
The Cutest Barbarian Tamer

Vargus is a strong and skilled warrior from a barbarian village, known as the village genius because of his exceptional strength and mastery of many weapons. On the day of the awakening ceremony, where every individual receives a class that defines their future, the village is buzzing with excitement. They all hope Vargus will awaken a powerful talent to bring fame to their village. However, during his turn, Vargus doesn't receive a powerful class. Instead, he gets "Cutest Tamer," a talent that seems weak and unfitting for a warrior. The village, disappointed and scornful, banishes him. But Vargus isn't upset. Secretly, he has always loved cute beasts, and this class feels like a perfect fit for him. He sees it not as a setback but as an opportunity to pursue his passion for adorable creatures. Despite being seen as weak, Vargus discovers that "Cutest Tamer" is a unique and powerful class in its own right, far beyond what anyone, including himself, initially thought.

HaozDancer · แฟนตาซี
273 Chs

Vargus's Division

Curiosity piqued, the sect leader leaned forward, addressing Vargus with a renewed interest. "By the way, Vargus, I find myself intrigued by your abilities. As a barbarian who has managed to defeat Carlos with such apparent ease, you must possess a talent of significant strength. What exactly is your talent?" he inquired, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Continuing, he began to speculate on the nature of Vargus's abilities. "Could it be the Crystal Body, known for its defensive prowess? Or perhaps Unlimited Stamina, granting you enduring vitality in battle? Or are you, maybe, a master swordsman, surpassing others with your blade skills?" the sect leader asked, listing off potential talents that could explain Vargus's remarkable combat effectiveness.

Vargus, taken aback by the sect leader's line of questioning, couldn't hide his surprise. "Don't you already know about my awakened talent from the moment I was accepted into the sect?" he queried, a hint of confusion in his voice.

The sect leader offered a candid response, his expression one of mild amusement mixed with curiosity. "Honestly, I didn't delve into the specifics of your talent. My decision was based on recognizing your potential as a rare genius. But now that you mention it, is your talent indeed related to beasts?" he inquired, his interest clearly piqued by the possibility.

Vargus nodded, confirming the sect leader's suspicion. "Yes, my talent is directly related to beast taming, which is why I chose to join the Heavenly Beast Sect," he explained, his response clarifying the alignment between his abilities and the sect's focus.

Upon learning of Vargus's talent, the sect leader's demeanor brightened considerably, his previous curiosity turning into genuine delight. "Even better!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident. "I must admit, I hadn't anticipated that you would possess a talent directly connected to beasts. Tell me, does your talent lie in beast transformation, or is it more aligned with beast taming?"

With a steady gaze and unwavering voice, Vargus affirmed his unique ability to the sect leader. "Indeed, my talent lies in the realm of beast taming," he stated, his declaration underscored by a sense of pride in his specialization.

Curiosity apparent in his tone, the sect leader inquired further, "So, tell me, what kind of formidable beast have you managed to tame?"

At that prompt, Vargus gently summoned Auris, who had been out of sight until now. The small white tiger made its way to Vargus's side, an embodiment of both grace and calm.

The sight of Auris elicited a reaction of sheer astonishment from the sect leader. He found it hard to reconcile the image of the powerful barbarian before him with the unassuming presence of the small beast. "Are you certain this is the beast you've tamed?" he asked, disbelief coloring his voice.

Vargus, unfazed by the sect leader's surprise, responded with a warm smile, affectionately patting Auris. "Yes, this is indeed my companion, my cute beast, Auris," he confirmed, his grin conveying both fondness for Auris and amusement at the sect leader's reaction.

Pulling Elder Rosaline aside, the sect leader voiced his concerns in a hushed, troubled tone, "Is his companion really as unassuming as it appears?"

Elder Rosaline responded with a firm nod, her voice equally low but confident, "Yes, Auris truly belongs to Vargus. And despite its benign appearance, I've assessed its power—it's unquestionably at the Expert level."

This revelation left the sect leader visibly taken aback, his shock palpable. "To think such a small creature wields the power of an Expert level... It's hard to grasp," he admitted, struggling to reconcile Auris's diminutive size with the significant strength Elder Rosaline described.

Turning his attention back to Vargus, the sect leader expressed his newfound respect and admiration. "Your capabilities have truly exceeded my expectations," he acknowledged with a nod. "Not only do you possess remarkable personal strength, but your beast demonstrates exceptional power as well. It's a clear testament to the fact that not all beast tamers need to rely solely on their beasts' strength."

With a warm smile, the sect leader made a decision regarding Vargus's future training within the sect. "Given your unique talents and potential, it's only fitting that Elder Rosaline, one of our most esteemed beast masters, takes you under her guidance. Under her tutelage, I have no doubt you'll flourish even further," he declared, affirming his confidence in Vargus's bright future within the Heavenly Beast Sect.

Upon hearing the sect leader's directive, Elder Rosaline exhibited a brief moment of surprise, beginning to protest, "But my division specializes in..."

However, the sect leader promptly interrupted her, asserting his authority with a firm tone, "This is my final decision. Elder Rosaline, please take him under your wing and guide him."

Elder Rosaline let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging the sect leader's command with a deferential nod, "Yes, sect leader." She then turned to Vargus, indicating it was time to depart, "Follow me."

Vargus, sensing a change in Elder Rosaline's demeanor, felt a surge of curiosity. "Is something the matter?" he inquired, trying to understand her initial hesitation.

Elder Rosaline offered him a reassuring yet mysterious smile, "You'll understand soon enough. Let's proceed to our destination," she responded, hinting that all would be revealed in due time as they made their way to her division.

Upon reaching their destination, Vargus took in his surroundings with keen interest, immediately noticing something quite unusual about Elder Rosaline's division. The area was vibrant, teeming with members of the Heavenly Beast Sect engaged in various activities and training exercises.

However, as Vargus observed more closely, he realized a distinct characteristic that set this division apart from the rest of the sect. Every member he encountered, without exception, was female. The realization dawned on him slowly but unmistakably — Elder Rosaline's division was comprised entirely of women.

As Vargus navigated through the division, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances directed his way. It became clear to him that his presence was an anomaly in this female-dominated area, marking him as the first male, other than the sect leader, to step foot here.

Just as he was about to voice his questions about the unusual setup, Elder Rosaline preempted him with a firm instruction. "There's no need for questions now. Please, come with me," she said, indicating that this was neither the time nor the place for such discussions.

Leading him to her private quarters, Elder Rosaline prepared to share something of significance with Vargus. "There's something important I need to explain to you," she announced once they were away from prying eyes and ears, setting the stage for a revelation that would shed light on the unique nature of her division and possibly, Vargus's role within it.