
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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Chapter 307: The Victim

"There's really a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest!" Cho exclaimed in shock. Under Professor Smith's guidance, they had learned how pitiful and dangerous werewolves could be.

"I don't think so. Werewolves are still people. They eat and sleep just like everyone else. No werewolf would have nothing better to do than to go into the Forbidden Forest to survive in the wild," Albert said. He had never heard of werewolves in the Forbidden Forest.

"Should we secretly follow them?" George suggested, clearly intrigued by the idea.

"With Dumbledore around, do you think you can hide from his eyes?" Albert retorted irritably. "I'll find Hagrid when I have the time and ask him what's really going on."

"Wow, that's a werewolf! And that's your reaction?" Lee Jordan grumbled.

"What do you expect my reaction to be?" Albert looked at Lee Jordan in exasperation. "Don't worry, the headmaster will take care of the werewolf problem."

Dumbledore might not kill the werewolf, but he would definitely drive the werewolves away from Hogwarts.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Not curious. Keeping a distance from them is the best approach," Albert shook his head. He was only somewhat confused about how werewolves could possibly be in the Forbidden Forest.

Perhaps, that unlucky poacher was the so-called werewolf!

Thinking about it, that was indeed possible.

After all, not many people were willing to employ werewolves, and while hunting Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest was dangerous, it was also quite profitable.

However, the reality was somewhat different from Albert's imagination.

At this moment, on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore was following Hagrid towards the hunting cabin.

The werewolf was locked inside the cabin by Hagrid.

When Dumbledore entered, he saw the man chained securely to a chair, looking weak and unconscious.

"This guy is one of Fenrir Greyback's followers. I've had dealings with them before," Hagrid explained, "I need to ensure the safety of the Hogwarts students, so I locked him up."

"You're right." Dumbledore agreed, not blaming Hagrid. He then asked, "What happened to him?"

"I don't know. When I found him, he was already like this, incoherent. Now he seems to have completely passed out." Hagrid gently patted the man's cheek and frowned, "I suspect he might be a poacher. Aragog said there were wizards hunting Acromantulas."

Dumbledore examined the unconscious man, trying some spells with his wand, but they had little effect.

"It seems I need a little assistance." Dumbledore waved his wand, and a ball of white light shot towards the castle.

Soon enough, Snape arrived.

"Dumbledore, where did you find this werewolf?" Snape's tone was not friendly. "I don't think anyone would want a werewolf at Hogwarts."

"Hagrid found him in the Forbidden Forest. We need to figure out why he was in the forest and what he was doing here," Dumbledore explained. 

"He's been poisoned, not fatally, but enough to weaken him. Also, I believe he might have been cursed with Dark Magic, possibly the Dementor's Kiss," Snape examined the man's condition, offering his speculation. 

In truth, Dumbledore was tempted to use Legilimency directly on the man, but the werewolf's current condition wasn't good. He decided to have Snape help heal the man first.

"I suggest you don't detoxify him. Let that fellow remain weak. At least he won't pose a threat to us or the Hogwarts students," a voice from outside the cabin interjected. Professor Smith entered, squinting as he looked at the werewolf tied to the chair, saying softly, "I heard you caught a werewolf. It seems that's indeed the case."

"Do you have any profound insights?" Snape's tone wasn't particularly friendly.

"I suggest using Legilimency on him directly. I remember you're an expert in this field. Find out what this guy's motives are," Professor Smith's tone carried a chill, "If this fellow's target is Hogwarts students, I believe he should spend the latter half of his life in Azkaban."

Hearing Professor Smith mention Azkaban, Hagrid involuntarily shrank his neck. That place had left a bad impression on him.

"I think that's a good suggestion." Snape surprisingly agreed, "Let him spend the rest of his life in Azkaban. It's indeed a good choice."

"Let's wait for him to wake up and figure out what's going on before making any decisions. It's not too late for that," Dumbledore said, looking at Snape. He never assumed guilt based solely on someone being a werewolf.

Snape nodded and began to retrieve a cauldron and ingredients from a pocket. He quickly brewed a potion, which woke the unfortunate werewolf.

The werewolf woke up soon after, finding himself surrounded by a group of people, which startled him.

"Legilimens!" Dumbledore didn't waste time and directly delved into the man's memories.

Fragments of memories from the werewolf jumped around in Dumbledore's mind. However, he couldn't quite piece together what had happened.

The man's name was Jorman, a werewolf and one of the notorious Fenrir Greyback's followers.

A few days ago, he had been attacked by spells, and before he could understand the situation, he was captured in the Forbidden Forest along with another werewolf.

They had been trapped in the Forbidden Forest for several days, and when they finally managed to break free from the Dementor's control, they planned to escape. Unfortunately, Hagrid crossed their path, an arrow struck Jorman's knee, and Hagrid apprehended him.

Hagrid initially thought he was a poacher, but upon seeing Jorman's disheveled appearance, he faintly remembered him. He decided to take him to the hunting cabin to understand why he had appeared in the Forbidden Forest.

On the way, Hagrid encountered the centaur Ronan, who informed him that Jorman was a werewolf.

Only then did Hagrid remember who this guy was.

"This fellow probably hasn't done much good. I suggest sending him to Azkaban!" Professor Smith's tone was sour, "Moreover, I think it's necessary to search the nearby forest to prevent another werewolf from lingering around Hogwarts."

"Severus, please contact the Ministry of Magic. Rolanda, inform the other professors and ask them to help search the entire Forbidden Forest," Dumbledore agreed. The safety of Hogwarts students was paramount, and with Easter break approaching, the school's control over students would weaken, and they couldn't afford to take risks.

Half an hour later, Fudge arrived with four Aurors in haste.

Fudge believed that Dumbledore's private use of Legilimency on a werewolf wasn't in line with the rules. However, when he heard from Professor Smith that the werewolf was Fenrir Greyback's subordinate and the potential danger to students, Fudge got alarmed. If Hogwarts students were to be bitten by a werewolf, that would definitely become big news, and it wouldn't bode well for him as the Minister of Magic.

"You're right. Azkaban would be the best option for him." Fudge nodded at Professor Smith and instructed the Aurors to take charge of Jorman.

That day, Dumbledore and the professors searched the Forbidden Forest around Hogwarts. The centaurs were persuaded to help in the search for the other werewolf.

The commotion didn't die down until the next day. Another werewolf was found by Hagrid. This one had a stroke of misfortune; he was found dead. In the end, Hagrid exchanged two deer from Aragog to ensure that the werewolf's corpse didn't become food for the Acromantulas.

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(End of this chapter)