
The Chronicles of Ken

A man who recently died found himself floating in a void when he is visited by an entity that sends him to a world of heroes and villains. The only problem is that he never wanted to go in the first place. Follow along as he traverses this new world and tries to be a decent person through this cruel world.

Panda_core57 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

The Ugly Truth


I knew that they would do something I just needed to know if they would tell someone so I could bale if needed. So I sent my Sozu clone to listen in and let me know if I have to go. Right now there was about five minutes left till the start of the tournament part of the festival and I was beginning to wonder what the hell was going on. I mean it's wait for them to say "we need to tell someone" then come back and let me know so I can leave or what for them to say "leave him alone I don't want trouble."

With about a minute to spare Bakugo's parents along side Midoriya Mother came back with my Sozu clone behind them. My clone had this air about him I'm not sure I liked. Sometimes not all the time but sometimes my clones will do or say something they shouldn't. I have begun to think they do it on purpose to fuck with me. Which is weird because their me playing the roll of someone else.

I noticed that Masaru had taken the seat closest to me in place of his wife. There was an long and awkward silence before he spoke.

Masaru: "So..uh Haw-Sozu told me that you saved the little girl from being experimented on?"

Slowly my head turned to my Sozu clone. He was looking strait ahead ignoring the looks of not only me but of my other clones.

Ken: "Perhaps I don't see what it has to do with you or anything really. We are here to watch the festival not make chit-chat."

Masaru: "Sozu mentioned that you are looking for a home for her."

My head let out a loud snap as I turned to look at Masaru and my soon to be dead Sozu clone. Was he/me insane these people raised a kid who thinks the world revolves around him because he has a flashy quirk. Clearly this clone has gone mental.

I was about to let out a string of things better left to the imagination in several different languages when my Sozu clone spoke up.

Sozu: "We have been looking for a people to take care of her. I've looked through several families in different countries. These people could provide her a good home besides being loud they are good people and try to teach their son how to respect others. They have their flaws but who doesn't....besides if they hurt her you could just kill them later."

While the three adults mouths dropped and faces paled at Sozu's words. I closing my eyes in thought. I was going to war with All for One. Her being with me will only put her life in danger. While I would prefer to have her further away from me for her safety it would also be harder for me to watch out for her.

Stopping as I began to make plans on making a fake family I realized that she grew on me. I was not a good role model for like anybody, and right now all she has is me. She needed more people other than one guy who was willing to put on an act. She needed actual people so she can have a real life that's not spent in different hideouts.

My clones are all like me, they seem different because they base their personalities on specific traits of mine. Hashirama; my caring and soft side, Ryu my love for violence and fighting, Sozu, the calm and the ability to make the hard choices and to go unnoticed through it all.

I know my clone did this because I was putting it off. I had gotten attached, while not bad in general it could be dangerous for her. The thought of getting her a new family had crossed my mind many times, but she became like a little sister to me. I had brothers before but never a little sister, and the thought of sending someone I see as family to unknown people to be raised. Everybody that caught my attention I looked into...and didn't stop until I found a reason to dismiss them.

Letting out a grunt of discontent as the first match was announced. Pushing my thoughts of getting Eri a home and if it could be considered suicide if I killed a clone of myself. I watched the remaining maches and mentally prepared myself for the talk after.

For the most part the fights were the same. Where everything noticeable changed was the fight with Todoroki and Midoriya, as well as the fight with Yaoyorozu v Fyumikage. The first fight was more even but in the end when it came to close quarters combat Midoriya managed to take the win. If it stayed long distance Todoroki would have worn down Midoriya over time. Yaoyorozu took the fight if it could be called that. Flashbangs and a solid hit to the face and the fight was over.

Things didn't really pick back up until Yaoyorozu fought Bakugo. He was evasive when he needed to be and when he went in the attack it was honestly something to be hold. It looked animalistic in nature but I could tell he had a method to his madness. It was ment to take people out in a brutal fashion and who it couldn't bulldoze through it wore down. He had Yaoyorozu on the back foot for the majority of the fight. She was only able to win the fight when she managed to create a gel like substance that coverd his hands. She had tried to knock him out with a staff that she created, and she did....eventually. That boy could take a beating as well as he could give one.

There was a 10min wait for the final fight. I could tell it was ment to repair the stage as well as give Yaoyorozu time to recover. During this time Eri had waken from a nap she had take shortly after the start of the second challenge.

He could tell that the Bakugos and even Midoriya wanted to talk to me and Eri but I had no intentions on continuing the conversation. I had enough things to think about and plenty of problems on their way, I don't want people I don't know trying to but into my business.

As for Eri apart of me wants her to stay, she is family to me. The other part knows it's for the best and besides I could always visit her. But if I was going to send her away there is only one person I trust enough for that, and it sure as shit none of the people sitting next to me and my clone know that. He only told them to set a fire under my ass, and to remind me that time was running out.

Grunting as I got up with Eri still I'm my arms I was going to go steal some food and merch. My clones began to get up with a look they stopped and sat back down. I needed time to think...and teach Eri how to steal without getting caught.

Making our way to into a hallway with less people I turned to Eri.

Ken: "Show me what you've got gaki." I had been teaching her some of what I considered basics. Pickpocketting, lockpicking, first aid, how to track both people and animals....how to break someone both in mind and body. This world is cruel and I'm not stupid enough to think that I can always protect her.

Eri: "I've got $104 dollars, three watches, twelve rings, five bracelets and six phones."

Ken: "Did you pull the batteries out of the phones?" After she gave me a nod and showed me the batteries I continued my questions.

Ken: "How many people suspected you, how many saw you, and how did you throw them off?" As she continued her report I was mentally taking inventory of my own haul. She stole from people I stole from U.A. Food was my first priority, I had a lot of people to feed and if I could I would do everything in my power to avoid paying for food.

Medical supplies were easy for me to get even if I couldn't make it. As the days went on more people were coming out of their comas and I.Vs weren't needed as much. Food in the other hand was needed in abundance. Some asked me who I was and if they could go home, that question was a little difficult for me. Some were gone for a number of years, some even going into decades.

Lost in my thoughts and conversation with Eri I almost missed the girl who was about to round the corner. Quickly grabbing Eri's things I hid them in my jacket and kneeled down to her level.

Ken: "Listen...do you hear the foot steps?" Giving me a nod she turned to where the girl was about to round.

One Yaoyorozu Momo rounded the corner looking a little startled at the sight of us. Walking up to her I tried to look as non-threatening as possible.

Ken: "Hey your that girl who's in the finals right? Eh sorry to bother you but I was taking my little sister to the bathroom when we got a little lost. Could you please point us in the right direction?" Giving a slight bow I put my hand on Eri's back to help coax her bow. I could feel Yaoyorozu's eyes on my head, I couldn't tell if she thought I was a threat to her and Eri or if she thought I was an idiot.

Yaoyorozu: "Public bathrooms are up near the top of the stadium...your pretty far from them like in the contestants area far."

Narrowed eyes glared into mine. Shouldn't she be like super nice or something. That's what I remember at least. Giving a shrug I gave my excuse. "He he yeah I kinda figured that out now. Errr could you point us to the nearest bathroom, and.... errr the closest way back?"

Eri was doing the potty dance like a champ with a pinched expression on her face while I gave puppy eyes through my sunglasses. With an unlady like grunt she motioned me to follow.

Yaoyorozu: "There is one this way follow me." She wasn't facing me but I could tell she was looking out for any suspicious behavior. Entering a room that turned out to be the contestants waiting room she pointed to the bathroom. Eri ran twards it and slammed it close once in.

There was an awkward silence that filled the room.

Ken: "Soooo good job in the festival."

More silence. She was beginning to get on my nerves. Sure I was sus but like come on my out fits not that bad and it's not like she caught me stealing I was just talking to Eri in an empty hallway wearing...OK I can see it now that I think about it.

Yaoyorozu: "I know you."

Ken: "Eh?"

Yaoyorozu: "We've met before I just can't figure out where from."

Feeling a shiver go down my spine as I looked in her eyes that were filled with a madness that was hidden nearly perfectly with intellect. That madness I've seen, it's the look of someone obsessed with one of my loadouts. I need to get the fuck away from this phyco.

Ken: "Sorry but I don't know where we could have met." Glancing at the bathroom door with some desperation I was hoping Eri would hurry up. Leaning across the table we sat at Yaoyorozu was in my face a blush slowly appearing on her face.

Yaoyorozu: "Yes it has to be you I can feel it!" Summoning my brass-knuckles I was ready to knock her out grab Eri and book it if she kept on pushing, not only so I wouldn't get caught by the heros before the talk, but so I wouldn't be subject to whatever this crazy was about to do.

Eri: "OK! I'm done!" Eri, God bless her chiby soul provided me an out. Rushing over to her I put her under my arm like a sack of potatoes and booked it.

Ken: "Kaythanksbye!" Using shunshin I made my way down the hall and ran for my life. I had never been caught by one of those mad women and I had no intentions on getting caught now.

After waiting for the fight to start I made my way to my seat. If she was fighting she couldn't be chasing me.

Taking my seat the eyes of the two families as well as the eyes of my clones were on me. Using Morse code I told my clones the gist of what happened.....and those traitorous fucks laughed!!!!

Look she isn't bad looking it's just awkward. Physically I'm 14 but mentally I'm almost 40ish died at 24 almost 25 and add an unknown amount of time in the void and time here...yeah no, and anybody I'd feel ok seeing will be physically older than me....so yeah also no.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind as the final fight finished with the win for Midoriya. While Yaoyorozu was more versatile he just had her out classed in speed in power. The best she could do is stall, and even then it would only be as effective as Midoriya allowed it to be.

After that they had presented the awards to the different contestants people began to leave. Some rushing to grab last minute snacks and merch...but there seems to be a shortage in stock.

Getting up me and my clones began to make our way to a conference room that many of the staff are gathering in. In the background I could hear the Bakugos and Inko Midoriya trying to get our attention but I paid them no mind. If I was going to get Eri a home it would be somebody I trusted and could visit at will.

Making our way through the crowd we each took different paths. This served two purposes 1: one person can go through a crow easier especially if they are trying to go unnoticed. 2: Keep an eye out so we could get there without running into unexpected and unwelcome people.

As we made our way to the conference room I began to think of how I should enter, flashy, like I own the place...should I knock? Mentally shrugging I just decided to go with the flow.


The teachers/heros began to gather they needed to discuss the results of the fights and to vet through some of the offers given. Not all of the offers are given by heros. Some are from different factions like the M.L.A, H.P.S.C, and other less known groups who have heros plants both to gather information and convert who they could.

As the last member Aizawa entered the room and took his seat Nezu's chipper voice filled the room.

Nezu: "I think we can count this sports festival a success. The only problem that arose is the disappearance of several boxes of different merchandise and many different food items all in bulk."

Midnight: "Do we have any idea what happened?"

Nezu: "No we have checked the cameras but..." the door to the room suddenly opened as a group if five walked in. Four teens and one little girl. Ignoring the eyes on them they all took some of the free seats at the table as the leader from what they could tell took off his hat, mask and sunglasses.

Ken: "Yo."

The heros began to tense and prepare their quirks and traps but then Ken a.k.a Ronin spoke again.

Ken: "We aren't here to fight. We are here to talk about the U.S.J and who was behind it."

Listening but still ready to fight Nezu who had his teeth bared and growling slightly gave him a nod to say they were listening.

Ken: "As I'm sure you figured out the majority of people there were just street thugs and minor gang members. The name they went by is The League of Villains lead by a man named Tamura Shigaraki. His backer provided him with a genetically engineered wepon meant to kill Allmight."

Yagi: "What? They were there for me?"

Nezu: "Genetically engineered?"

All of the heros had made some kind of out burst but the loudest/most noticeable was Yagi's and Nezu's. I could see the thought cross Yagi's mind, he had an idea of who might do something like that but ultimately dismissed it.

Ken: "I killed the leader and took in the wepon along with one other. We have been chasing the people who created these wepons, and yes their are more. These creatures were given the name of nomu, we have taken out one of the main labs that make them and have made efforts to restore the people that the nomu were made of."

Shocked gasps filled the room both Nezu and Allmight stared at Ken one trying to find and sign of deceit and the other in muted horror only able to think of a hand full of people who would want to kill him and who had the ability to do so through such means.

Recovery Girl's eyes shot twards Hashirama and remembered his odd behavior. They said they tried to reverse the process she had a guess who was in charge of such an endeavor.

RG: "Are you alright Senju?" Her voice broke Yagi and Nezu out of their stares and caused the other heros to look at the brown haired boy with the caduceus tattooed on both hands.

Giving a slightly crooked smile Hashirama responded. "Please call me Hashirama when I'm not in my Senju attire. As for how I am...I'm getting better. I restored all of the nomu into their previous forms. We are currently holding a little over a thousand people. Some who have gone missing over 60 years ago."

Silence took over the conference room. The only sound that was there were the soft snors of Eri as Ryu held her. Before the heros could ask the questions they no doubt had Sozu continued, they didn't want to spent more time than necessary answering questions and waiting for everybody to gather their thoughts.

Sozu: " The person behind the labs and the League of Villains is a man that goes by the name of All for One."

Allmight: "That's impossible I killed him! I watched him die!" Allmight's out burst made everone eye him with shock...and it also woke Eri which pissed off Ryu.

Ryu: "Shut the fuck up and listen. Speak only after, and if any one of you fucks yells again ill break every bone in your body." His whisper shout quited the room and let him calm down a now awake Eri.

Present Mic; "Hey lis...." A look and low growl interrupted him making it clear he wasn't joking.

Sozu: "We don't care what you have to say on the matter he is alive and planned your downfall. He wanted to break you not just physically but mentally as well. He took..."

Ken raised his hand to stop him. He knew what was coming next and decided to deliver the news himself. "The leader of the League of Villains wasn't some random asshole with a strong quirk. Nana Shimura had a son that she gave up to adoption. This child eventually grew up and had a family of his own. His son was a late bloomer and when his quirk came in he killed his family. All for One took him in and raised him to hate you. To want to kill you."

There was a reason why they were pushing this conversation so fast not giving them time to adapt, not to their arrival, or to the information. This reason is so that it would take a while for the information to truly sink in, hopefully long after they're gone. Unfortunately when Allmight's face scrunched up in rage and he lunged at Ken they knew it didn't quite work.

Ryu tossed Eri to Recovery Girl as he darted in front of Ken. He barely managed to catch the punch and even then the shock wave that his body absorbed filled the reserves on all his tattoos and made him cough up some blood. Hashirama ducked underneath the the punch and had one hand over Allmight's heart and the other over his lungs. Sozu ignited both ends on his staff and jumped over Allmight one end pointed at his back and the other pointed at the other heros. A silent order to stay out of this. Ken stayed seated he had to fight his urge to pull out his blade and try to fight. They weren't there to fight.

Ken: "He is dead and I killed him. He killed over 60 people, turned them to dust one limb at a time. I don't care who he is or was supposed to be to you. All for One twisted him into a killer. I won't put people's lives on the line just because he is related to someone you know, or because he might change. I came here to let you know that All for One is alive and so you won't get in the way.

You and the other users had your chance and FAILED in stopping him. He has ruined the lives of so many. Do you know how many of those people who were nomu were children not old enough to walk? DO YOU!!!!!! If you want to stop me no matter what the reason ILL REUNITE YOU WITH YOUR SENSEI LONG BEFORE ALL FOR ONE HAS A CHANCE TO SAY ALLMIGHT!!!! "

Ronin aimed his killing intent at the heros in the room he was pissed but was careful enough to make sure Eri and Recovery Girl weren't affected. Ronin was finding it harder and harder not to grab his blades. Do they know what he had to do, the things he had to witness, the people he had to tear apart and put back together because of this fuck who couldn't kill a single man?!?!?! This asshole who had the audacity to attack him because he killed a phyco who wouldn't exist if he finished the job!!!

Allmight took several steps back as if struck. Apart of him looked angry and the other filled with remore and guilt. Hawkeye had removed his bladefrom his back but still held it at the ready. Senju and Beast backed off Senju healing Beast as they retreated.

Taking three deep breaths Ronin spoke again. "Nezu I'm going to give you a list of the people we have. I'd appreciate if you could arrange transportation for them to get home. Aizawa you should know the Mist villain at the U.S.J was also a nomu. One of the people who was shoved into that thing was Oboro Shirakumo. He is still unconscious, but alive we will transfer him to U.A soon. Recovery Girl we would like to have words with you at a later date. We have told you what we wanted to, you know who is out there and what kind of danger he poses."

Ronin grabbed a shaken Eri and summoned his portal sword and sent his clones through first. Turning back Ronin left a few final words before his departure. "I have no bad blood with any of you, but I won't have any of you stand in my way."