
Avatar world.

Right in front of me is the avatar ,currently the last airbender in the world!! Well as far as I know. Besides him was his companions, at first they were memorized by the shop then they noticed me and froze.

"Welcome to my magical emporium of desires! In it you will find anything you desire, currently our stock is out off rare, super rare, and legendary items. Worry not as I'm sure you will still find something of value!" I say proudly puffing out my chest. Katara is about to lunge at me as I'm just that cute, but sokka stops her. He couldnt stop aang though ,as he only has two arms. Plus airbenders are very allusive.

"Hello nice to meet you! My name is aang are you perhaps a spirit? As I've never seen anything like you nevermind the fact you can talk!" Aang said looking at me in amazement.

"Aang! Get back here that creature could be dangerous!" Sokka said worried as he doesnt do well with things he doesnt understand.

"He should be fine right? I mean spirits are an avatar thing. I mean look hes so cute!! That cute ball of fluff cant be evil. Let me go I want to pet it!!!" Katara said trying to convince her brother but he shook his head no. She then broke free of his grasp and ran towards me. I was gaining a tickmark ,as never in my lives would I imagine; that i would be the one being petted like a chinchilla.

"Enough please. For your information ,you dont even need to pay with money. I deem what is worthy as payment. As for what I am I come from far away beyond the stars. I am not a spirit as I'm still living. I am what you would call an alien, or a being not of this world. So you dont even have to steal, as you did to those pirates."

I said causing her to back up and sokka to look at me in caution more so then before. Aang however ,was even more excited then before and said.

"Soo coool how is it out there? Is there cool animals out there, how did you get here? Can you bend? What are you exactly? Is there airbenders out there?"

He asks a bunch of questions and I sigh.

"It can be more dangerous out there ,then being in the capital of the fire nation being the avatar. At the same time, it can be more fun out there then ever will be here. Life is full of risks and tribulations, only when you surcome them all shall you find what you seek. My shop is scientent and can think and talk for itself. It is able to transport its self anywhere. Not yet. I'm technically a kirby. Not that I know of."

I finish it off surprising katara and sokka as I could keep up with his questions.

"Look around the shop, when you see an item it will either have a note saying, what it is or mentally message you of what it is." When I said this they couldnt help but look around the shop. Immediately they all find what they are looking for. Sokka gets a scroll that is filled with various meats, katara gets an intermediate waterbending scroll. Finnally Aang gets a mating whistle that attracts female bison. Although the brief description says, You have a flying bison then get this. With this whistle you will call a partner for your own flying bison, to have company with. They then look at eachother and say at the same time "What did you get?"

"Lots of meat it's in this scroll, I doubt it works so ima ask for a demonstration." Sokka said with pride and drool comming from his mouth.

"I got a intermediate waterbending scroll, I'm shocked the shop had it and look at its shape. It's in perfect condition!!" Katara says excited.

"Guys that's great!! But look at this it's a bison whistle ,but its special it can call for another bison so mine wont be loney!!" Meanwhile sokka groaned and said "Great just what we need two of them, if you need to clean them your on your own." He said meanwhile katara backed him up. "Dont say that! Think of it this way ,more room to store more supplies including meat." To this sokka does a 180 and says "Your right!! That's a great item you got there aang!"

"Great you have got your items, now all is needed is the payment methods. I know just the thing aang and katara will show me their bending. Also I will take the energy that's needed to do so. It wont be much, it will just tire you out a little and thats it. You will recover in no time! Next for sokka since he has nothing I could want let's try this. He will say these words

"Katara is right women aren't useless and they can be just as strong and smart as men. If they trained and were serious in becoming so." I think this works, as it is something that will be difficult of him." When I finished saying this aang and katara laughed and looked at sokka expectantly. "F-Fine I'll do it. Katara is right women aren't useless and they can be just as strong and smart as men. If they trained and were serious in becoming so" He said then started scratching at his tongue, overreacting. Katara hit him on the head. "Oww what was that for?!" "Being stupid." Aang then spoke up.

"How exactly will you do the second part? As I dont know what you mean?"

"Well first we can be transported to my demonstration area like this."

We then apear in front of a giant river. Shocking them all greatly.

"Whoah how did you do that. So cool can you teach me how to do that." Aang said.

"Sorry that was the shop and I dont know how either. Anyways sokka can check his scroll."

Poof he opened the scroll and in front of him was a small hill worth of meat. He grabbed a beef jerky strip and said "Soo good!!! Its tender and the seasoning is great!!! Thank you so much ,it was worth the terrible cost!" He said while katara wanted to slap him.

"Okay now Aang, katara show me your bending."

They both showed me their water and air bending respectively. Then the meat resealed its self as the shop helped, as that happened we were transported back to the counter.

"Now katara and aang will place their hands in this magic array." They do as I say ,this time sokka didnt object ;as he was thinking of his meat paradise and trusted me. As I provided him with alot of meat. Anyone that would give him that much meat ,was trustworthy in his book. When they did this white wisps flew from the array then entered my body. I then tried to create a small blast of air and it worked. Then I tried to pull the water out of the air, this also worked. 'This is easier then I thought maybe it's my sage mode that helps with it.'

They looked stunned as I just used both types of bending!!!! "Cool your just like me, you can bend more then one element! But how?"

Aang said happily. While they all looked expectantly for the answer.

"Where I'm from, I'm a grand master sage of nature. This means we can use the natural energy around us. With this comes various abilities, like super strength, manipulate our environment to our wills. Turn non sages into rock, if we wanted to. This is done by just by touching them and passing our energy into them. I dont plan to use this ability, unless someone tries to hurt my loved ones or something like that. Currently I'm trying to go beyond even that, and that is elementalization turning myself into an element. However, this is really hard. The furthest anyone got ,was to turn their finger into stone by will ;and still move it. With the new energies I gained from you and your bending affinities. I now understand the elements a bit more, but it will still take me a while to figure it out. Look." I then turned my finger into air then back to normal, next I did the same but with water. They looked in amazement and aang said "Wow could you teach me that!!"

"Not now maybe in the future. Remember the shop will find you, if you search for it ;you wont ever find it or even hear about it. Now run along before the shop ejects you from the store. Considering the person that created this store likes to inflict pain on people. Also I havent seen anyone ejected before, I'm not sure what it will do to you." They nod and gulped.

"Thanks for the wonderful items, I hope we find your shop again in the future." Katara said respectfully. They then left while sokka was leaving a trail of drool, as he was looking at his scroll in love.


Knock knock.

"Come in." When the door opened in came an old man with a hotblooded teenager. It was prince zuko and grand master Iroh. They noticed that their guards didnt follow them in but iroh held onto zukos shoulder and said "Let me deal with this." Zuko nodded as he seen I must be a spirit or something.

"Welcome to my Magical emporium of desires!! Where you can find anything you want or I could recommend an item that you need.As for payment, I choose what I want as I travel from world to world. Ussually their money varies." I said shocking them both. Iroh though is a grandmaster and feels two diffrent energies inside me.

"Y-your a airbender and a waterbender?!! How? You cant be a spirit because in the spirit world there is no bending." He says greatly shocked.

"Ahh that yes I recently met some nice customers. I choose a demonstration of their bending and some chi that they use to bend. It doesn't kill them or anything it's just a bit draining. Like you had worked out for a hour or two. As for what I am I come from beyond the stars. Now would you like a recommendation or do you want to find something yourself. I can see peoples fates ,so my recommendations are quite accurate." After I say this zuko just takes off and looks around while iroh says "Well I assume, we would still be allowed to roam the shop; if we dont want what you picked for us right?"

"Yes that's right, and I must say the white lotus shined brightly with you." This makes iroh even more certain.

"Well I would like to ask for a recommendation for both me and my nephew."

"For you I can provide a means to talk with your son in the afterlife. However you must be warned this is a one time use item. As for zuko he could talk with his mother, but she has meet a powerful spirit. Also hes not ready for that yet, until he finnaly walks the right path. So I suggest these pills, they send the user on a journey through their memories. So they can see it from another perspective. This could help him onto the right path faster ,but if hes not ready this will be very painful." Iroh strokes his beard and says. "If I do what the previous customers did as I'm a grandmaster, you could add this for free no? So he can still choose for himself as well."

"You drive a hard bargain ,as normally it's one product per person. What you say is true so... I will allow it. Oh it seems he has found an item."

Zuko walks over here, with a scroll that has a symbol of two dragons on it.

"I would like this scroll on basic dragon firebending techniques. This better be real as I will burn the shop down." He said. Iroh slaps his forhead and says "I'm sorry for my nephew hes a bit hotheaded." "Am not!!" Zuko yells

"Its alright calm down. Interesting to think you chose that one. Well that scroll contained ancient techniques, used by firebenders of the past. I must warn you, it is very contraversal to how your fire nation practices their bending. If you seek further more advanced techniques, there is a note inside there. Only when your on the right path will it open. As for your payments. Zuko can pay with one gold coin. This is cheap, considering it's got the potential; to lead you to more powerful techniques. As for you iroh, I need you to place your hand here; then just conjure a small flame."

He does as I say and the same thing happens to him, as my prior customers. They both look in amazement but then zuko yells "What the hell is that?"

"Oh it seems my shop might be haunted. Oh dear." I said while Iroh winked at me and nodded. "Yeah that's definitely a spirit, I wonder why its here?"

"Since you guys were such good customers I'll throw in a freebie, this is a scroll that contains; an assortment of tea that's not of this world."

Iroh quickly grabs it and and pays for zukos item at the same time and bows. "Thank you for your generousity!"

"You better hurry ,as you might miss the avatar; he was here not so long ago." Zukos eyes widened and iroh chuckled and said "We must be going now. It's been great doing buisness with you. May the flames burn bright within you." He said cryptically confusing his nephew then they both leave the shop.

"Next toph beifong." I say I then feel the floor of the shop turn into rock.


Bang the door is flung open, and in walks a young girl. She then notices my weird shape and says "W-what is that?" She the gets in a attack stance.

"Wait dont attack, I'm not an enemy of yours! This is my shop the magical emporium of desires!" She gets shocked stiff and says.

"Really?! I thought they just made that up, as it seemed like just a fairy tale story. I thought they were high, on some sort of jungle juice or something. Maybe a bad mushroom. Hmm well going by your shape being so round and unnatural. It seems to be the case, but I do wonder how I will pick an item when I cant read."

"I could recommend something. Also if you look at the items, knowledge on it will be uploaded to your mind, about what it is and does."

Toph is intrigued and checks it out. "Th-this truley is unbelievable. Well this would take forever so what do you recommend?" She asks

"I reccomend this scroll ,it will be uploaded to your brain as your semi-blind. This will show you how to find anyone on the planet ,as everyone is connected. However it does require you ,to go to a highly spiritual place to work. If you train enough, you will eventually be able to do it without the place. This will also make you more intuned with earthbending. Since your friends with the avatar I will through in this scroll. It complements the other and if you master them both, even in a desert or metal building. You will see as clear as day."

Toph nods and says "Thanks but what will be my payment?" she asks as aang told her that I choose my payment.

"Same as twinkletoes as you call him, place your hand right here. Then bend a small rock and try not to break anything. Also if you could bend this metal kunai ,on my desk that would be great." I slap my desk right where I want her hand to be placed, She listens and we are finished in record time. "Thank you for you buisness!" I wave her off.

*Special guest chosen get ready for space time shift.*


The entire shop resizes as it always adjusts to best suit the customer. Just then a figure comes through the new resized door. He was bald has he had no hair and he has a peaceful yet chaotic aura. I was shocked and stunned at who it was, as I felt my luck went sour. It was

To be continued....

Webnovel is having problems with powerstones, I dont know when they will fix it. This is not just my novel but other fanfics aswell.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts