
The Crush of my Crush

DM55989323 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


"Welcome back, everyone! How did you spend your summer vacation?" Mr. Reynolds exclaimed as if he was unknown of the fact that students were provided more homeworks than ever this time. He asked each of his favourite student about their vacation while there sat a girl quite lost in outside world. "Hey ponytail! You! You over there!" he shouted. She was moved her gaze from a monkey to another one inside the class and almost chuckled at the thought of him having a tail. Suddenly he shouted again,"Amy! What're you up to now? Don't you know you should pay attention in class?" She sighed just like everytime. She wanted to answer but that blabbering mouth couldn't just shut up. He kept saying things and asking about why she didn't stand up. But everytime she was about to stand he would say something. Amy couldn't bear it. She stood up and rushed out of the class. She was walking very fast. The teacher and her classmates tried to stop her but failed. On her way to some unknown destination she bumped into her enemy, Cami. She was with her two friends, as usual. Amy didn't have time for them. So she didn't stop and kept walking. Cami yelled,"oh hello Amy! trust me, you aren't an inertia product. You can stop whenever you want." The other two friends laughed as Amy turned back. Amy was about to yell at Cami as well when an unfamiliar and completely new voice was heard interrupting her saying,"But who told you that she wanted to stop?" Cami bit her lower lip and shifted her gaze to this new guy. She wanted to hit him but he was handsome enough to make her stone-heart melt.

Amy was shocked. There had always been days when people either walked by or stayed watching her get humiliated. And she liked the first kind of people. She didn't like anyone getting into her business. But this day was different. She thought for a second and wondered if the sun had shone from West that day. How come somebody was trying to help her? It was a first-time-in-history thing. She was amazed. But wait! Who was this person or more specifically GUY, who was trying to help HER, AMY?! She guessed it was moon shining out there, not sun. She finally turned back. An unfamiliar, handsome, tall and..and..and..whatever stood there with one hand holding the strap of his backpack and another one in his pocket. Amy was lost in deep thought. She tried to think about all of the guys she had ever known or seen but she couldn't really recognize that guy. Huh? Was he God's messenger? No wait! Was he God himself!? Or was it....

Holy Jesus!

He definitely was the NEWBIE everyone was gossiping about!

But why was he helping Amy? He didn't even know her, right? He was just a new random guy. Amy was so lost in thoughts about this newbie that she forgot her enemy and her friends had already went far away. The newbie was staring at her and hadn't moved even a bit. They were having an intense eye contact and anybody could tell that except Amy. She wasn't conscious. This newbie thought that she was too cool and maybe that's why she didn't save herself. She could have stood forever that way staring into his perfect eyes if her best friend, Maria would have bumped into her. Amy got back to her senses. She looked here and there and then said,"Hey Mari! I'm so sorry I didn't notice you. What's up?" Marisa looked at her and then the unfamiliar guy. She wanted to recall his name but by then Amy was already there with him. Amy said,"Hey..um..uh..I'm sorry to have got you into my business. It was really too sweet of you to stand for me. But I guess it would just be good if you don't, you know." The newbie was really moved by her response. He had expected a good response like a sweet sweet thank you with extra sweet words. But she seemed to be different. He walked away after only saying,"mm." Amy thought,"what the- ! Did I seem invisible to him?" Just then Marisa came up and said,"Hey, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly leave me?" Amy thought for a moment and said,"um it's nothing. Let's just go to the class." When she entered the class, she couldn't believe her eyes. The newbie, yeah, that unfamiliar and very handsome and tall and whatever-man was sitting next to her seat! She could already see her classmates' eyes burning with anger and jealousy but she wasn't any afraid. She directly moved to her seat. The newbie sat just on the right side of her seat, emotionless. She had at least expected a 'hi' but in vain. Mr. Reynolds came to take the class again. She couldn't help but hide raising her book across her head and looking out of the window. She hoped that she was invisible to him too like she was to the newbie but again, in vain. Mr. Reynolds didn't like her already and now he disliked her even more. All she could do was pray to the God so that he doesn't notice her, even though she was an atheist. Unfortunately he did notice her but luckily he didn't do anything cause he was too excited to introduce the new guy to the class. So he said,"Hello class, once again! You probably are wondering who this new guy here is. Oh wait! You guys already know him! He's Alex Jackson! Yeah AJ! Not only does he have 'Jackson' in his surname but he also has 'Jackson' in his voice. He is the part of the band, J bros."

Amy couldn't believe her ears and eyes. She thought she was just dreaming. But after pinching herself for some ten or fifteen times she could know that she was in her senses. Well, it wasn't that she was a huge fan of him or that band, J-bros but it was just that she couldn't believe there was a celebrity in her school! She hadn't heard his name ever. She just had seen his face somewhere, probably in some magazines or television..or maybe in both. But she really didn't know him.

When she was back from her thoughts she could here her classmates chant his name over and over again. What was going on? She tried to figure out but the figure sitting next to him got off his seat and went to the dice. Well, he was just standing near the blackboard and it was no dice but whatever. Out of nowhere he started singing, then is when she got to know why those classmates of hers were chanting his name or why those girls were so full of jealousy. But this wasn't the time to think about that. She could here him humming. He sounded so melodious. Anyone would have been lost in that hum. He was just humming but the crowd or more specifically, the classmates got crazy. Amy herself was really fascinated by the voice and maybe the person but let's just say his voice. He started singing. The lyrics came out of his lips in such a way that she got lost again but this time in him. She had both of her palms under her chin and her eyes fixed on him. But just when she was about to have another thought about him she was disturbed by a big round of applause.

AJ was very fond of singing. He used to get lost in some fantasy world when ever he sang. He didn't really like the lights that flashed against him at stage, neither the crowd. But that didn't mean he disliked his fans too. He was a very great personality. Everyone who ever came in contact with him would love him. He certainly was still lost in singing when he noticed 'the girl' who was lost in him.

The song ended. But nobody moved. Alex and Amy were both having intense eye contact with each other, again. Whole class was shocked. They had no idea what was going on. Everyone just looked at Amy and then Alex and again at Amy and again at Alex and again.... But nobody dared to say a word. The atmosphere above got thinner. Everybody was confused. Someone had to break the silence and Marisa became that 'someone'. She slowly went to Amy and whispered, " what's happening Amy?"


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