
The Dark Soul Of The Unknown

ParadoxNovels · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Voice

Hunter went ahead and signed up for the tournament and then went back to the orphanage. He spent the rest of the day in his room pondering on how he was going to sneak out at night. He had thought about doing it before but he never had done it. The punishment for sneaking out was very severe. It would be 50 lashes. Just one was more painful than Hunter could handle. But he had to meet Ramport at night and he needed to get stronger. As he was thinking he heard the sound of the fifth bell indicating that no one was allowed to go out anymore and that everyone should be in their rooms by then. Hunter knew that the pastors would come around to make sure everyone was in their bed so Hunter decided to wait until then. In about 10 minutes he heard footsteps coming down the hall to his room. Then he saw a light appear on his bedroom floor. He shut his eyes tightly and pretended to be asleep. The light disappeared in a few seconds and Hunter continued to remain still until the footsteps could no longer be heard. He slowly got out of his bedroom and walked into the hall. He made his way to the kitchen and then to the front door. There was no one there as expected. Hunter put his head on the door to hear if anyone was outside the door. He listened for 30 seconds and then he slowly opened the door. To his dismay no one was guarding the door because he always thought that someone made sure that no one was coming late.

Hunter walked through the woods to the clearing. There he saw the old man sitting and waiting for him. Ramport had heard Hunter coming and said with an annoyed tone "Your late!"

Hunter responded "Sorry I had be careful when I left the orphanage. I don't want to get caught."

Ramport responded while waving his hand "Ok, ok, ok. Save me the excuses. You have wasted enough time already."

Ramport then stood up and told Hunter "We will begin training right away. As i said before i believe that your power is to control and be part of darkness. So what i want you to do is relax yourself and feel your soul energy like you did to form the ball. I want you to make that energy look for the same kind of energy."

Hunter gave Ramport a confused look "What?"

Ramport was really annoyed and said "Just do it!"

Hunter felt his power go towards his palms but then he tried to merge his power with the darkness around him. He kept trying for a few more minutes and nothing happened. As Ramport was watching this he wanted to come up with a way for this to be easier for Hunter. So he decided to take a different approach. He told Hunter to imagine becoming one with darkness. At this thought Hunter imagined himself becoming one the darkness but still nothing happened. Ramport then said "How about you don't use your energy instead feel the energy outside and see that will allow you to connect with it."

With that Hunter felt for the energy outside his soul. At first he felt nothing then he could sense all of the power around him. It is as if he is completely surrounded by power. Then Hunter did what he was told and sent his energy outwards to connect with that energy. As soon as Hunter did that it was as if he had he could see everything in the darkness. He could see how far the old man was standing as well as his expression and to certain degree his thoughts. He could see that the old man was wondering what the kid was doing and did not want to disturb. But it took alot of concentration for Hunter to continue to read the thoughts. Not only that the old man had some kind of purple aura around him. It was like he was floating out of his mind and was able to see everything. He could hear a mound of ants walking on the grass. Wait a second he couldn't see them he just could feel them not only them but he could feel all of the animals in the forest. Hunter opened his eyes. He could feel the power of the darkness flowing through him. Ramport then said "Looks like you connected. Lets see what you can do.Try to one of your soul attacks."

Hunter then focused his energy, created a ball and aimed it at the tree. He made sure that he didn't put too much energy and he shot the ball out. The ball mde contact and caused a hole in the tree. Hunter knew he had put the same amount of power as he did during the day. Then Hunter realized that his attacks were also stronger in the dark. This made Hunter get filled with joy. Ramport was watching this and couldn't see the orb when Hunter threw it but he clearly saw the impact that it made on the tree. Thinking that his old eyes were deceiving him he decided to tell Hunter to repeat that move again. Which Hunter did but the same thing happened again. Ramport thought for a moment and then realized that Hunter's attacks were invisible in the dark. Hunter then thought about what other things he could do with his connection with the dark. Then a voice in his head startled him. "Boy, you can become one with darkness and become invisible."

Then Hunter asked out loud who this. As soon as Ramport heard this he was confused. He told Hunter "Who are you talking to?"

Then the voice in his head told him not to tell anyone about his existence and if he did his life would be in danger. The voice's tone had changed to a deadlier tone. Hunter then told Ramport that he thought he heard something. After Hunter thought to himself how he would be able to communicate with the voice without speaking out loud. Then the voice said "I can read your thoughts. As long as you say something in your head i will hear it"

Ok Hunter then thought "How do I become invisible."

Then the voice in his head said "Well you will need to become one with darkness for that you must let your soul power completely merge with the darkness."