
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 306: Ron's Birthday

*Vote Stones Plz*

As March came to an end, right before Easter.

The mood among Hogwarts students was high, and even minor pranks and incidents were on the rise, as everyone looked forward to the arrival of Easter.

In the Great Hall, Fred threw his quill onto the table and packed up his holiday homework, preparing to get some fresh air and relax. These past few days, they had been busy with holiday assignments and were on the brink of driving themselves crazy.

"Fred, wait up for me," George also discarded his quill, ready to tag along with his brother.

"Bunch of tossers," Lee Jordan muttered. He wanted to go out and relax too, but he gritted his teeth and continued memorizing the theoretical spells in his textbooks. He was almost there, just a bit more, and he would be done.

"Finally done," Angelina stretched with a yawn, collected her History of Magic essay, and pulled out a piece of parchment from her book, checking off History of Magic. She turned to Cho and asked, "How much holiday homework do you have left?"

The parchment was covered with Easter holiday assignments, and the long list made Angelina's head ache.

Easter break was nowhere near as enjoyable as Christmas.

Most students had to spend their time buried in books, desperately finishing up their assignments, memorizing key points from textbooks, and practicing spells. It was hard to have a relaxed holiday.

Unless, of course, you could manage to reduce the amount of holiday homework before Easter arrived, much like what they were currently doing.

"A few more essays to go," Cho replied, looking at the guy across from her. "What about Albert?"

"Well, not much holiday homework left for me." Albert took the piece of parchment that Angelina handed over, glanced at its contents, and said, "I don't have as much holiday homework as you guys do. Most of the spells that need memorizing and practicing are already done, I just need to find time to practice a bit more."

"How lucky you are!" Cho admired Albert's memory. He hardly needed to spend much time memorizing most of the articles; he could just read them a few times and remember. This made her suspect that Albert had possibly memorized the majority of the theoretical books.

"Did you secretly hide away to practice spells?" Alicia asked suddenly.

"Oh no, you caught me?" Albert joked. It was true that he didn't need to spend a lot of time practicing most of the spells covered in class. Otherwise, how could he have the time and energy for other activities?

"We've been practicing the Stunning Spell and Disarming Charm lately. Would you guys like to join us?" Fred suddenly popped up behind Albert, placing his hands on his shoulders, and smiled at everyone, "I've already mastered them and can teach you."

The twins had somehow returned without anyone noticing.

No one paid any attention to Fred, treating his words as if they were just nonsense, and continued discussing their holiday homework. They exchanged the information they had found, saving time and effort spent in the library searching for references.

This collaborative approach was Albert's idea. Since it wasn't about copying each other's homework, it was all good. By sharing information, they were able to streamline the process and double their efficiency in completing holiday assignments.

"You're done so quickly?" Albert responded without raising his head.

"Dumbledore wants me to ask you whether the Wizarding Chess tournament tomorrow will proceed as scheduled." George stated their reason for returning.

Tomorrow was the start of the break, and the day after would be Easter.

"It'll go on as usual. If anyone plans to go home for the holidays, they'll just have to be sorry." Albert replied without hesitation.

Most students would spend Easter at Hogwarts; very few went home for the Easter break. This was also the reason why the professors assigned so much holiday homework - they hoped students would be more well-behaved over the break.

"By the way, I just saw Hagrid." George suddenly said, "He seemed really anxious, like he's about to go see Headmaster Dumbledore. Something seems to be up."

"It's probably related to the Acromantulas," Albert remarked casually, "The Forbidden Forest isn't safe at the moment. There are wizards hunting those giant spiders in the woods, and it seems they've really angered them."

"How about we join in?" Fred leaned closer, excitedly suggesting, "I heard the venom from Acromantulas is worth a lot. Since there's a chance to get rich, why miss out?"

"Are you talking about the same Acromantulas that Professor Smith mentioned last time?" Angelina raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, aren't you guys afraid of those things?" Cho still remembered that the Weasley twins' Bogart was an Acromantula.

"Don't talk nonsense. Be careful not to get eaten by an Acromantula," Albert swatted Fred's hand off his shoulder, reminding them, "When you turn into spider dung, don't blame me for not warning you. Acromantulas do eat people."

"Ugh, could you not talk about such disgusting things?" The girls all looked thoroughly disgusted, repulsed by Albert's description.

Alicia quietly put down the biscuit in her hand.

Albert didn't mind and continued, "I think Hagrid probably found the body of that poacher, so he's in a hurry to report it to the headmaster."

"I can't help but feel sorry for that poacher," Fred couldn't help but comment, "The way you put it, he might be eaten by an Acromantula at any moment. If I were him, I'd explode on the spot and stay as far away from those giant spiders as possible."

It was widely known that sometimes Albert's words were even more accurate than prophecies, especially when it came to bad things. His predictions were almost always spot-on.

Just then, a series of screams echoed in the hall.

Peeves had thrown a pack of Wolf-spiders onto each of the house tables. The spiders were scurrying around, startling the more timid students.

"Where did Peeves get these Wolf-spiders?" Fred drew his wand, stunning the spiders that crawled his way. He even picked one up and examined it, chuckling, "I've decided, this is going to be Ron's birthday present this year."

"I really want to see Ron's reaction when he opens the box and finds a bunch of spiders crawling out," George pulled out his wand too, and started stunning the spiders on the table.

"I remember your brother is scared of spiders!"

"I think you guys better give up on this crazy idea." Cho watched as the twins put the spiders into a box, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Ron is just exceptionally lucky." Fred and George chimed in unison.

"No, that's his good fortune," Albert added.

"I think so too," Lee Jordan couldn't help but shake his head. If he were to open a birthday gift and find something he was afraid of inside, it would be a nightmare come true.

"How dare you play such pranks?"

An angry voice rang in their ears. Percy stood with his hands on his hips, glaring at Fred and George, confiscating the box with the spiders inside.

"I'm going to write to Mum about this."

"Wait, we were just kidding, it was just a joke." Fred and George couldn't change Percy's mind, but they still tried. After all, the joke they pulled was indeed rather nasty.

"Werewolf, there's a werewolf!" At that moment, someone rushed into the hall, shouting loudly.

"I overheard the conversation between that tall guy and the headmaster. They found a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest. Headmaster Dumbledore has already gone over there." The senior student panted and explained, "I heard them talking about it, and then Dumbledore went straight to the forest."

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(End of this chapter)