
Chapter 9

The face of the man who spoke was as poor as his sense of humor. Very ugly. She remembered this fuckface too well.

Alex grit her teeth and grinned. She put down her bow and arrow while both of her hands gripped her daggers.

"Look, Derek, was it? Why don't you go the fuck away and we can pretend like this never happened?"

"Oh, I don't think so, girly. Although you're ugly and scarred. A pussy is still a pussy. And I'm having first turn today."

All the men around him grinned as they lurched toward.

Derek pinned her to a tree while grabbing her two arms and was pushing his mouth on hers.

Just before he could, Alex snarled and bit on his nose with whatever jaw strength she could muster.

10 minutes later

And now she was in danger, she ran as fast as her legs could drag her. A dozen men raced after her.

"Aah, you bitch, you fucking bitch! You chewed of my nose, you fucking whore, just wait, I'll have you fucked by all of us."

"Haha, you dickless men! You want to fuck this pussy? Go and fuck your mother, you impotent bastards."

All the men grit their teeth and ran after her even faster while firing their arrows from their makeshift bows. All of them wore some kind of leather and metal scrap armor and Alex was no less. The arrows were only able to make nicks on her body as she ran faster. The sunlight was suddenly too warm. Her chest was heaving up and down as she huffed and puffed without stop. She knew that if she got caught, there was no getting back. She would most definitely die after being mutilated many times. She ran forward without seeing where she was.

Her body trembled as she stopped near the shore of the Grey lake. Her sweaty body huffed and puffed as her pursuers too soon reached and surrounded her. A man with a bloody nose seemed to be their leader.

They all brought forth whatever blade, shard, club or weapon they had. Alex took out two makeshift daggers of her own. She faced the men without any fear.

"C'mon, Derek, aren't we just all best pals here. You wouldn't want to hurt a fine lady like me, right?"

The man with the bleeding nose Alex while sneering.

"You bitch, if you think-"

Suddenly from behind Alex, the lakes surface started bubbling, it was as if the lake was boiling, the water started to turn to steam and a lot of bubbles started to rise. A heavy mist rose from the lake and enshrouded all of them.

All the men faced the lake while in a daze. They could feel the heat coming from the lake. The lake's water was dropping visibly. The mist was shrouding them swiftly while they stared.

"What the fuck!"

"Bloody hell is this?!"

"It's not even evenin' yet!"

The lake's waters rippled and spread apart.

Alex and all the others forgot what they were fighting about. Whatever was underneath the water was weird. They all readied their blades to attack. There was no guessing what troubles lurked underneath the water.

All of them were gulping and sweating in fear.


Suddenly a black shadow crept up from the lake and jumped over them. Boiling water spilled upon few of them as they watched.

Alex felt goosebumps on her skin as her heart raced. She looked back to face the creature.

It was black and dark. Its monstrous eyes were green and it had a large scaly tail. His body was covered with scales and he was at least 2.5 meters high. His body was huge and sinister white hair coupled with his white fanged teeth made all of them shudder. Instead of hands he had claws. His skin was steaming and chunks of white foamy flesh covered him. Steam rose off of his skin creating mist all around them all.

That was all Alex managed to see before the mist covered them all till they couldn't even see their own hands.

The creature let out a beastial roar that sounded like a wild beast's throat was vibrating continuously.

"Aah! Aah! AAAAHHHH!!!!"

Alex's knees felt shaky as her body felt heavy and she kneeled down. She was consumed by the fear and couldn't stand it any longer.

All around her she heard screams and shrieks of the men that had been chasing her. For the first time in her life, the fear gripped her like a vice as she sobbed uncontrollably. She covered her ears with her arms.

Very soon, all the screams vanished, but the eerie silence remained and the mist slowly parted, enough for her to look around. Alex didn't wait to find what happened to the others. She ran as fast as her legs could take her. At that moment she was ready to go to any other place other than the Lakeshore. Whatever it was that came from the waters, it was not an animal. No. The only way to describe it would be, 'monstrous.'

For the first time in her life, Alex felt so happy to see the sun.

She ran so fast that it was no longer just her running. Her legs refused to stop, and just swung as if propelled by the air.

She couldn't remember how long she had been running. Her legs started to pain as she overtaxed her body.


One of her legs cramped and she lost her footing. She rolled twice before tumbling and lying on the forest floor, spent and tired. She looked around desperately only to see no most, no lake and fortunately, no monster. But what she saw next made her breathless and her heart skipped a beat.

Just 15 meters in front of her was a black furred jaguar. It was not very large, but it's large sharp fanged teeth stated otherwise.


This day was getting more and more fucked up. She pulled a dagger in on hand and got ready for a deadly fight.

The jaguar pounced at Alex from afar. Alex lunged towards her right and rolled. She looked back to see the jaguar. It circled Alex and snarled at her. Alex took out her other dagger.

With both arms up, she looked at the jaguar. The jaguar abruptly sprinted in zigzags and pounced on her again. It brought her claws right upon her face. She raised her right arm and threw the jaguar away. The jaguar scratched her leather bracers. When it landed on the ground, it turned around and bit her leg instantly.


Alex screamed but her hunting instincts kicked in and she stabbed the jaguar's belly repeatedly. The animal refused to let go. In the end, Alex kicked it on the head. The jaguar let go and staggered back. Its eyes were savage and fury reached out. It growled and let a big roar.

Fuck! Not more of them!

Alex's foot was hurt, blood was flowing. She limped her way forward and tried to run away. But apparently luck was not on her side. As she limped forward, more jaguars gathered. She looked behind and spotted 7 of them.


While she was looking behind, her foot tripped and she fell forward. She crawled with her hands. Trying to go far. Desperately trying to escape. Her foot injury was really grave. She was bleeding fast. A trail of blood marked the way she was crawling. Her eyes grew dizzy. This was too much for her. The running, the fighting, it was too much.

Sleep. Yes, just for a small time. I'll sleep.

Her eyes closed and she fell unconsciously on the ground. Maybe this was where she would take her final breath.