
The Dark Chronicle

The Dark Chronicles, tells the story of eighteen years old Audrey Monroe, who finds herself pulled from the first and only place she managed to call home for up to five years and forced to attend sophisticated highschool in San Francisco when her mom moves again. Determined not to get attached to the environment again as she was certain that they would still have to move again, she didn’t expect to fall in love or to start changing into something that she doesn’t understand. The hatred between two races; humans and vampires will risk their lives, their love and would force them to decide whether to risk it all for each other or to part to save their races…

EllaChimezie · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter six

I watched him walk into the school, I already had an idea how today's school will be, and honestly, it's not something I fancy.

I walked in after him, when I got closer to the school gate I saw several students emptying the contents of their bags. This seemed odd to me, I can't remove the things in my bag for anything, it's an invasion of privacy and if there is one thing I cannot tolerate, it's someone invading my personal space.

"Good day sir," I greeted the gateman. He is an elderly man who has visible signs of aging already. All his exposed hairs were white, starting from his beard to his eyebrows to the hairs on his head. I wondered why such an elderly man would work, isn't he supposed to be retired or something?

"Good day miss, step aside, empty the contents of your bag for search,"

"I am sorry but I can't do that," I told him, my speech caught his attention which has already been taken by something else.

"And why if I may ask? Do you give something to hide?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, it's a clear invasion of privacy, and two I have nothing to hide,"

"Are you one of Cherry's friends? We gave talked about this, this is school protocol and we must adhere to it whether you like it or not. The principal already threatened to withhold my salary if drugs slip into the school by any chance and I can't afford that." he said, mistaking her for someone else.

"I am not one of Cherry's friends, who is Cherry anyway? I am– nevermind who I am but just know that I am a new student, this is my first day here,"

"Oh, my bad. Sorry for mistaking you for someone else, it isn't intentional,"

"Yeah I know, I have short-term memory too so I hold no grievance. Anyways, why do we need to empty our bags?"

"Thank you, I do not want to create a bad impression on your first day here. There have been some activities in the school that requires–"

"What activities? If I don't know what it is then I can't empty my bag for you, no matter what," I cut in, annoyed.

"Well, I guess since you are already a part of the school I can tell you. There–" he started.

"Aubrey Monroe, is that you?" I turned in the direction of the voice, it turned out that the voice belonged to a lady in a suit. How did she know my name? I thought. I didn't recognize her but I didn't rule out the possibility that I may have crossed part with her during my travels.

"Errr– yes, good day ma'am," I greeted.

"Good day, where is Liam?"

"I don't know, I think he must have gone inside the school."

"So what are you doing standing here? It's almost time for the first period," she said glancing at her wristwatch.

"Really? I must have wasted a lot of time. I am here because asked me to empty my mind for no reason."

"Oh, the routine search right?" she asked addressing the gateman.

"Yes, ma,"

"Let her be an exception today, I can assure you that she is totally free from the substance and she is also a new student. This shouldn't be the impression she gets on her first day here."

The man seemed to ponder on it for a while, and after a few minutes he spoke up. "I guess so but keep an eye on her, we don't want to experience any casualties,"

"Sure I will, I guarantee you that. Aubrey let's go,"

I went in with her, inside the school was nice– very nice actually. It doesn't look like a public school at all.

"Hey ma, thanks for helping me out there. I really appreciate it," I said sincerely.

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just following orders. Your mom said I should look out for you and your brother so that is what I'll be doing,"

"Are you serious? My mom said that?" I asked surprised. Mom never asks someone to look out for me so this is strange.

"Yes, why? Didn't she tell you?"

"No, she didn't,"

"Well, you can ask her when you get home, follow me to my office while a get someone who will show you to your classroom,"

"Okay, thanks."


"Nice place you got here," I commented on her office. It has a nice view.

"I know right? I had to cut corners for me to get it," she said with a laugh.

Before I could say another word her phone rang. "Excuse me while I take this, make yourself comfortable in one of the seats,"

"Sure, please take your time."

She exited through a door in the office which I suspect to be the washroom.

While sitting there I gazed through the window right in front of me as there was nothing else to do, I didn't notice anything at first but when I stared harder, I noticed a shadow lurking around.

I eyed the door she just went into, contemplating whether or not to get up and take a closer look at the window. My curiosity got the better part of me and I stood up and went to the window, the shadow was still there and it was staring right at me, I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

I looked out of the window and this time it moved in my direction. The teacher seized the opportunity to open the door, I jerked in surprise.

"Jeez– you startled me," I said holding my chest.

"What were you doing at my window?" she asked, her voice very harsh. I missed the calm, nice voice she used in addressing me before.

"Ahh–" I began, I took a glance at the window again and now the shadow wasn't there anymore, it disappeared.

"Will you answer me and stop stalling?" she urged, her tone having risen to a much higher level.

"Err– I saw something, a bird. Yes, a bird. The bird had a strange color so err, I got curious and decided to get a closer look at it." I lied through my teeth.

She looked at me suspiciously. "You know what? I don't believe you. This just showed me that all that your mother just said about you is true, I want you out of my office, now, before I throw you out myself, and mind you I will go through the surveillance cameras in this room and if I find out that you did something funny I will have you expelled even before you begin the school. Get out!"

Everything just happened fast so I couldn't catch you. I blinked at her severally trying to understand the reason for her outburst, that was when it registered that her mother must have said nasty things about her, again.

"Ma this is just a clear case of misunderstanding, I didn't do anything and what she told you aren't–" I began.

"Oh don't give me that crap, get out." she cut in.

I sighed, trying to change her mind was pointless.

"How will I locate my classroom?" I asked instead.

"Grade 12. there is a guide in your locker, use it to locate your classroom. Your locker is in building 015, number 089 and the password is 1589, now excuse me."

"Thank you," I said and exited the office. I felt like crying, what did I ever do to mom? Why has she dedicated her life to torturing me? Why? I questioned myself as I walked down the hallway.

Soon I got to building 015, I looked at a locker and the number was 020. I walked down to locate number 089.


I looked down at the pamphlet on my arm then I looked up, the sign on the door read Grade 12. I sighed, happy that I had finally located it after so many struggles.

I knocked on the door, a lady opened it. She had a scowl on her face.

"You are 35 minutes late miss," she stated.

"I know, I had to locate the classroom and it was difficult for me. I'm sorry."

"Yeah right, I'm sure you are those students who think everyone is beneath them that is why you purposely come late to school– on your first day," she threw at me.

"You don't know me yet you made bad assumptions of me already, I told you why I was late to class and the worse you could have done is send me out for lateness rather you abuse me. Students like you are the reasons why students never say the truth, you use it against them!" I fired back, I was sick of everyone picking on me today.

"And you know what? I will do you good by staying out of your class." I said and turned away, ready to go somewhere else, I just couldn't tolerate her this time around but that's when I saw it– I saw someone from afar staring right at me, it was the shadow. The shadow that got me into trouble with the teacher.