
Chapter 14

"Be careful, now that we're here...we need to be cautious. There's no telling what's going to happen," Zara growled. The were within Lightblood's territory, but there was no sign of any scouts or guards. It was quiet, too quiet for Star's liking. Even Draco was on edge, he was all tensed up.

"Zara has a point, even I can agree that this feels off…" Nikita muttered, inching closer to Star. "We'll be there soon, there's nothing to worry about," he says nuzzling her.


"Zara, is this normal?" He asked. She shook her head. "No, this only happens when there's a pack meeting...though I don't recall any meetings needed until next week. This doesn't feel right…" she says, her fur stood on end.

"Where do you suppose they're at? You know this land better than all of us," Nikita asked. "If I'm thinking correctly, they're probably at the meeting grounds, further south into the territory," she answered.

"Okay, then we go south," Draco huffed, his voice in a low growl. "But I'm still going to be on high alert, can't be too cautious…" Star nodded, allowing Zara to lead the way. They walked for a few minutes, until Zara came to a halt.

"There they are," she says, pointing her muzzle to a pack of wolves. Star could see them circling a large boulder in an open area within the trees. Lightblood was sitting on the boulder, his tail was swaying and twitching anxiously, almost as if he was concerned about something.

What's gotten into him? Why is he acting like that? Star could see a pack member sitting away from the group, he was constantly looking around, his muscles and ears twitching. By the looks of it, Star wondered if that wolf was a guard of some sort. It's head snapped in their direction, and Star's blood turned cold.

It sees us…oh boy…

The wolf rose to all fours, making it's way over to them. Once it reached them, Star could see that this wolf had scars and a torn ear. It was packed muscle, and it's gaze was hard.

They must be an Eta…

"Beta, I see you've returned," it said dully. Their voice was deep and husky, and Star knew that this wolf had to be a male. Zara approached him, licking his nose in greeting.

From the corner of his eye, Star saw Draco's face twist slightly. Was that jealousy? "But tell me, who are the filthy mutts that you brought with you?"

The wolf glared at them, his green eyes were cold. "Who are you calling a mutt, dog?" Drago says slowly. The male snarled and took a step forward. Zara moved swiftly, smacking him on his muzzle hard. He flinched and took a step back.

"You will not harm them Xander...you are the Zeta of this pack. Is this how the Zeta is supposed to behave? What would the Eta's think of you…" she said growling.

Zeta...so that means he's the lead warrior…

The wolf called Xander bowed down respectfully. "Of-of course, my apologies Beta," he says. Zara huffed. "Now me...why are you all located here? Why has Lightblood brought you here?"

"Alpha instructed us to stay in this area until his sister returns," He replied. "Wait, his sister...as in our Omega? Peace?" Zara asked, confused. "Yes, she has been missing for a few days, and you know how Alpha is about her. It's not like her to just disappear…" Star raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Lightblood has a litter-sister? That must be why he's acting like that…

"Very well...take us to him," Zara says, handing over Slash's head to Draco. "But if you or the pack lay a single tooth or claw on these young wolves...you will have to deal with me...personally," she warned.

"Fully noted Beta, come along…" Xander turned around and walked towards the pack, gesturing for them to follow. As they approached, the pack glanced at them. Some of them had shocked looks on their faces, others had looks that were hard to read.

Xander broke away from the group, joining the others of his pack. "Alpha…" Zara barked up to him. Lightblood's demeanor changed instantly, he looked down at them, his eyes cold and hard. He got up and hopped down, small clouds of dust formed around his paws as he landed.

"I see you've done what I asked...you're not as weak as I thought you were," He said coldly. Star fought the urge to roll his eyes. Lightblood glanced at Draco and growled. "Bring it to me…" Draco cautiously walked forward, dropping the head at his paws. He backed away quickly, moving more towards Star.

Lightblood leaned down and sniffed Slash's head, and looked at a pack wolf. He barked at them, and they slunk forward, grabbing the head and disappeared within the pack. "We did what you asked. Now can I go home?" Star says, his tail tip flicked.

Lightblood glanced at him, then at Zara. "Alpha...he did what you asked him to do, now let him go," she says. Lightblood was silent, but a slight chuckle rumbled in his throat.

Star looked confused, but then Lightblood smacked Zara across her head, sending her tumbling towards Star. "Zara! Are you okay?" He asked, bending down to her. She looked up at him and nodded. "You're pathetic Zara...just like the rest of your kind," Lightblood snarled. Zara got to her paws.

"What're you talking about?" She asked. "Don't play dumb...I know you two are the offspring of that disgusting dire wolf that leads the NightlightMoonPack," he spat. Star barked. "Our father is nothing like that! Don't you dare insult him!"

"Or else what? You can't touch me Star, I'd have your throat ripped out in a matter of seconds…" Lightblood growled, circling the young wolves. "You may have done what I asked, but I still have to kill you…"

Draco snarled. "You won't touch him!" Lightblood pounced at him, pinning him down with the sheer of his weight. "Like I said, you can't touch me…" Lightblood glanced over his shoulder at Zara. "Let him go…" she growled.

Lightblood sank his claws into Draco's neck. He began to make a choked gurgling sound. Zara leaped forward, landing on Lightblood's back. Star saw that she removed her power and was now back to her original size.

Lightblood growled and gave a vicious bark, and a wolf leaped forward. It slammed itself into Zara knocking her clean off. He barked another order, and a few wolves pinned her down. Lightblood glanced at Star and Nikita.

"Does anyone else want to try and take me on?


"This is taking too long, I'm going in," Dagger muffled, jumping down from the tree. "Dagger! You can't just barge on in there!" Raina exclaimed, hoping down. He spun around and growled. "I'm not waiting any longer, this has to stop," Dagger bolted off into Lightblood's territory, he could hear the pack following him.

When the pack came into view, he skidded to a halt. Star was snarling viciously at a pack mate, Nikita was by his side...Zara and the wolf he heard named Draco was pinned by Lightblood.

Something deep inside him snapped...and Raina could sense it. "Brother?" Dagger's ear didn't even twitch, his fur stood on end, and a thick cloud of smoke came from his paws. He opened his mouth and bared his teeth, smoke coming from his mouth as well.

Within the blink of an eye, Dagger disappeared….

"Let them go Lightblood! What good does this do us?!" Star protested, keeping a keen eye on the wolf in front of him. Lightblood smirked. "Good? Your pack is pathetic, always wanting peace and alliances with other packs. Peace is for weakling, it's not the wolf way,"

Star looked dumbfounded. Either he's crazy, stupid, or both...what kind of sense does that even make?

"Do you hear yourself?! Making peace with other pack's avoids conflict, it's not being weak! If anything...you're a pathetic coward!" Lightblood snarled at him, sinking his claws into Draco's neck. "Keep talking like that...and your friend dies…" he growled.

There was a loud scream in pain from one of the pack members...Lightblood looked up instantly, looking for who made the sound. A wolf had collapsed to the ground, it's throat slashed open and it's eyes full of fear. "What in the---" there was another cry of pain, and another wolf was laying dead. "Who's doing this?! Show yourself!"

Lightblood snarled. There was no answer, but a vicious howl echoed in the trees...followed by barks and snarls, Star could see wolves approaching them, from both sides. His heart filled with pride. His pack was here!

They ran full speed, colliding with Lightblood's pack without hesitation. Lightblood looked puzzled, but his anger flooded over him. "KILL THEM ALL!" He howled.

He looked down at Draco...grabbing him by his neck, and tore a huge chunk of flesh...killing him instantly. Star looked shocked…

He's a monster….

A howl of rage from Nikita made him jump, and she flew herself at Lightblood, landing on his back, biting one of his ears savagely. "NO!" Star barked, but another wolf stepped in front of him.

"Going somewhere?" he snarled. He pounced at Star, knocking him onto his back, grabbing his neck and shook him violently. Star yowled, trying to fight off his attacker. The wolf tightened his grip on Star's neck...making it hard for him to breathe. Star's eyes closed...but he heard a voice...

Don't give up Star...remember...you have a powerful gift...a gift that we gave you...show them who you are…