
The Crush of my Crush

DM55989323 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

They meet again!

Finally the class ended and school dispersed. Everybody rushed to go back to their houses. Amy was the last one to get out of her class. As as she walked in the corridor she could sense some footsteps following her. But she didn't care. She kept going ahead. After all she had to go for babysitting that afternoon too. But the steps got louder and soon the person was just few steps back from Amy. "Hey there! It's me, your helper!" The voice said. Amy didn't wanna turn back. She recognized the voice. She knew who this person was. She just didn't want to face him, Alex.

Alex thought that girls liked when guys initiated. But this girl? She didn't even care to see who it was. She must have recognized him, maybe ? He got confused. He was about to tap on her shoulder when she finally turned back and said, "I've already thanked you, dear helper. It's better if we don't ever talk again. Stop being around me." He smiled and replied, "Oh, you really want that to happen? Why? Cause you'll fall for me if we talk or hung out together?" Amy was shocked. She hadn't even thought about that jerk a bit. Okay a bit. Yeah just a bit. "Uh what? Fall for whom?" She questioned to escape some moment for answering the question. "Oh trying to outsmart me? Come on! I know you heard me." He said. Yeah she did but why was he making it sound so obvious. Ugh. "Ye-aghh- I just realized. So I can bet you infinity bucks that i would never ever fall for you." She voiced out.

"Even if we talk or be around each other or hang out together?"

"What are you trying to say? I already told you whatever u wanted to say to you. Don't you play tricks on me."

"Waiting for my answer."

"What the heck do you want? Oh oh okay. If thats what you want hear me out 'im never falling for you even if talk or be around each other or hang out together!' Now leave me!"

"Why are you trying to get rid of me again if you don't have any problem with me? That's insane."

"Ugh okay. What do you want?"

"Nothing. Just walk w-"

Just then Marisa jumped in between them. Alex was annoyed but on the other hand Amy was so delighted to see her for the first ever time. For the first time she felt glad that Marisa was her best friend. "Are you not going home, Amy?" Marisa questioned ignoring the other party. Amy said, "Yeah yeah I'm just heading to the bus stop only. He was just asking about Mr. Reynolds. You know how crazy he can be sometimes." Then the best friends actually headed to the bus stop.

Alex stood there thinking how she could lie to her. It didn't just make any sense. He was a new one there. Why would he talk about Mr. Reynolds and that too with her? Well anyways. That girl seemed a little more interesting now. Alex just wanted to be her friend and help her to get out of the isolation that she faced in school. The only friend she had was Marisa, as he got to know about her from fellow classmates. He felt bad for the poor little girl.

"Peep peep"

He recognized his car which had come to pick him up. He got into the car and went off to his house.

Amy and Marisa we're quite. Both wanted to talk about what Amy's relation was with Alex. Marisa had eavesdropped them. She knew everything they talked. She couldn't believe how Amy lied to her. She was really disappointed. Not only as Amy shouldn't have lied to her but also because she had a crush on him. Yeah she did. She couldn't get the fact that her crush was interested in her best friend. She could just not thinking about this matter until someone finally spoke.

"Hey Mari, listen! I'm sorry I shouldn't have lied to you. It just came out of my mouth. We were actually talking about something else. I was just really frustrated cause of him y'know. Forgive me. I won't lie ever to yo-"

"Okay stop! We are best friends. You don't need to be sorry. Just don't ever hide anything from me. I'm never going to get angry until then." Marisa said with a really fake smile which Amy couldn't distinguish so she smiled back and said, "aw I love you." Marisa said the same back with not even a bit of emotion.

Amy reached her house finally. She went to her apartment only to find out that there wasn't anyone in there. She had to stay alone again. Her stomach rumbled but she was too tired to get up and cook something. She just went inside her room straight and fell on her bed closing her eyes.

She fell in deep sleep and woke up at evening to a sound that said, "Hey hey hey Amy! Wake up! It's me." It didn't sound like a feminine voice.

But who was it?
