
Episode 012: Try not to

Episode 012: Try not to break down!

Guru was pictured heavily breathing again, he wasn't attacked by Lord Satoru but by Denzel. It was a training and he was already about to pass out. He looked at Denzel, who was busy on his phone. While he waited for him to attack.

"Come on! Guru…! He snapped at him and he came surging in full force, swinging his hands for a punch which was dodged easily, he went again and again until, Denzel got fed up and kicked him hard into the walls.

He returned from the walls, panting and glanced a look at Denzel "How are you so fast? He asked.

"Me Fast? He giggled in his speech. "You too are fast but you need to work more on your speed.

"How am I supposed to do that? Still panting.

"Hmm(hands to chin, looks to the sky and miles weirdly) I got an idea. Follow! He ordered and walked out of the retractor Court and Guru followed.

They walked all the way out of town and into a thick forest, they height of a hill and where the air was thick and the ground was strong. A few trees had fallen over to the ground, causing a block age on the road and others were weak and some strong. Denzel had him set at the tip of the mountain and asked him to run all the way down. He looked at it as baby challenge as he smirk and ready to move.

Bang! Whoosh! Were sounds heard as he dashed of in a race down the mountain. As he ran, there was another whooshing sounds heard as the trees all came crashing down, really fast and he had to duck at every last one of them. He finally reached the end of the race, with a very long run.

"You did poorly! Denzel snapped from the corner he stood and looked at him in anger.

"You threw those trees at me! You good for nothing-

"Either way, you would still fumble at a race. You are forgetting that being one there encounter obstacle, they slow down and as a Visionary, we don't…we use our quick reflexes and mind to think fast and waver through it! Denzel snapped in as he pulled in closer.

"What's your point? Guru asked tired of his long talk.

"Race with me! If you can beat me then I would know you are good at this one. Denzel said and smiled at him.

"Don't flatter yourself, Denzel. I am faster than you think". He said boosting in his confidence. Denzel smiled and set up a camera to capture the winner.

"Really? If you that good as you speak. Then I would offer you a head start! He smirked and gave way for him to race. In a spilt second, he vanishes from the racing start lime, with a speed and ran toward the end zone.

"I am gonna win this! Denzel! He assured as he sped off, smiling widely.

"Don't get too head of yourself. Guru-Sen! He said and pulled his wrist up, snapping all his fingers against one another as well as cracking his back and legs. "God speed, Guru! Well I guess I have to start going now! He snapped out loud and Bam! Cracking the ground underneath him and vanishing into thin air.

"I win! Denzel…! Guru smiled as he could see the finish line just up ahead. Increasing his speed and just a few more feet then he would be the winner. There was bright sparkling in the cloud and suddenly, just in front of the finish line. Denzel was sent crashing at the end zone, with a cocky smile and bright look on his face.

"Think again. Baka! He muttered to himself as he flashes a look at Guru and back at the camera that intended to take his picture as the winner.

"you cheated! Arriving Guru snapped at him.

"Question or Answer? He asked as he got puzzled by his statement.

"You jumped! You cheating-

"Hey! Hey! I didn't say there was any rules. It was a race and you lost. Deal with it! Denzel threw his body against a tree to relax.

"I want in again! He offered and Denzel smiled. "no rules right? He asked and Denzel, didn't reply but smiled.

Boom! They set out again, same old pattern of Denzel counting 5 seconds and Guru sent running off early, except that he run but Instead Jumped like Denzel did.

As he flew to the air, he reached out for his hands, swirling around like a bird and using his flames to control his movement and landing. He eventually hadn't caught a sight of Denzel yet which meant he was slow. He used his fire to blast some trees down, slowing his movements down and crashing at the end zone.

"I win! Denzel. Guru roared out loud as he celebrated his victory, dancing around. When he heard a footstep behind him.

"Never knew losing made you this happy! Denzel said as he picked off his nails and had a hot towel to his head. He had a chair, where he sat and had a small table, where Chinese was dropped.

"Wait…! If you're here then-

"You came in late…since I got here and you weren't. I decided to go Chinese and get a hair cleaned. He smirked at him and smiled weirdly.

"How fast were you? I flew up and I didn't see you run not for a minute". He asked puzzled as he got handed Chinese by Denzel.

"Such is life, Guru but I have something to tell you. If you want to be fast, then make a deal with Abyzou…I am only fast because, it's part of my ability. He said and threw himself to the chair again.

"Make a deal huh? How do I do that? He asked putting away the Chinese.

"Astral projection, sit still and quiet. Listen to your still beating heart as you imagine the empty void of darkness and guided by 7 principle imperial gates of hell". He snapped and ordered him to do as he had spoken.

Putting a Divine Protection over the environment as he sensed demons might come. As Guru pictured, an empty void of darkness guided by 7 principle imperial gates of hell. "Abyzou…let me in". He whispered as he made contact with her.

She was seated in a throne, legs crossed and body decorated with tattoo. She looked in disgust as her peace was once again disturbed by this brat. "Piss off loser! She slammed but he stood his ground.

"No! You are in me so you listen to me! He slammed harder.

"What did you say? Abyzou said and threw her face down at him. Staring directly into his eyes, fear was very much shown. She got off her throne and laid her feet to the ground. "You arrogant little piss of slime. If I leave you are good as dead and –

"I want to make a deal with you! He screamed out loud as he felt the more she drew nearer the more she could burn him up.

"A deal? She asked as the furnace aura of her presence drowned.

"I offer you my most valuable possession and you grant me access to your powers. We become one and-

"Why should I make a deal with a good for nothing like you? Abyzou snapped in and looked down on him.

"because…you can't control my body and until I die, you are stuck here. So it's best my offer and let's get down to it! He groaned and had his fist up.

"Not bad…I chose you because I didn't want to crash to the ground. You survived somehow, with the last 5 seconds I was able to have you partial dead. I thought I could get control over this body buy I guess I failed. Now! What's your offer? She said and made her way closer to him.

"My soul. If I die…you take my soul but until then I have access to your powers. Understood?

"No! She snapped and he was shocked. Isn't it soul that she wanted? "Even if I get your soul, possibility of you using my powers and understanding them are low. You are a silly creature, who expect life to go his way.

"Try me! He pleaded and she gazed at him on and on. Exhales and walks up to him. Pulling out his hand and biting it hard with her teeth. In shock, he pulls himself away as his blood flowed down. Using his blood to draw a symbol of illuminati, behind his hand.

"I will have your soul, body and life. We will become one and you will fuel my power with your anger. Let's show long you can last against my Husband to be, Lord Satoru. Bite my hand and suck my blood". She ordered him.

He felt disgusted doing that but had no choice as he bite her wrist and gulped the dark blood down his throat he started acting weird not because of her power but because he drank black blood.

"If you did from this…My gain but if you think you can withstand my power. I love to see you try. She snapped and chuckled hysterically as he gagged on and on.

Waking up to the awful of Denzel's feet sticking in his nose. He shoved him off and ross up, standing up was a you teen with red spiky hair, red eyes, ruins fan over his body. The sign of a Visionary was imputed on the back of his right palm as well as the sign of a demon, illuminati hovering around it. His domino was scary as his appearance as he wasn't sliming at all.

"Well…well! Look whose a cursed being now!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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