
The Dark Soul Of The Unknown

ParadoxNovels · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Soul Abilities: Part I

Hunter did as he said. He let his power go into his surroundings and become all of sudden it felt like he was wrapped in some kind of dark blanket. He could see everything clearer. That's when he looked at Ramport who was confused and started to look around. Hunter didn't realize what was going on at first but then he realized that he was invisible. Just like he had sent his energy and connected it with the darkness he disconnected it and then he became visible again. The old man had noticed that he had reappeared. Then he said to Hunter "What happened? I couldn't see you."

Hunter then told Ramport "It seems that I became invisible."

At the thought of this Ramport was shocked. He had never heard of an ability where it would make someone completely invisible. He knew that certain people had those capabilities but those were the assassins trained by the royal school. Then Ramport thought if Hunter could master this ability then he could become one of the best assassins ever as Ramport hadn't even sensed his soul power. While Ramport was thinking this Hunter was thinking that this trick would be useful to sneak in and out of the school but Hunter wanted to test certain things out such as would his abilities be able to be used in the light and far can he travel like that. Then Ramport told Hunter "Use your ability again and this time try to come up from behind me."

Hunter then did as he was asked. He started to become one with the darkness. He then once again had that same feeling as if he was being wrapped. Once he was completely one with the darkness Hunter thought that it would be difficult for him to move but it was if he had no restrictions on him. He didn't have any gravity pulling him down and he didn't have wind resistance slowing him down. He started to move more freely than ever before. From Ramports point of view he could see that darkness had completely wrapped itself around Hunter and then he vanished in the darkness. Ramport then tried to use his power to sense if he could feel any soul power close to him but like before he could feel nothing. Even with knowing where Hunter was going to appear he couldn't sense when. Then all of the sudden Hunter came out of the shadows very quickly making no sound at all. Ramport quickly jumped away from Hunter. Ramport thought to himself if he didn't know where Hunter was going to form then he would have even known that he came out of the shadows. This made Ramport fear Hunter even more than he already did.

Hunter had moved towards the location he wanted to go and he was there in an instant. He just needed to unbind the link between him and the darkness but that took him a bit of concentration right now. Hunter noticed that when he unbinded he wasn't able to see anything until he had completely formed back into his normal self. This could be a big weakness for him if his opponent could hear him or see him.


Hi everyone Paradox here. I have decided to shorten my length of chapters due to the amount of work I have right now. I am a full time student as well as working full time. I have now been given more work. If you guys want me to update often please vote for my novel. I will try to update 3 to 5 days a week. Thank you for reading my novel.