
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · แฟนตาซี
334 Chs

Chapter 23

The Noble was seething with rage. He had expected to confront a single shadow magic user today, not a blasphemous undead as well. And now, to make matters worse, a third attacker had struck, aiding these abominations. As Zac began to rise, the black knight's blow had only stunned him briefly. "I'll end all of you filthy—" he snarled, but before he could finish, a powerful kick struck the side of his head, sending him skidding across the water. The kick came from nowhere, a blind spot created by his impaired vision, his left eye still damaged.

Zac gritted his teeth as he used the momentum to roll back to his feet. He glared at the black knight and Lennix with his remaining right eye, seething with anger. Reaching up, he grabbed the knife still lodged in his left eye and ripped it out with a vicious yank. He glanced down at the weapon in his hand before crushing it in his fist, the metal crumpling like paper. Under normal circumstances, such a knife wouldn't have done much—the yellow orbs of his helmet were reinforced like the rest of his armor, designed to withstand far greater impacts. But the combination of the initial strike and the black knight's follow-up blow had driven it deeper, cracking the orb and rendering his left side completely blind.

The circuitry of Zac's armor flared brightly, pulsing with a menacing red glow that seemed to intensify with his fury. "I won't just stop at killing the two of you," he spat, his voice low and dangerous. His gaze shifted between the black knight and Lennix with murderous intent. "I'll find the one who dared to help you, and then I'll slaughter everyone you know, everyone who ever crossed paths with you!"

"Like we'll ever let you," the black knight said, raising his greatsword, the shadows around it rippling like dark smoke.

"Yeah, we've fought far worse than you, mate," Lennix added, cracking his knuckles as he prepared for the next assault.

Zac roared in fury, the sound echoing through the swamp as he charged at them with renewed ferocity. His circuitry flared a vivid red, his movements now a blur of speed and strength. Despite his impaired vision, Zac closed the distance in an instant, swinging his chain blade in a wide arc.

The black knight stepped to the side, just out of reach, and countered with a quick slash aimed at Zac's exposed left side. The Noble's reaction was slower than before, his blind spot hindering his ability to fully anticipate the attack. The greatsword grazed his armor, leaving a deep scratch across the plates.

Seizing the opening, Lennix darted in from the opposite direction. He delivered a swift punch to Zac's side, forcing the Noble to stagger back. Zac swung his chain blade wildly in Lennix's direction, but Lennix anticipated the blind strike, ducking under the blade and delivering a powerful kick to Zac's knee.

The Noble growled and adjusted, shifting his stance to keep his right eye trained on both opponents. With a burst of speed, he lunged at the black knight, attempting to drive his chain blade through his defenses. The black knight parried with his greatsword, using the shadows to reinforce his block. Sparks flew as the weapons clashed, the force of Zac's attack pushing the knight back.

Lennix circled around before he swept low, trying to knock Zac off balance, but the Noble twisted just in time to avoid the sweep, retaliating with a downward slash. The black knight, recovering quickly, brought his sword up in a powerful arc, aiming for Zac's vulnerable side.

Zac managed to sidestep, but his impaired vision slowed his reaction. The black knight's blade cut through the air close to Zac's armor, forcing him to backpedal. Lennix pressed the attack, not letting Zac regain his footing. He launched a rapid series of punches and kicks—wild, forceful swings that relied on his strength and speed. His fists crashed against Zac's armor, each hit echoing through the swamp, while his kicks targeted Zac's legs, aiming to knock him off balance. Zac tried to counter, but the relentless onslaught from both fighters kept him on the defensive, his armor clinking with each impact.

Lennix and the black knight now undoubtedly had the upper hand. Lennix sidestepped another wild swing from Zac, then quickly moved in behind him, grabbing both of the Noble's arms and locking them in a tight grip. Zac snarled in frustration and slammed his head back, connecting with Lennix's face with a brutal headbutt. The impact was forceful, but Lennix held on, chuckling through the pain. "Ha ha ha! Too bad! There isn't much in here to damage!" he taunted, his stupidity playing to his advantage.

The black knight seized the opportunity. With a powerful swing, he brought his greatsword crashing down toward Zac's neck. The blade connected with a resounding clang, hitting with enough force to knock Zac out of Lennix's grasp and send him skidding across the swamp water once again. His body crashed into a tree, snapping the trunk with the impact.

"That had to have done it," the black knight said, exhaling heavily, his exhaustion evident in every breath.

"I sure hope so," Lennix muttered, wiping the blood from his nose. "You nearly took his head off with that swing."

They watched as Zac slowly began to stir, his body still radiating defiance. He pushed himself up, shaking off the daze, and then turned to face them, glaring with his one good eye/orb, clearly prepared to continue the fight.

"Oh, come on!" Lennix and the black knight shouted in unison, frustration evident in their voices. It was almost absurd how tenacious Zac was, refusing to stay down despite the damage he'd taken.

But as Zac prepared to charge again, the circuitry of his armor began to shift from red to yellow. He froze mid-step, and a new intensity filled his remaining eye. Lennix and the black knight exchanged confused glances.

"What do you think that means?" Lennix asked, pointing at the glowing yellow lines on Zac's armor.

"You keep asking me, and I keep telling you, I don't know," the black knight replied, frustration mixing with his fatigue. He eyed Zac cautiously, muttering under his breath, "Only the dwarves know how those work."

Zac glanced down at his armor, as if realizing something himself, then looked back up, his glare filled with cold fury. "This isn't over," he spat, his voice low and menacing. 

Before either Lennix or the black knight could react, the yellow circuitry flared brightly. With a sudden burst of light and energy, Zac launched himself into the air, rocketing away in a random direction. The force of his departure whipped the swamp water into a frenzy, leaving both fighters stunned.

As soon as Zac was out of sight, the black knight and Lennix collapsed onto the water's surface, completely drained. 

"I'm so tired," the black knight groaned, his voice barely a whisper.

"I want a shower," Lennix muttered, equally exhausted mentally. 

Clarissa approached the edge of the swamp, looking down at the two of them. "Master Lennix, until you wash yourself, I'm not letting you drink my blood."

Lennix let out a long, dramatic sigh, throwing his head back. "So unfair!!!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the swamp, as the swamp battle finally came to an end.