
The conquest of the strongest

Maxim an 11th-grade high schooler was been bullied and no matter how much he told his parents, his teacher, and principal no one ever listened to him. After waking up one day he found his parents turned into flesh-eating zombies that seemingly have no pain after eliminating his parent he unlocked a system that gave him the power he always wished for jumping 100 meters in the sky, running 1000 miles per hour and many more things. So Maxim promises that he will kill everyone that ever wronged him.

Oshane_WALKER · สยองขวัญ
3 Chs


"Stop bullying me please" a teenager with blonde hair and an average-looking shouted " "what are you going to do tell the principal, your parents, or the teacher my parents own this entire school, and your parents work for my parents," an average looking black hair teenager said.


"You slapped me in my face" the black hair teenager shouted "you know what I am going to send you to jail for putting your hand on me," the black hair teenager said before walking into the principal office.

"Maxim grant comes to the principal office now," A voice said over the intercom shouted.

"Morning sir," Maxim said before sitting down on the chair beside Lucas the black hair teenager that was troubling him.

"Why did you put your hand on Lucas and now I am going to call the police on you for violence in my school," the principal said, "sir it was-" "shut up," the principal said, as Maxim looked at Lucas that had a grin plastered on his face and felt his blood started to boil.

As the principal takes out his phone and dials 911 and put it next to his ears "what the emergency" a voice said over the speaker "I got a student at brilliant academy committing violence" the principal said "I will send over three police" a voice said over the speaker.

After fifteen minutes pass a knock was heard on the principal office door "come in" the principal said as Maxim and Lucas turned around and see three police at the doorway "who is causing the trouble" a black hair police officer said, "this kid" the principal said as he points at Maxim.

One of the police walked in and put a handcuff on Maxim's hand before dragging him out of the office, as Maxim looked back into the principal office he saw that Lucas and the principal were smiling at each other, his blood started to boil, after reaching the car they drive for several minutes before the car suddenly stops moving and the ground began to stretch for miles.