Harlow looked at Julian unimpressed. "I know that we made a decision to become partners… but why would I do that? I want to get out of here as soon as possible, not rubbing shoulders with the demon king."
Julian rubbed his chin. "The reason you're here is because of some stupid oath right?"
"Yes." Harlow nodded slowly.
"Well, I've heard some stuff like that in the past. The Demon King and people who owed him stuff? Well, they managed to get away and actually boasted about it to others and learned how to trick the tricksters."
"What you mean to say is…" Harlow pursed her lips and looked at Julian unsurely. "I could find a way to save myself? Are you sure of that?"
"There's countless evidence supporting it." Julian nodded to confirm it. "I'll help you find a way to save yourself and break that oath."