
Chapter 17: A sinister intent

Kaidrian entered his room, the soft glow of the candles casting eerie shadows on the walls. His younger brother Rylan stood before him, his eyes wide with fear as he took in Kaidrian's disheveled appearance. The bloodstains on Kaidrian's hands seemed to gleam in the dim light, and Rylan's voice trembled as he spoke.

"Kaidrian, you've got blood on your hands."

Kaidrian's smile was cold and calculating, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity. "Let me go wash it off, then," he said, his tone detached, as if the blood was nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Rylan's eyes darted to the floor, and he took a step back, fear etched on his face. "Kaidrian, Kael isn't going to be happy with what you did to his mom," he stammered.

Kaidrian's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Do I look like I care?" he asked, his voice dripping with disdain.

Rylan shook his head, his eyes fixed on the floor. "N-no, Kaidrian."

"Good," Kaidrian said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Now, go get some sleep, Rylan. We have important matters to discuss tomorrow...with our brothers."

Rylan nodded, his eyes still fixed on the floor, and backed out of the room, his movements slow and reluctant. "Okay, Kaidrian, if you say so."

Kaidrian watched him go, his smile still plastered on his face, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. The darkness seemed to close in around him, like a shroud, as he disappeared into the shadows.

The next morning, Kaidrian emerged from his chambers, refreshed and rejuvenated after a good night's sleep. He decided to pay Elluned a visit, hoping to find her in a better state of mind. Reaching her chamber, he knocked softly, and Aurora answered, bowing graciously.

"Good morning, my prince," she said, her voice soft and melodious.

"Good morning, dear Aurora," Kaidrian replied, his voice warm and gentle. "I hope you slept well."

"Yes, we did," Aurora said, her face looking sad. "But Elluned is still asleep."

Kaidrian's expression softened, and he nodded understandingly. "Okay, then. Please, give her my regards. I shall take my leave now."

Aurora nodded, her eyes filling with tears. "Okay, thank you. I shall send your greetings to her then."

Kaidrian smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and turned to leave. As he walked down the corridor, he spotted Butler Jenkins and called out to him.

"Jenkins, I need your assistance."

Butler Jenkins hastened to Kaidrian's side, bowing deeply. "Yes, my prince?"

"I want you to summon my brothers," Kaidrian said, his voice firm and authoritative. "Tell them to meet me at Father's drawing room in an hour."

"Yes, sire," Jenkins replied, his voice crisp and efficient. "Shall I arrange for refreshments to be brought?"

Kaidrian nodded, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intent. "Yes, see to it. I want the maids to bring some snacks. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," Jenkins said, bowing deeply.

Kaidrian dismissed him with a wave of his hand, his mind already focused on the meeting ahead.

Kaidrian entered his room, feeling exhausted. He lay down on his bed, a sad smile spreading across his face. He thought to himself, "Now that my brothers are innocent, I'm definitely going to show them the letter my father wrote and tell them everything."

An hour later, Kaidrian got up, ready to leave for his father's drawing room. He entered the room, seeing his brothers already there, waiting for him.

"Hey, princes," Kaidrian said, entering the room.

"Hey, future king," Rylan said, smiling widely.

Kaidrian's smile broadened. "Don't flatter him, Rylan," Kael said, chuckling.

"Come on, guys. King or no king, I'm still your brother," Kaidrian said, taking his seat next to Kael.

"Yeah, yeah," Kael said sarcastically. "So, what's up? Why did you summon us, Kaid?" Lysander asked, looking at Kaidrian with curiosity.

"Okay, I need you all to read this, please," Kaidrian said, taking the letter from his pocket. He handed it to Kael,

As they read the letter, the room fell silent, the only sound the rustling of paper and the brothers' heavy breathing. Kaidrian watched them,

When they finished reading, Kael looked up, his eyes locking onto Kaidrian's. "What does this mean, Kaidrian?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kaidrian's expression turned grave. "It means everything we thought we knew was a lie," he said, his voice firm. "Our father's death, Erian's death... it was all a conspiracy."

Kael's eyes narrowed. "But how on earth did Dad know he was going to die at the ball?" he asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Kaidrian shook his head. "That I don't know, Kael. That's why I forced us all to swear on the Red Orb, so that I can trust you all. We need to find out who is behind this, and I believe there's a traitor in the castle."

Rylan's eyes widened, and Lysander's face turned pale. Kaidrian's gaze swept over his brothers, his eyes burning with intensity.

"I need you all to keep this a secret, especially you, Rylan," Kaidrian said, his voice low and urgent. "We can't let anyone know we're investigating. Not even the council members."

Rylan nodded, his face set with determination. "As you wish, Kaid. When are we going to start investigating?"

Kaidrian's smile was cold and calculated. "We'll start after my coronation. And please, don't allow the council to know that we'll be carrying out our own private investigation."

Lysander nodded in agreement. "I agree with Kaid on this one, Rylan. We need to be careful."

Rylan sighed, but eventually nodded. "Fine, as you all wish. If that's all, can I leave? I'm feeling a little bit sick."

Kaidrian's expression softened. "Of course, you can, brother. Get some rest."

Rylan nodded and opened the door, bumping into Xyla, who was standing in the hallway, looking frantic.

"What's up, Xyla? What's wrong?" Rylan asked, concern etched on his face.

Xyla's eyes were wide with fear. "It's Mum... she won't open her door. It's been hours, and I'm afraid something might happen to her."

The brothers exchanged worried glances,

"What's going on sis?" Kael asked, stepping forward.

Xyla shook her head. "I don't know, brother. The maids and have been trying to get her to open the door, but she won't respond."

Lysander's face turned pale. "This isn't good. We need to check on her.

it's been a while dear readers

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