
the dark system

THIS BOOK IS ON A HIATUS until May 2023 (10 chapters), September 29th (15) chapters, and December or October 30th, 2023 (30+ chapters). See you then! Sound-minded Author synopsis The book follows a man whose soul drifted from earth to another body in a different world upon his death. He becomes a Demi-god with a system. He journeys out to become stronger while helping his father (a god) take revenge on those that nearly killed him. Unhinged Author Abstract It's about a human who becomes a Demi-god and has a system. The characters are evil, at least by human standards; you would rarely find a goody-to-shoe sub-character. The major character is a bipolar sociopath and still will be anywhere he goes. He has a few principles, but that depends on his mood (bipolar). This book will have a lot of action, action, and action, and killings, especially assassinations. I hate the slow pace, there will be slow chapters to create the setting but I will limit them as much as possible. If this book was a drug, then I would be a drug dealer getting high off my supply. I also hate cliffhangers, sometimes there is a need for them but damn do these authors even have a heart, messing with my emotions. I will limit this too. It sounds stupid, but I created this book for myself. Sometimes it's best to put crazy on paper. There is comedy here, too, not the forced kind. If I write and it shows up, it shows up. I admit I Am the type that loves a satisfying kill. I will give you a good kill once a week. So far in every chapter, someone dies. This book will go all over Greek mythology, Chinese mythology, crazy powers and abilities, religion, gods, Demi-gods, different universes, different planes, badass weapons, and more. THE PHOTO Isn't MINE. FOUND ON PINTEREST! I WILL POST 1 CHAPTER a week! Minimum 4 chapters a month! (working 2 jobs))

farmer_with_dimple · แฟนตาซี
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Chapter 28: blue skies

Christopher was watching them; he figured Alex was angry because whatever was in the bottle was hazardous. He looked at Wendy and realized who she was. When he came in with Alex, he was in too much pain to care about who was healing him.

"Miss are you, Baron Waterfield, daughter?" Christopher asked, and Wendy nodded her head in a dossal manner.

"Do not tell anyone you treated me or sa.....…." Before Christopher could finish his words, Alex aimed his blade at his eye. The tip of the blade stopped one-sixteenth of an inch from his eyeball as Alex's icy voice entered his ears, "Did I ask you to speak? I dare you to say another word! Say anything I dare you!"

Alex's voice was frostier than before. Alex would have pierced just deep enough in Christopher's skull if his blade wasn't laced with venom. Deep enough, so he did not fail the quest and enough not to cause any permanent brain damage for Jewel's sake. Thereafter, Alex would have made Wendy heal him again. He wondered how Lith could admire such trash!

Wendy heard Alex's voice and knew that he did not let out all his rage at her like he was doing to Christopher.

Christopher immediately closed his mouth. Alex slathered his blade and blinked behind Chris, grabbed his shoulder, and they vanish from Wendy's office. They were headed to the healer's apartment on the second floor of the adventurer's guild.

The women were all seated at the table in the dining room in the healer's apartment, awaiting Alex. They did not know whether he would need to move them, so they slept during the day.

Alex blinked in, dropping Christopher, who was still in the seated position, to the ground. The women quickly surrounded their husband, checking his condition; they want to complain about what Alex did. But one look at his glowing orange eyes behind the mask dispelled the thought. The women were embracing Christopher, tears in their eyes.

"ahem… fucking…. ahem," clearing his throat to get their attention, "Let me reintroduce myself; I do not care if you all except Jewel live or die. But if you want to live, follow my orders. Stay in this apartment for four days" Alex made sure to look Christopher in the eyes as if saying, 'I mean you bitch'.

"I do not care why everyone is after you; I am only doing it because of Lith, this apartment is soundproof and has a concealing array, so no one will be able to track you. Stay in it, and I will handle the matters out there. Do not use any talisman to contact anyone outside. Do not contact me unless someone is forcing their way through that door or someone here is dying. The women have food and essentials in their storage rings. Stay in this apartment for four days, and I will bring you out once I have taken care of those matters. Let me reintroduce myself; I am only doing this because Lith asked me. I have no problem removing a couple of body parts," Alex said in the same frosty manner he did when he first spoke to Christopher.

  This was the first time the women heard Alex's icy voice laced with anger. They did not know what transpired for Alex to change so much. He was not a graceful host but neutral.

Jewel was the only one who was not startled, offended, or confused by Alex's icy voice or his treatment towards Christopher. For Alex to go to such lengths because Lith asked reaffirmed that Alex truly cared about Lith. she couldn't help but think, 'If Lith had such a strong person by his side, things would be different. "Will we be allowed out for lith trail?" Jewel had to ask.

"For what? What could you and them do to help Lith?" When Alex said 'you', his voice was neutral; however, when he said 'them', there was nothing but disgust in his tone. Alex sighed hard, looked at jewel in her eyes, and said, "Jewel, Lith will be fine. Father will take care of Lith; if I am this strong imagine father! So, don't worry!" 

Technically Alex was not lying, Star was taking care of him, and he had Lith's body even though Lith's soul was already dead. Telling Jewel Lith was dead would hurt her like a mother losing a child. She raised Lith, clothed, and feed him. She was there for the moments he went thru pain. Even though she might not have seen or known all of it, she knew part of it. Even though Lith asked to be alone when he said, "Blue skies," she was there just hiding as he cried. Her heart broke every time she heard him, and it was as if someone was twisting a knife in her gut; her body contracted as if she was feeling genuine pain. Lith may not have known, but when she returned from where Lith had his "Blue sky" moment, Jewel would argue with her husband.

Every wonderful memory Lith had was about or included Jewel. Even when he fell down the cellar and lost a tooth, it was a happy memory because Jewel was there. If Lith felt this way, Alex could imagine how Jewel felt; she loved Lith like a mother. Telling Jewel of Lith's death would break her down.

Alex drank a mana potion before blinking out of the healer's apartment to a barn stable. Alex was about to preparing a beastiality welcoming party for Lith's accuser, Alice. This was the reason Alex asked the ogres to hunt for the wolf's testicles, he was planning to amp up every single animal within the barn for Alice. 

In the stable, Alex grabbed the stable master and blinked with him to the furthest brothel inn possible. He then paid a hefty fee for four busty vixens to accompany the stable master until noon tomorrow to perform any sexual fantasy he demanded. 

The women were, of course, ladies of the night, each a vixen in their own class.

But the stable master voiced his preference "Mr. I have a wife and kids at home, that I love dearly. I will take the money and go home instead!"

Alex pulled out his blade and asked, "What foolishness is this?"

With that, the stable master needed no further convincing and entered the inn with no further excuses.

Alex blinked back to the stable; he took off his hard mask and switched it to the infinite mask. But this time, he was going to use James' third son's face.

"Star, since you're a god, is there a way to save Lith's soul?" Alex asked out of curiosity

"What? Save him? No, his soul has already left the mortal plane for the world of the dead, the underworld." 

"So couldn't we still get him?" Alex asked again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha", Vigerřamous roared with laughter, "taking a soul from the underworld?"

"To save Lith, you would have to find out which of the underworlds his soul went to, even then, getting him out would be impossible. A god regulates each of the underworlds and fearsome creatures guard the entrances. The strongest underworld, Tartarus, is under the control of a god called Hades and a god called Izanami controls the weakest underworld, Yomi. If either of them were to know that we were there, ha ha ha ha ha, we would be hunted down like dogs. hahaha ha ha ha, Alex, our family is one that is hated by every single deity in existence. Especially those in the underworld. haha ha ha ha, I will tell you more later," Vigerřamous said trying to contain his laughter.

Alex was about to ask more questions about the nether realm, but he was interrupted when he felt the space element being hindered. He tried blinking, but he could not; space was locked with a high-grade talisman than before. Alex knew either the mercenaries or knights tracked him down and closed the space nodes with a higher grade locking talisman.

Alex wanted to know where he messed up and left with his scent behind? Since they could only track him down using a scent talisman. Getting into the jail was nearly impossible at this hour, and the decomposing bodies in the cell were perfect for masking his odor.

Alex's skill perception did not show how many were coming or around him except for a faint intuitional signal of his assailant's general area, which meant that they were using concealing talisman to hide their presence. 

Alex did not panic. He walked to the dark corner of the barn, used his skill shadow troll, and created a shadow. Although the shadow was weak, it would give his assailant's the surprise they needed.

Awaiting Alex's order, the troll would remain hidden. 

Alex then removed his cloak, folded it neatly, placed it in his inventory, placed the hard mask over the infinite mask, and then drank a mana potion to recover any mana he loosed, creating the shadow troll.

Alex then walked to the center of the barn awaiting his assailants. He was confident in his venom-laced ghost blades and his skills to take them on.

Alex did not open a rift to attack his assailants because he did not want to reveal this skill or knew if they were recording him. Even though he hated head-to-head battles, that did not mean he could not handle them.

As Alex waited for his assailants to come at him, he studied the locked space; Star said that space was never truly locked, and Alex was looking for the next available node within the area.

Star Nodded inwardly at Alex's actions! If he would not have interrupted Alex's concentration, Star would have been laughing like a madman at Alex's future victim.

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I think this is the last slow chapter until his court date!

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