy.

I can see you're okay now... So help yourself. Min Feng said with a fake smile before turning to leave. Zhang really annoyed him. 

Hey!. Where are yo going?. Don't you know I'm still pitiful over here?. Zhang said out to Min Feng but he just kept a deaf ear. This really did make them even.

[Min Feng: That's my payback at you buddy. Min Feng thought to himself. Crap!. Where the hell am I going to?. Min Feng suddenly said out after going out from the room. Isn't that his own room?. Why then did he go out?. Min Feng deeply sighed before he finally decided]. He can't possibly head back to his room because of that annoying Zhang.

He will just go make use of Zhang own bathroom. That should be better. Zhang was just annoying him... He can't believe that he spent his time watching over him throughout the night just to get this treatment from him.

Zhang is really a bad guy. How can he do this to him?. Well he shouldn't think about this since he already had his payback. Min Feng smirked after recalling his silent treatment to Zhang. That should hurt Zhang just like he hurt him.

Hmph!. I won't look over you again. Min Feng said out before coming inside of Zhang bedroom. To be sure that Zhang won't come to bother him, Min Feng shut the door behind him. That should prevent him and keep him out from coming inside this room.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
