
World of Naruto.

I slowly open my eyes and I look around and look at my new shop. It had a various range of items,they are categories such as rarity,powers strength,cursed,relics,knowledge,food,pills ect.

All of which had subcategories for example relics has the sub categories of christianity, Judaism,greek,norse,Egyptian,eldritch ect. The shop displayed items ,most likey to be bought by the people who enter.

*Welcome Master to the Emporium of Desires*

"Oh that's nice and all but I cant help but wonder..... WHY THE F**K AM I A KIRBY. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS AND HAVE THEM TAKE ME SERIOUSLY ,IF IM A CUTE LITTLE PUFFBALL. ALSO HOW DO I SATE MY APITITE!!!" I said as my body puffed up like a balloon and turned reddish, with steam comming out of my nose and nonexistent ears.

*The being who created me and gave you wishes has left you a message. "Its me yeah I turned you into a kirby, it's for entertainment of course. Also you were greedy in your wishes, be glad I'm not vengeful and didnt destroy your soul. Good luck selling your products. Also is kirby that bad? He is super powerful you should be thanking this gracious god. Cough by the way you dont have any of his powers." This is the message that he left."

As I heard this I felt like I was a raging volcanoe, but I couldnt blame anyone but myself.

"Sigh, okay just tell me how the shop works exactly, when I open to customers."

*Currently you have access to common and uncommon items of naruto world. Your omniversal items are locked, till you get to your second world. This shop also travels in time and space ,to help you keep business. You are not allowed to control this function yet. However, you can lure people with the observation towers abilities. Who shall your first target be?*

"Naruto Uzumaki"

*I'm sorry but in this universe its Shoyua Uzumaki, instead of naruto jiriya had his character a female. That was her name ,it was named after a soy sauce-based ramen. Many of the Male characters are actually female ,and video versa in this one. The god actually gave you a blessing and is keeping Rock Lee's counterpart ,from entering the shop. She looks very similar to the original but is a female and as he quoted "Even a mother during pay day wouldnt love her face. You must be grateful of my generous blessing."*

'Yeah right if hes watching ,he just was saving his eyeballs from seeing her. O well.'

"Then attract Shoyua Uzumaki please."

*Commencing time-space shift.* The entire place made a weird wheezing sound as it shook. "VWORP VWORP VWORP" I then hear a knock on the door. I rush behind the beaded door entrance as I say "You may enter!" As I say this a blond headed whiskered pigtailed little girl, who looked malnourished entered my shop.

"Hello anyone there?" The little girl said while looking in amazement, when she looked at the shop counters. Countless interesting items littered across the shelves. "Sorry I'm a bit shy about coming out, as people tend to think im a monster; and either hate me or are scared of me." After I say this the girl is shocked and thinks 'He's just like me.' Then she decides to speak up. "Its fine you know, I kind of get the same reaction. But I have to stick through it as I'm going to be the future hokage dattebane!" she said with burning passion in her eyes.

"Okay but don't laugh at me." I said as I came out greatly shocking the little girl. But she was not scared, freaked out or ridiculed me.....

"So cute!!!! How could anyone be scared ,of such a cute pink chubby cool thing like you!!" She exclaimed trying to pinch my huge cheeks, but she couldnt. Then she tried to poke them, but they rippled like water.

I'm currently looking downcasted as I was called cute, even though she was right. It was a huge detriment to what's left of my manly pride!!

"Please dont say I'm cute either!!! Its so demeaning! Anyways what would you like to purchase from my shop. I must inform you we have anything that you could want. In the future, we will even have anything that you can imagine. That's because this is my magical emporium of desires!" I said puffing up my cheeks subconsciously. The little Shoyu Uzumaki heard what I said ,and held in the urge to say How cute!! However she knew how it was to feel the pain of others, so she nodded and said. "I-I was looking to buy some food, as other shops have kicked me out! T-they wont let me buy anything! They call my demoness, temptress, and succubus. I-i I'm always nice to them, but no matter what mean things they say! But I wont let them stop me, from completing my dream of becoming the hokage. That way they will have to respect me dattabane!" She said after shedding hey tears and hugging my new plush pillow like body for confort. I try to comfort her although this is awkward as hell. I know her troubles as the original naruto was abused. I shivered and thought if this one might have been r**ed too. I scrap those thought away, as with what she said. I can infer that they call her such because they are afraid if they did that. She might take control over their bodys and such out their souls. Besides currently that didnt matter ,as I needed to make her feel better; and do my best to help her. Although I wont be leaving the shop anytime soon, I will be checking into the matter in the future and make them pay!!

"Now, now; they cant hurt you while your in my shop. No one can harm you here. Now if your going to be the next hokage, I guess I should give you a discount ;what do you say about that?" She then looks up to me with tears and says "You really mean it? You truley believe I will become the next hokage?" She asked while I just nodded. "Yes now I know exactly what you need, one scroll with a months worth of food; with a good amount of easy make ramen included. Also something else ,that will help you gain more strength; to become the strongest there is. Shop is there any air resistance or gravity seals?"

*Yes everything is transported to the counter. We currently have air resistance seals ,the gravity seals are currently unavailable. But they function almost the same. However the air resistance can only be applied once, and cant be increased. This will increase all pressure on the body, its as if your in 2 times gravity.*

"Huh there is someone else here?" She looks around.

"Sorry it's just me ,it's just I have this super cool shop that can think for itself. Also as you have noticed, I apeared out of nowhere. I am currently in the spot where a normal shop is, no they haven't moved but we are currently in a seperate diemension. Think of it as a sealing scroll, it can store stuff somewhere else and hold alot!! This is the power of my magnificent shop!!" I said puffing up in pride to which she giggles then grows sad.

"Does that mean when I leave you will be gone forever?" She gives kitten like eyes while tearing up 'Ughh my heart it hurts. If I look any longer I might die!!!'

"Worry not shop do you have a solution."

*Yes but I must warn you, you can only give one pass; it is for your number 1 customer to have special access to your shop. They will just have to think of it, and the shop will appear near where they are!! If they are not located near shops ,the next door they walk through ;will transport then here.However this cant be abused and they must buy at least one product. The cheapest item we have; is a cup of water for 1 ryo.*

"Okay young lady, you must do something for me; if I sell you the training seals. You must not show off, you cant remove the seal unless your in mortal danger. As if you become super powerful, there are evil men and people that would seek out to kill you. Or worse hurt you till you cant recover from it and wish to die!! Please I dont want to see you hurt from this, keep this a secret." She nods and says "I promise. And you better beleive it dattebane!"

"Okay this seal here you place on your arm or somewhere hidden. Although they wont see it until you add chakra there, you dont want to risk it. Now since this is a business there needs to be a payment. Worry not! I'll take a payment of cash for the food, but only as much ;as you were given for this months food expenses. As for the seal... this is a special shop and I can take any payment I want. As for the payment of the seal, I will take the payment of as much chakra you can spare ;without passing out. Just place the money on the table ,as for the chakra the shop will transfer it?" I said as I wasn't sure myself but she did as she was told, and a huge blue aura escaped her body and flew around the shop then was transferred to me!!! I felt the foreign energy changing my body and making what I could guess was a chakra system. I was in excruciating pain!!"Arghhh Its alright dont worry about me. My b-body i-s just getting used to all this chakra." She looked worried and started tearing up. I then felt everything settle down but I started to feel lightheaded so I said "I'll be fine return tommorow, I must rest as my body adjusts to this. You're going to be a great hokage in the future ,with this much chakra so young. You will be a powerhouse no village has ever seen ,since the first hokage beleive it!"

She looks at me as I'm holding onto the edge of the table. "T-thanks no one has ever said anything, so nice about me before."

*Initiating emergency protocol expelling customers in t-minus 1 min in counting. *

"Go!! Now!! You wouldnt want people seeing you teleport outside randomly, plz do this for me!!"

She then quickly leaves but not before saying "I'll be back tommorow!" Then everything went black.