
Episode 013: A lot to learn.

Episode: 013: A lot to learn.

"so are you ready? Denzel asked Guru as they both paired up for another race.

"Bring it on grandpa! Guru yelled and smiled.

Bam! Whoosh! There went at it again, swirling and twisting at every turn. Guru was fast as he surged through the trees and had a sight of the finish line. But Denzel was closer to him than ever, smiling as they both jumped the fallen tree and set their feet to run again.

"So he actually gonna win me huh? Denzel smirked and looked at him.

"Argh! Guru snapped as he hit a stone, twisting his ankles and falling over. Just in front of the end zone, Denzel ran over it and was seen the winner.

"You lost again! Denzel said and assisted him get up.

"The stone tripped me on the landing". Guru muttered like a baby.

"There's no excuse in life for failure! Denzel snapped at him.

"Guess your right…I did fail! Congrats- (Denzel slapped him hard) Ouch! What you do that for?

"Rule number one! In the Visionaries, don't ever give up easily. If it cost you, an arm or leg…still fight until victory is assured. (Slaps him again) Rule number 2! Once the mind gives up, so does the body. Just because of a stone, you couldn't use your reflexes to get back up and easily gave in to the fact that I won you. (Slaps even harder) Rule number 3! Never ever…think about giving up! (Slaps him again) Rule number 4! No reason in particular, just couldn't help myself to how soft your skin is". Denzel said and chuckled.

"Your right! I gave up too easily. Guru said attempting to get himself together.

"Humph! I cheated! Denzel said sitting down.

"What? Guru shocked by his words.

"I used my skill to make you slow and snap your legs to the stone". Denzel said and Guru's eyes went wide, was he saying all this to make him feel better or was he for real this time.

"How is that even possible? You never said Divine Visionary or have your hands move or something! Is that even real? Guru said with a face of doubt.

"Alright! My skill evolves around 2 things. (Throws two fingers in the air) Direction and Barrier!

"What the fuck! So all this while, you have been-

"Exactly! I can only direct a being with a soul but not a demon. You have a soul, so I can predict your movements before you actually make it. I am fast thanks to direction, as I use acceleration to run fast and deceleration to slow others down". Denzel said and chuckled.

"Whoa…! You can beat Lord Satoru by slowing him down, can't you? Guru asked with eyes wide open.

"Really? That's all you can think of? He snapped at his bad approach to the statement.

"What? Guru defended. "come on, with your ability! We can kick his ass.

"Lord Satoru's demons have no soul. Like the dead, they are expressionless and mindless. All they desire is to kill, feed and obey orders. (Hands to chin) the last time I fought Lord Satoru, it took ages before he laid a hand on me.

"So you kick his ass!

"No! It took ages before I hit him too. But there was a lot destruction. Lord Satoru is a monster of a man who feeds on your fear and preys on imagination. He uses dark creation and thoughts against his victims. Barely seen, even though he is seen he kills on sight. If you see him, Run! Denzel remarked and got up from his seat.

"So what's my level on the chess board? Guru asked as he felt with Abyzou's power he can become a Chess boarder, which is the highest of all.



"You are first considered a pawn without experience and little knowledge. You go for internship, which enlighten you further on demons and stuff. Over time, you grade up slowly to become a Knight or Kings, perhaps a Queen or Bishop. Denzel said using a stick to draw illustration on the floor.

"How can I become like you? A chess board. He smirked.

Denzel itched his white head as though he had forgotten. He then smiled widely at him, exposing his teeth. "Have your own Purgatory Realm and you are one of us".

"A Purgatory Realm? He snapped confused.

"Only the very best of the best can achieve a domain. A domain is simply grand extension of yourself, it is your last defense and attack. You relay your hope on it as it is your realm and though of true end game. A Purgatory Realm cannot be easily escaped nor ruled over, only by the caster himself. If you can achieve a domain then you can be like me…stronger and mysterious". He smirked and got up.

"Still don't get it". Guru said shaking his head. There was a long sigh from Denzel but he gave it another shot.

" A Purgatory is a concept from some religions and mythologies that's often described as a place or state of existence that's between heaven and hell. It's not a punishment, but it's not a reward either. It's often described as a place of suffering, waiting, and penance. People who are in purgatory are thought to be "purified" before they can enter heaven. (Pauses and smiles at him) "You can alter your won realm and create your own purgatory. Locking your opponent inside and never letting him go, except death". He remarked and slapped his hand together in excitement. "Can you achieve Purgatory realm?

"I will achieve a Purgatory Realm! I will create one and defeat all the demons! Thanks Sensei! Guru snapped and bowed his head.

"Your power evolves around 1 thing…(throws a finger up) Anger! That's what fuels the rage inside of you and burns you to add more woods to the fire. That is your ability; Fire! Denzel said and smiled at him.

He smiled back at him and Exhaled heavily. "Denzel! You really had to come all this way to train. Lucas pulled himself in and mad a dramatic feint smile at Guru.

"Hey! Bestie! Denzel snapped and threw his body on his for a hug.

"Get off me! Lucas yelled as he shrugged him off. He dusted his cloths while Denzel had his glasses placed back in his eyes. "I just got words…(turns to Denzel) the Entrance exams is Tomorrow".

"huh? So quick….i thought it was a week away. You should have texted me! He barked at Lucas, who simply Pulled out his phone and displayed the message he sent.

"I did text you!

"Huh? Oh! Must have archived it…" he muttered to himself.

"nonetheless I am ready! I can do this…thanks guys! Guru snapped in and smiled at them both.

"Best do you job right else and control your anger. Else we are both having our bodies burnt". Denzel said and literally killed the vibes.

"dummy! Lucas muttered and they all laughed out loud.

As they laughed on, Somewhere in Shibuya, a hot chase was getting on. As the rain had just stopped, a Visionary was seen running fast at an odd alley. As he pulled up at a mid way point of four corner junction. There two demon dogs, ugly and disgusting looking were seen feasting on a human with a demon man standing in city.

The Visionary had his hands slammed and was about to conjure a veil when the eyes of him and the demon man clashed. It was Lord Satoru and the sight of his red eyes on you only was an eminence of fear on him and he couldn't say the prays. As he stood trembling, he had his shoulder held by a monster, with distorted figure and only one eyes. He looked up in fear to see the monster smiling down at him. As he screamed in fear, another Visionary surged out of the right hand side and attacked Lord Satoru.

"Divine Visionary! Sky Dragon. He said and two cross shaped array appeared in the sky and two dragons, blue in color and formed using water came out of it.

As it approached Lord Satoru, he simply stared on and it vaporized, by just him staring. His piercing red eyes was the killer, fear was what made many unable to face him. Even though you have no fear, he would create one in your memory.

Lord Satoru sprinted at him in full speed, the Visionary created a sharp Katana, in other to cut Lord Satoru. Throwing his right hand with the Katana, Lord Satoru easily avoided that and caught his hand. Slapping the knife off and snapping his right hand broken in front of him.

"Argh! You bitch! He roared and used his second hand to hit him but he dodged that too. Sending his broken right hand that he still held around his neck and then pulling his hard and slapping against the walls. Before he crashed against the walls, a dark slump portal appeared and dark creatures stocked their hands out, 6 in number and he drove him into them.

The moment he was done with him, another Visionary pulled up and races at him but before he could even say the word finish, he got his stomach opened by a death worm, which came out of a different slump dark portal that appears behind him. The death worm went back into another portal that appeared in front of him and the Visionary fell down, after gagging and struggling to stay on his feet.

"You killed them! You bastard! Baka! Baka! Baka! I would kill you…! The first Visionary that was held by the monster said and pulled out his hand, exposing his Carmon cross symbol. "Divine Visionary! Tempest Barrage!

As he yelled, magic cross arrays appeared from different locations, directions and pointed at Lord Satoru. Shouting out light grey spikes at him. He moved quickly to avoid getting heat by them. "Impressive! You actually went for the grand spell! Lord Vladimir complimented but on his quick landing, a spike array appeared from the ground and shot at him.

Based on close proximity, he got his stomach purged by the spike and then had his neck pierced by another. He gagged and gave way for the blood that flowed from his mouth. "I win! Because everywhere you step has automatically placed an array for spike". He said and chuckled hysterically.

"Indeed…But I Win! A voice called and the image was seen. A Visionary in place of Lord Satoru and Lord Satoru standing by the side. He looked at the caster and told him it was all an illusion, he killed his own Visionary.

He shocked he fell to his knees watching his teammate struggling for his life. He had his hands and neck, pinned by a demon almost immediately and Lord Satoru stood over him.

With an eye of disgust. "you ability is actually quite impressive and I could have you work for me! With your talent and skill, you could be a demon of great kind. Lord Satoru said and held up his weepy face.

"No! I would never join you, even if it means death! He roared out loud and Lord Satoru leaned over.

"Apparently I wasn't asking. Allow me to show you what great power feels like". He snapped and pulled out one of his leather gloves. The Visionary freaked out in sight of a skeletal hand structure. That clawed up to him and scratched his face with just a finger.

Did you know: Lord Satoru's actually has a skeletal finger that once it touches you, conjures you to became your very own greatest fear and you transform to a demon of that. Obeying and. Every loyal to him alone. His power involves his creation of dark shuddering monsters and terrifying figures out of thin air, by simply using a dark, slump portal that connects his world of nightmare to reality.

Akaza and Amon soon joined him at the sight of a new demon, Spider that the Visionary turned too. "All the Visionaries were killed as you instructed. Amon spoke and looked at the awful sight.

"Good! Return back to the underworld. You two dumb ass should ensure the safe success of our plan, here in Shibuya. Better don't allow another, higher ups out of Underworld! I would handle Abyzou and Denzel myself.

"Yes, Lord Satoru! Akaza chorused.

"Best don't disappoint me, else I would kill you! Lord Satoru snapped and turned to leave. He stopped briefly to look at the spider demon of the Visionary and snapped at him, gluing his eyes at him.
