
chapter 16: A night of tensions

"What are you saying, Xanthe?" Lady Vesper asked, her voice laced with a deadly glare.

Xanthe stood up, her eyes flashing with defiance. "It's simple. Erian is dead, so why doesn't his wife, Elluned, move out? She has no business being here anymore."

Kael's eyes widened in disbelief. "Mother, what are you talking about? Elluned is family—"

But Xanthe cut him off, her voice rising. "Don't you dare talk to me like that, Kael! I am your mother, and I will not be silenced. Kaidrian, you are responsible for the death of your father and brother. I want that girl, Elluned, thrown out of this house!"

The room fell silent, the tension palpable as Xanthe's words hung in the air. Elluned's eyes welled up with tears, and she cried out loud, her body shaking with sobs. Lyrik and Naria rushed to her side, comforting her as Xanthe stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Kaidrian's face was a mask of calm, but his eyes betrayed his anger. "Elluned, don't cry, please," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "She doesn't want to talk to her because she's focusing on crying."

He turned to Naria, Lyrik, and Aurora. "I want you three to take her to her room and please, you all should sleep with her for the night, okay?"

Aurora nodded, and they led Elluned out of the room, leaving Kaidrian with his brothers and mothers.

Vesper shook her head. "Xanthe's madness is enough, Kaidrian. It's okay, mother," Kaidrian said, his voice firm but gentle. "I don't want any conflict amongst us again."

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise. "O Kaidrian, baby, you've changed so much!"

Lirien smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "Indeed, you have, dear. I'm proud of you."

Calantha nodded in agreement. "It's okay, mother. You all should get some rest. We'll talk more tomorrow."

The mothers departed, leaving Kaidrian and his brothers alone. Kael took a deep breath and apologized, "I'm sorry, Kaid. I'm really sorry. I don't know what's wrong with Mom."

Kaidrian smiled and put a hand on Kael's shoulder. "It's fine, Kael. I know it's not your fault. Dad wouldn't want conflict amongst us. Let's all get some rest, please. We still have something to talk about tomorrow, okay?"

His brothers nodded, and they bid each other good night, the tension in the air slowly dissipating as they retired to their rooms, each lost in their own thoughts.

Back in Xanthe's chamber, Lady Xanthe was fast asleep, her dreams filled with visions of power and control. But suddenly, she felt a presence on her bed, and her eyes snapped open. She saw a smile, a smile that made her blood run cold. It was Kaidrian, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent intensity, his smile broadening like a devil's.

Kaidrian's smile was a sight to behold, his lips curling up in a cruel and sadistic grin. His eyes gleamed with a fierce light, and his face was twisted in a macabre expression. It was a smile that sent shivers down Xanthe's spine, a smile that made her know she was in the presence of pure evil.

"What are you doing here?" Xanthe asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Kaidrian laughed, his voice low and menacing. "I'm here to teach you a lesson, Xanthe.

How dare you call me by my name Kaidr

but Kaidrian's slap cut her off. His hand cracked against her cheek, leaving a red mark and a stinging sensation. Her eyes swelled, and she felt a surge of pain and fear. She had never been slapped before, and she didn't know how to react. You slapped me kaidrian how dare you xanthe said and before she knew Kaidrian gave her another slap.

"Xanthe, you've never been slapped before, have you? So let me ask you, how does it feel to be slapped by your own stepson?"

Xanthe tried to look away, but Kaidrian's grip on her neck was too strong. He forced her to look at him, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity.

"My coronation is coming, Xanthe," Kaidrian said, his voice dripping with malice. "From this moment on, I demand that you show me the respect I deserve. Any disparaging comments or mentions of Elluned will result in severe consequences, and you will be held accountable." Is that clear?

Xanthe nodded, her eyes streaming with tears.

"Good," Kaidrian said, his grip on her neck tightening. "I'm glad we understand each other, Xanthe.

Xanthe nodded again, her eyes filled with fear. She knew that Kaidrian was capable of anything, and she knew that she had to obey him she just wants this devil out of her room.

"Good," Kaidrian said, his smile broadening. "I'm glad we have an understanding, Xanthe. Now, let's get ready for my coronation. It's going to be a night to remember."

With that, Kaidrian released his grip on Xanthe's neck and left her chamber, leaving her to tremble with fear and anticipation.