
Chapter 10

Alex gasped as she woke up. The jaguars were nowhere to be seen. She saw that she was in her secret cave. She was wrapped with fur and leather clothes. A small fire was lit in front of her, it's crackling noises were soothing. Her hurt foot was in front of her. She was sitted, leaning on the cave wall. Her hurt foot was also green. When she looked at it carefully, it was some sort of mashed plant. Her whole body was warm, comfortable and painless.

Wait! How did I get here?

She looked all over the cave and saw that there were many new things there. Many jaguar pelts, many animal carcasses in bags. Many bows, leather clothing and other things.

But her savior was nowhere to be seen. She tried to get up to no avail. When she heard footsteps at the cave's opening, she closed her eyes and feigned that she was sleeping. The footsteps continued as they neared her. She stayed still.

A cold hand pressed on her head. After that, she felt that the person put some more medicine on her foot.

Alex had calmed down a lot. The person had stared to barbecue meat.

The person moved about the cave which was now filled with the dazzling aroma of cooked greasy meat.

Unfortunately for Alex, her stomach grumbled and she couldn't keep up the act.

She would be lucky to even survive today. Maybe the person was toying with her. All sort of terrifying thoughts came to her mind in that instant.

She opened her eyes slowly and pretended to just wake up. She put a hand on her head, faking a headache.

There in front of her was her savior. He a boy, no more like a teenager, about 17-18 years old. He wore nothing but leather pants. No boots, no armor. His skin was pink and pale at the same time. His hair was short, white and spiky. His body was lean and looked extremely hot. Alex felt her cheeks warm all of a sudden and looked elsewhere.

The person was cooking the leg of a deer. When he looked back, he saw Alex awake. He took the leg and handed it to her. Alex looked at the boy, his face was perfect, with unblemished skin and a sharp jawline. His eyes were green and extremely crystal like.

The boy after giving her the barbecued meat went back. Alex looked at him. She stayed still and ate her share. He had made two fires. He sat away from her and ate his own meat.

The boy ate like a hungry mad man. He had already devoured a whole dead carcass all by himself!

Alex took small bites and was alert each second, nervously looking at the boy.

His teeth were sparkling white, a contrast to most people of the wastelands.

"What's your name?"

The boy looked at her, there was no emotion on his face.

"What's your name? I'm Alex."


The boy spoke in a soft and monotonous voice.

"Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

The boy looked down and touched a silvery necklace that hung on his neck.


"Fergus? Is that your name?"

The boy nodded.

"Where are you from? How did you reach my cave?"

Fergus spoke nothing and returned to eating his meat. Alex, too, got the message and asked no more.

After eating the meat, Alex felt a bit better. Fergus too, had stopped eating. It was night, and the cave was dark, except for two fires illuminating it. The fires crackled and produced a crisp sound.

Fergus stood up and took a makeshift sleeping bag. He laid it near to Alex's fire.

He pointed at her and patted at the sleeping bag.

"You want me to sleep in that?"

Fergus nodded.

"Oh no, it's okay, why don't you sleep in it?"

Fergus shook his head and pointed at her and patted at the sleeping bag again.

"Ehh, okay, if that's what you want."

Alex slowly took of her boots and was left only with her shirt and pants. She went into the sleeping bag while squirming and keeping her hurt leg steady.

The boy put out the fire and slid in beside her.

The boy slid his hands around Alex's waist and hugged her while his legs intertwined with hers.

Her heart skipped a beat. Whether due to fear or surprise, she herself didn't know.

"What are you doing?! Stop!"

Her heart was beating furiously as she felt his subtle skin which touched her hands. His hands were really smooth and soft. He had an electric touch and it weirdly made Alex feel warm.

But nonetheless she waved her arms and legs trying to shake him off. He was adamant and hugged her with all his strength.

His touch was intoxicating and relaxing, very weird, but very good.


She was sure that he would spring on to her and ravage her any second now, but that never occurred.

This was a very different situation. She was on edge between her fear of Fergus and the signals that her brain was sending.

She felt weird and her stomach had a fluttering feeling while her cheeks turned red.

She didn't dare say a word and just held her breath.

But her body wouldn't listen to her logic. She squirmed while her heart beat rapidly. Her waist bucked so that she could move even closer to Fergus' body. She slept in an awkward position and with less confidence than she held before.

The night was otherwise eventless. Alex slept like a log till morning.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that she had hugged Fergus and was staring at him sleepily. For no reason at all, she had forgotten all about yesterday and was now gawking at Fergus and gazing like a fool.

Fergus opened his green crystal like eyes and looked at Alex. She blushed and quickly turned around, now her back faced Fergus. He let go of her and stood up.

He changed into black leather clothes and his white hair made him feel irresistible. She felt awkward for thinking like this.

She looked elsewhere while blushing as she remembered that she had slept with this boy just the night before. He didn't look at day over 18.

"Hey, why did you do that?!"

Of course I didn't also resist.

Alex couldn't help but remark about last night.

Fergus looked at her with a face as blank as water. He showed no emotions at all.

He pointed at her and spoke softly.



Alex's jaw went down, well, at least in her mind it did. Her stomach had a fluttering feeling which was awkward for her.

"Umm, go away! Go and do something outside!"

Fergus nodded and walked away, when he reached the end of the cave, he turned back, pointed at her and said, "Stay."

And then he went.

Alex was stuck in a weird situation. Her leg was hurt, and she at least needed to get to the outpost for safety. Besides there was that beast in the forest.

Wait! There's a beast in the forest!"

She grunted and stood up while leaning on the cave's walls. She limped her way to the cave's opening and leaned onto it.

"Fergus! Fergus! Come back! Fergus!"

She shouted at the top of her lungs till she could.

He was already long gone. She grit her teeth.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! You made him mad and he ran off.

She limped back to the cave, took her bow, arrows and her daggers. She followed his trail which was fresh on the grass.

Fuck! He's headed for the lakeshore!

She limped as fast as she could.

"Fergus! Fergus!"

She reached the lakeshore after some time. She had already nocked one arrow into her bow. She looked around the shore, trying to spot him.