Gewen was so happy when he came to get the doe and found that it's already dead. He didn't like to use his sword to make sure his prey was really dead. It gave him a sense of pride to get a clean kill.
The man cast his glance around him and tried to find a good spot to clean up the prey and gril it. He found a nice big rock not far from the location of the doe and decided it would be a perfect place to cook.
Gewen looked down at his new clothes and sighed deeply. He forgot to change his outfit and now his new clothes would be soiled with the doe's blood.
Ah, whatever. He could wash it later. What's important now is to get this prey ready to cook and eat!
Gewen lifted the dead doe and carried it on his back toward the big rock. It was the driest part of this forest. He could easily light a fire there and gril the meat.