
Chapter 13

The following morning Draco, Star, Nikita and Zara were not that far from Lightblood's territory. It had been a rough day, Draco had calmed his nerves...but Star knew he wasn't finished yet.

Zara had turned her hallucination powers back on to make herself look smaller than her usual size. Star liked her power to be honest, she could she could easily fool other wolves. Hell, she even folded Light Blood, and that in itself was a miracle.

He was surprised that he even let her live for so long, since he could tell he disliked dire wolves very...very much. But Zara was only half dire, and Star was actually more dire than he was gray wolf. Because he knew his father was a full-blooded dire wolf, and his mother was only half dire.

So therefore, he only had about 5% or even 10% of gray wolf blood in him. So he was more of a dire wolf than a gray wolf, but he didn't let his bloodline count for who he was. He paved his own personality, like every wolf did. And he was glad he had the Spirit-Wolves on his side, as they aided him throughout his pup hood.

He was only a teenager now, but when he became a full-grown adult things would probably change. Everything changes and sometimes, well sometimes there wasn't nothing you could really do about it. It was late afternoon and everybody was tired.

Star was panting, Nikita was complaining about her muscles aching, Zara was tired of holding Slash's head in her mouth the entire time...and even Draco was complaining that his muscles hurt. They decided to rest for a few hours and then continue on their way. Star was laying with Nikita, while Zara was laying a few feet away from them.

Draco was pretty far away, but he kept himself in eye range. Star settled his head on his paws, while Nikita turned around to groom her tail. "Nikita?" Star says. She turned back around to look at him.

"Yes love? What's wrong?" "I don't...I don't know how to say this," "Say what love?" "Do you think....I don't know, do you think that bringing his head to Lightblood will get us out of his custody that easily? I have a fishy suspicion about it,"

"There's nothing to worry about love, I'm sure everything will be fine," "Yeah you say that, but I'm still going to worry. You're my mate, it's my job to worry about you," "I know that Star, but you don't have to worry about me all the time," Star frowned. "It is my job, I'm supposed to protect you. You are everything to me, I will protect you from everyone and everything,"

Nikita chuckled and smiled. "I can't protect you as well?" Star gasped. "What? No! No, no, no, no that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying I'd much rather be protecting you than you protecting me. You've been through so much and I haven't," "I mean Star, she does have a point you know," Zara piped up, she was cleaning her fur and had Slash's head between her paws.

"You don't have to be protective of her all the time. Let her step in and lead at some point, and protect you. You could use a break," Star chuckled. "Zara, you always know what to say don't you?" She shrugged and smiled. "What can I say? I am a beta after all," Draco grumbled. "Will you guys stop all that bickering? I'm trying to take a nap,"

Star looked at him. "Sorry..." Draco growled at him, but said nothing. and put his head back down. Nikita licked Star's cheek. "Ignore him Star, he's just been out of sorts for the last couple of days," Star scoffed. "You think or you know?" Nikita giggled. "Both actually. I mean you have to admit, he's been a little better since our incident," Star smiled and licked her ears.

Zara lifted her head to sniff the air for a second, then she let out a long and loud yawn. "We can get a bit of rest, we've been traveling for days," Star nodded to her, and sat his head on his paws. He felt Nikita wrap her tail around his own, and she leaned against his side. He smiled and exhaled softly before he drifted off and went to sleep.

In his dream, Star was laying on a makeshift rock, but he was covered in blood. For some reason, he couldn't move. But what he saw in front of him only scared him more. Everybody around him was fighting, he could see his father, his mother, his entire pack.

Not only that, Nikita was fighting Lightblood, and Zara was fighting one of his pack members. He could see plenty of fallen wolves, some of his own and some of Lightblood's. 'Why can't I move?!' he thought, scared out of his mind. 'I need to help them!'

He went to get up, but a heavyweight sent him back to the ground. Someone was standing on him, but he didn't know who. "This memory is brutal and painful...but this, this is your memory...And there's nothing you can do to stop it..."

The voice was deep and brutal ,and it sent a chill down Star's spine. "Star wake up! Baby, wake up!" Nikita barked. Star jolted awake, and he was breathing rapidly and heavily. His paws were twitching and he was sweating so badly.

"What-what happened?" he asked. "You were having a bad dream, love, that's all that. What happened, was it something bad?" "You could say that but I don't. I don't want to-'' he stuttered, before he finally said

"I don't want to talk about it, at least not yet," Nikita scowled, but licked his cheek. "It's alright if you don't want to, I understand," "Hey love birds, are you going to keep staring into each other's eyes, or are you gonna join us?" Draco called, his tail swayed behind him.

Star got up and narrowed his eyes at him. "We're coming to Draco, no need to rush," Nikita answered, giving Star a reassuring look. He smiled back, but his thoughts went back to his dream. This memory is brutal and painful...but this, this is your memory...And there's nothing you can do to stop it…


"Peace, it's been 2 days and there's no sign of them. You don't think something happened to them do you?" Dagger asked, a little concerned. He was standing on a branch in a tree, Peace was next to him. Sparrow and Raina were on a branch above him. Half of the pack were in the trees, and the rest were hidden on the opposite side of Lightblood's territory.

Dagger had them separate so they could flank from both sides. "Be patience Dagger, he's strong and young. He'll be here, I know it," she answered, flicking an ear. "How do you know for sure?" "I can sense it. Believe me, they'll come," "Trust her instincts big brother, this is her territory after all," Raina called down.

Dagger was about to answer, but a bark got his attention. "Dagger! I think I see him!" Lance barked. Dagger turned his head. She spotted four wolves walking towards them, and he instantly knew. It was his pups, with Nikita and a wolf that wasn't familiar. He could see that Zara had a wolf's head in her mouth, and his blood turned cold.

It was Slash's head, they actually did it. "Nobody moves yet, we need to see what happens…" he whispered. As they got closer, he could make out their voices. "Do you think Dad will want to see me again?" Zara asked Star.

"Of course, why wouldn't he?" "Well, mainly because he left without saying anything…" Dagger's heart sank. He felt guilty for not telling her anything. But he was amazed at how much she grew. "Don't you dare say that Zara, Dad still loves you. He always will,"

Dagger smiled softly. Star was so caring. He raised him well. "What do you think they're up to right now?" He whispered up to Raina. "Well judging by the looks of it, I'd say that they're on their way to bring Slash's head to Lightblood," she answered.

"We will wait and see what happens, then we'll decide on what to do," Sparrow says. Dagger growled softly, he was hoping that an attack wouldn't be necessary, but something made him think that it would happen, and there'd be no stopping it…..