
Telling the truth

I was sitting staring into space when i saw the time. It was 3:04 am i started thinking about what to do i just sat up and told him i needed to go because the bar was about to open and im working the bar. He said as a joke "can i come with?" i said yes and started dragging him i for got that there was an empty space and he fell down but i caught him becaus i can fly and i have super strength and not to menshin speed. He looked scard as hell pun intended.

We finally went to the casino and his jaw dropped the devel was stareing at his watch i looked at mine and i had 30 seconds befr my shift started so i snapped and i was changed into my uniform the devel smiled and asked for the "new stuff to be served first" i thought that was odd because he hates when whe don't use old beer or whisky or tequila but he smiled and said he didnt care and i got out the "new stuff" it was 100% pure aolcahol i pored a shot for the devel and my self. NIghtwing asked for some i looked at him sand said " do you want to die?" he looked at me and asked "is that a thret?" i said "no" and pored him one to ( only dead people can handle it) and slid it to him but technically i'm immortal so yea. We all took it at the same time and nightwing's eye's widened and somehow managed to hold down the 100% alcohol. Me and devel where shocked. "good morning!!!!that made me wide awake!!" i chuckled and took him to my room and layed him on a blow up matrice i had and i said " have fun with the hang over tomorrow his eyes widened "what why?!" I replied saying quote well I mean you did drink 100% alcohol and you didn't have a chaser or anything so yeah you're definitely going to feel that tomorrow well technically later this morning" I told him to be careful but he just somehow passed out he didn't wait a little bit know he just passed out so I ended up just sleeping on my bed and then I woke up sleeping next to him his arms wrapped around me like when I woke up first time.So we got out so I can use the bathroom and I'd close and lock the door because let's be honest drunk people can get crazy when they wake up especially someone that just had a hundred percent alcohol so I hear the door start Shuffle that's why I had to close and lock the door he said "hello is anyone in there hello I need to pee" I was so nervous I didn't know what to say or what to do so I just kept the door closed I think God and idea cuz I'm a quick thinker I got up and turned on the shower he said "hey if you're taking a shower can I take a shower with you" I'm pretty sure he was simping not Pimpin. anyways I chuckled and said no there's only room for one which was an obvious lie cuz we have well I have a huge shower I'm the devil's favorite and I still don't know why but he gave me the biggest shower I can imagine well more of a long shower and then if I press a button it turns into a bath that converts to my height because I still am Christian B-17 I'm still growing so I'm around 5'11 right now so that's why it was so easy for me to pickNightwing is 5:10 so I'm only taller than him by an inch but I still think that's really cute that's why he was so easy to pick up but his blue eyes stared at me the first time I saw those blue eyes I just froze black hair with so perfect I didn't know how to describe him the first day I saw him the first day I ever met him in person I was shocked I knew his real name because we used to be friends when you were younger we're technically the same age but I'm Chris B-17 like I said so yeah if we dated it wouldn't be a problem his real name Dick Grayson and he was a part of the flying graysons I wasn't a part of the circus but I was like to come in and watching him perform should always get so sweaty I was surprised that he never slept I knew he was a flying Grayson because of his style I said one day to him when we were really little " when I'm older I want to be a part of the circus just like you" I was younger than him so it made sense but I was only younger than him by a month so it wasn't really that big of a difference I'm a real looking up at the sky one day when we were a little just laying under the stars I looked at him with my eyes my multi color eyes I'm scared and smile. Search other for a little bit but it wasn't awkward I got closer like we're about to kiss then all the sudden a dark figure pulled him away a dark figure that I knew was Cheshire I told me away she tried to train me like I was her little sister but I didn't know this girl all I knew was Cheshire she was sort of a superhero or supervillain I didn't really know but I never saw him again so we never got to have our first kiss so I decided to change that. after I I actually decided to take a shower and got dressed and blow dried my hair I stepped out and saw him passed out can't go to the bathroom on the floor like a dead expected him to he waited when I woke him up he got up and stumbled into the bathroom I had to help him but make sure sensor it for my vision so it wouldn't be awkward once he was done/little water in his face and that seemed to do the trick any kind of snapped out of it for a second and then I just gave him a lot of water and said " where am I what is this place dot-dot-dot and he looked at me so my multi color eyes then he remember that night he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said hinami Isaiah but I really like to be called Lily nowadays when I was little I thought he was such a cool name so he only remembers me by Sia Shield my name Zia you died the one that you got pulled away by Cheshire Survivor start crying and said who took you she looked away cheers in his eyes then I haven't looked back at me and that's when we had our kiss our first kiss I decided to finally spill my heart to him " I like you I liked you for the longest time and I didn't know where you went so I just assumed you died so I thought you were already married or dating someone but just know I always liked you and not just for what your superhero is all about but for you cuz I've known you for so long or at least I thought I did" that's when his hand how tight cheek I thought you start welling up in his eyes started sniffling can I just talk to him felt like I was at home in the real world starting to sniffle but made sure I didn't cry too much cuz I still had forgotten that I had my makeup on from the night before I remember seeing something in the back corner how's my bedroom we were outside of my bathroom immediately rushed him in my bathroom and said stumbled inside on the floor and said why I quickly explain that I saw someone out there let me change into my uniform please I wan" no this is my battle to fight I said he knew that I could handle myself but deep down inside you wanted to help me he knew I was in danger he was basically the ultimate Detective could know where tell when I when something was off or wrong but I could tell that just as easily I mean we were childhood best friends can't really make that up I had it out there and to my surprise I saw Superboy Superboy looked at me and grabbed me by my shirt collar and said what did you do with him what did you do with him tell me what you did with him I said put me down first and I'll say he slammed me down to the floor I said he's in the bathroom I thought you were an intruder why would we be intruding I'm confused we stop Beast Boy pop up behind him he was cuz we went to the same Elementary School Garfield I yelled Superboy looked at him Garfield at your name Garfield looked at me and said dude you totally blew it apparently he remembered me too but then Superboy said Robin and Beast Boy has never spoken anything about you I looked away and said well I mean I died at age 17 and I don't know what happened to beast boy or girl Robin how to weigh for shame in tears are you stupid boy didn't mean to hurt my feelings but it just felt so personal and I explained what happened she drink 100% alcohol he just got it in stock yesterday you did what now immediately ran to the bathroom at sea salt Robin leaning over the toilet puking voice of why did you give him it I mean on the door frame and said well he said he wanted to try some we even have it on footage I brought him over to my monitor that was on my desk so many monitor scattered about 10 he saw what Robin did he chuckled and said poor stupid Robin I smiled and said yeah I looked back at him and felt ear start swelled up in my eyes once again he was just so overwhelming I didn't know what to do I just ran out of my room and went back to the bar I checked the time before I ran out 11:45 in the afternoon it is my time to be a waitress so I snapped and I was in my uniform and that's when I started running they saw me change only with the snap of a finger Superboy started chasing me down the hallway I didn't know what to do I just was so scared I started running good thing was I was on cross-country in high school so I was pretty fast and I ran everyday especially with my sister and we played softball together so I'm really good at running in a you the whole place like the back of my hand the casino was also humongous so I knew he get lost easily I knew where every elevator was located so I ran for the first elevator I remembered seeing people send I got a tour as soon as I got in a press the button to slam the door shut and then I went down to the first level I watched us the numbers went from 18 to 20 I don't know why it was going up then seem like it was a glitch then all the sudden it started going down from 19 to 12 it was going so fast I couldn't even feel it then to level two then to one the door is opened wide and not to myself an array of people holding something outside the casino it looks like banners it seemed they found my portal to hell and now everyone to try my 100 percent alcohol because they saw a robin do it cuz some drunk idiot decided to film it and post it on Instagram and tick tock I wanted to throat punch the person that did it but then I remembered something a company policy was no humans down there but because he made the devil laugh he was okay the devil melee swing his head over to the elevator and stormed over to I said I know this looks bad but don't worry I'll fix it he said they better be out of here in at least two hours we have a trivia game night tonight Amelia control everyone's minds and made them forget about where they were and made them Rush up to the surface and I sealed the portal for only actual numbers and if they have only a single plus one I knew that would make everybody mad but I didn't care I only had a little amount of time and it takes about an hour and a half to get down all those stairs but because I'm in Mortal only takes me like 2 minutes so as I teleported everybody up to the surface I made sure that the people that saw them floating up to the surface had their minds wiped too what they were thinking before they saw it after they were all evacuated after an hour and a half the devil look at me surprised and said I've never seen that many people gone before that fast he patted me on the back and said you can start your job now plus you're just in time 10 seconds to spare how to say so grateful so I decided to treat myself I painted my toenails cuz I can freeze time Alfred ride failure to get back to work does wearing open toed shoes open toe stilettos I should say and swim little girl that died around 1892 noticed my toes and said your toenails look so pretty did you do them yourself I smiled and said yes you're very observant she said sometimes I can be too observant for my own good I looked at her confused and said no one can be too observant for their own I stopped mid-sentence and saw her dad passing next to her I knew that guy too I knew what I had to do but I couldn't do it right that second I knew something bad happened to something that happened before with a mirror someone took a red lipstick and wrote Bloody Mary three times on it or well known as the Bloody Mary challenge we have to drink called the Bloody Mary but we also had a dead girl called Bloody Mary because her husband dumped her on the night of her wedding in a bright white wedding dress she cried boy whenever she felt insulted and also whenever someone did the challenge I made sure that they didn't look too handsome or beautiful and if they were I said go easy on them don't make them have a heart attack and I knew they probably would post it on a social media site and no one would believe them cuz they wouldn't have proof unless someone decided to record it and if they were ugly mean and had a bunch of sins then I'd make sure that she did it worse than ever.back to the presint tho we started talking and now me and nightwing are well dateing. It's been 7hours since the little run whent on.