
The Dark Chronicle

The Dark Chronicles, tells the story of eighteen years old Audrey Monroe, who finds herself pulled from the first and only place she managed to call home for up to five years and forced to attend sophisticated highschool in San Francisco when her mom moves again. Determined not to get attached to the environment again as she was certain that they would still have to move again, she didn’t expect to fall in love or to start changing into something that she doesn’t understand. The hatred between two races; humans and vampires will risk their lives, their love and would force them to decide whether to risk it all for each other or to part to save their races…

EllaChimezie · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Hey, stop!" I yelled and chased down the corridor but before I could get close, it vanished. It just vanished before my eyes.

I stopped midway and stared ahead like an idiot, am I hallucinating? I questioned myself. It could be that due to the much stress in now seeing things because things just don't vanish into thin air.

"What is your problem? What was that for?" the annoyed teacher asked, she had followed me down here.

"I– I a– I think I saw something-/someone sorry. Whoever it was staring right at me,"

"Is that the reason you had to run off like that? You would have gotten hurt."

"The stare was creepy, how I wish you saw it."

"Is the school haunted?" I asked sheepishly, this could be the only explanation for what happened here except for the fact that I could be hallucinating.

"Seriously? It has gotten to the point where you accuse our school of being haunted, so what did you see? A ghost?" she asked laughing loudly. No doubt she thought I was being ridiculous.

"I'm sorry if I offend you but that is just how it seemed,"

"Nice, why don't you come to share your experience with the class,"

"No thank you, I rather wait outside till your class is over."

"And miss out on all the fun? No way!"

She held my hand and pulled me towards the classroom door.

"No! I don't want to share it, I just want to be left alone!" I yelled drawing the attention of the students in class.

She let go of me, "I don't know where you are coming from but in this country, in this school. No student is to be seen loitering about when classes are on so it's either you get in and sit down, you are going to the principal's office."

The smirk on her mouth made it clear that although the statement was phrased as if I have a choice, I really don't have a choice.

I straightened my clothes and entered the class. there were more than fifteen students in the class and there were only two spare seats. One was beside a weird-looking girl with red hair and braces, while the other was in the middle of two boys and it was the last seat in a row. I wasn't stupid enough to sit with them so it left me with only one option which is to seat with the weird girl.

I made my way over to the seat and sat down, immediately the teacher started talking.

"Everyone listen up, we have a new student."

"Can you get up and introduce yourself to the class?"

Even though it felt like a form of punishment to do so, I nodded in agreement. I stood up.

"I am Aubrey Monroe, I recently moved back to New York City. Thank you." I said and sat down.

"That's not all, why don't you tell them about your experience just now," she said, which caught the attention of the nosy students.

"Go on, tell us. Don't be shy," one of the girls said and earned a cheer from her peers.

I became tongue-tied, I couldn't even speak.

"It seems like the poor girl is afraid to tell us what happened," that same girl said laughing and the rest of the students joined in the laughter.

"Miss Monica, do you care to tell us what happened?"

"Of course, I wouldn't want to leave my students curious. Miss Aubrey over here claims she saw a ghost in the school,"

"A ghost? Seriously?" the girl asked with contempt.

"Oh yes, I began to wonder if we are ghouls," she said laughing.

"I didn't say that," I defended with a shaky voice.

"What then did you say?" the girl asked, she got up from her desk and stood right in front of me.

I was instantly intimidated by her, " I– I— only ask if the school is haunted, I didn't imply any other thing." I said slowly.

"Isn't it the same thing? Listen up dweeb, you should be careful around here else this school will be a nightmare for you," she warned, I flinched in fear. How stupid was I to forget about the possibility of being bullied?

"Shirley let's get back to what we have for today, you can put her in her place later,"

The girl in question eyed me, sighed, and walked back to her seat.

Shame washed through me as I saw the pitiful look the weird girl gave to me.


The day flew faster than I could imagine, I didn't go out for lunch out of fear of being ridiculed publicly.

The bell rang for like the fifth time. "What is the purpose of the bell?" I asked the weird girl who I got to know as Divina. She is the only one in the class who hasn't made me feel uncomfortable.

"This signifies the end of school, check your time, it's probably 2:30 pm," she replied, he began to gather her stuff on the desk.

"Oh, I forgot my watch at home so I can't check the time. Anyways thank you, I guess I should be heading back home now,"

"Yeah you should, the longer you stay here, the more likely it is for Shirley to pick on you," she advised.

"Thank you."

I didn't wait for Liam as I used to do in our other school, I think it's time for a change. I went straight to my locker, take my bag, and left the school premises. I missed my phone already, I could be a wait to have her back.

I stood outside the school, waiting for the train to pass. My mind wandered back to my house, I won't call it home because to me it isn't home. By now mom might be back, I overheard her boss telling her that she can close earlier throughout this week and use the remaining time to unpack. There is a fifty percent chance that she will seize the opportunity to come back home, ready to torment me.

I stepped away from the train, what is the need of rushing back to the house when there is no peace there?

I decided to trek back home, at least can kill some time.

When we first got here I took a stroll around the area, I hope I can still remember it.

I took out my headset from my bag and wore it, music is just one thing that calms me more than ice water.

I began walking, the peace I felt was something I hadn't felt for a very long time.

I think I can get used to this, going home alone feels good. I thought.

I continued walking until I noticed that the hairs on my neck were standing erect. This only happens when someone is close to me.

I turned around and looked but I found no one in sight which was strange, does this mean my senses are now deceiving me? I asked myself.

I couldn't let myself take chances, I brought out my pepper spray and held unto it tightly. I doubled my steps, though I tried to act normal. Someone was following me, I was sure of that. I had the intuition, that whoever it was is connected to the shadows I saw at school.

I didn't want to escape the person, rather I want to confront the person, I want to know why the bloody hell he or she is trailing after me.

I turned off my music to be on alert but I didn't remove the headset. I just acted normal, the hair on my neck stood up again, and my heart began to beat harder but I didn't run.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the reflection of my stalker, it was a shadow of a man; just as I thought. A woman wouldn't be so foolish as to stalk a teenager, it is usually perverts, who make perverts.

When I was certain that he was close enough I turned around and drives into him, the spray can in my hand came in handy. I sprayed it into his eyes while I was on top of his body.

"Why are you following me!" I yelled at him, all my anger fused together, I felt like strangling him and even though he looks bigger than me I felt like I could actually strangle him to death.

"You better talk else I will call the cops." I threatened.