
Chapter 2

Ethan moves into his new dormitory, it was a dimly lit with two beds on the side and a wall poster of Magnus the great.

He heard a knock of the floor "Hello is someone there"

A muffled voice replied "Hey there"

Ethan look around but couldn't see who talked

"Down here by the bed nob" in muffled voice

Ethan looks so scare away when he saw that the person talking to him is just two feet tall, Ethan waves slowly and surprised "Hi am Ethan I have being assigned to this dorm" Ethan Stammer.

"Can you help me with that bad boy behind you" The little man points to the wand on the floor

"You mean this stick" said Ethan as he picked up the wand

The little man yelled "Hey be careful with it very sensitive and never call it a stick again"

Ethan walk towards the empty bed to drop his bag "So what is your name"

The little man struggles to hold the wand properly as he cast a spell "Rebmun Drac Gnithyreve" a loud wosh of smoke bang up as the little man grows to a normal size

"Am sorry for the whole Projet échoué you just witnessed I was trying my assignment by way am Andrew and you are" he put his hand out for a shake

"Am Ethan" they shook hands

Much to Ethan's surprise, Andrew reveals himself as a half-wizard. They quickly strike up a conversation

Intrigued by Andrew's magical abilities even though he could bearly use them, Andrew offers to give Ethan a tour of the enchanted school.

"The school has two sides the Old world and the New world, the Old world has people like us you know the wizard, fairy and stuff while the New world have those like Telekinesis, Mind control, Weather control,Healing, Levitation, Clairvoyance bla bla bal you don't have to worry there powers is nothing like ours cause everything they do I can do better" Andrew Braggs on and on

As they navigate through the mystical corridors and enchanting halls, Ethan's sense of wonder grows with each step.They come across a group of students surrounding a captivating fairy named Sofia.with a midnight-black hair that crashes over her shoulder she had saccharine sweet lips that were blossom soft With a bubbly outlook and her radiant wings and kind demeanor, Sofia instantly captures Ethan's attention.

Amidst his fascination, Andrew leans over to Ethan and whispers that Sofia is a "no go " zone,"She the most popular princess in the campus and her kingdom is the most powerful" hinting at his own secret feelings for Sofia's best friend Rosalie who possesses an extraordinary power to control plants. But Ethan can't help but be drawn to Sofia's enchanting presence.

Meanwhile, Andrew senses his friend's gazing over Sofia and no matter what he said it is not going through Ethan brain so he decides to take matters into his own hands. He leads Ethan to the library where they unexpectedly encounter Zachary—a spell caster who used to bully Andrew mercilessly, making fun of his unique abilities.

Zachary taunts Andrew once again, attempting to undermine his confidence. However, Ethan steps in boldly to defend his friend.

"That enough" With compassion in his voice, he confronts

Zachary smark " what are you going to do, cry about it?"

Zachary is always desperate for power but despite the warnings from his professors and classmates, Zachary constantly pushes the boundaries of his abilities. He craves recognition and seeks to perform spells that are far beyond his current level of expertise. This reckless behavior often lands him in trouble, but he remains undeterred.

The moment Ethan and Andrew Zachary accidentally pulled an old book the open deep within the library's forbidden section where he stumbled uponan ancient grimoire. The grimoire contains a spell so powerful that it has been locked away for centuries. Ignoring all cautionary tales surrounding it Zachary boldly decides to cast this forbidden incantations.

He waited till night fall as he conjures the spell under a full moon's glow, energies surge through him erraticall, Zachary begins the incantation, ( o famule inferni profer ancillam tuam igneam ad vincendum lorum meam super populum meum) Thunder rumbles above as arcane energy crackles through the air, unleashing a surge of energy that spirals out of control. The immense power is more than he can handle, a spiral crack opens from the ground and a creepy screeching shadow crawls out of it. Zachary drops the book and ran inside out of fear.

The next morning Ethan and Andrew are on there way to there Projective (Spell casting) class when Students started fleeing from classroom as smoke was coming out of the class Ethan and Andrew took a closer look Ethan rushed in to try stop the fire with his powers even though he could bearly make use of them, he was trying to create a vacuum air to blow the fire out but the more he trys the more the fire widened he noticed a lady standing behind the desk in a ranging fire he couldn't reach or see her clearly.

Mr Hangrave stepped in and minimize the size of the fire to a tiny bit and put it out with his shoe he turn around and stear at Ethan "I told you your powers are not that important so next time don't get yourself killed"

Ethan looks disappointed as he turn around to leave the class, he saw a shadow coming out the girl in the fire before she passed out and the shadow phase through the wall he went out to check but couldn't see the sight of it due to the amount of standing outside.

After class Ethan went back to his dorm still confused about what he saw Andrew walked in lamenting about how they still let them go to class after the incident that happened.

"Hey Ethan you there"

"Yeah man am sorry"

Andrew dropped his bag " Are you ok you look like your heart are kidney are in the wrong place"

"I saw something in that fire,it like a shadow I saw it for a second and then it vanished"

"Really bro it your first day in class and you are already seeing things"

Ethan start to pace around the room " do you know the name and where I can find the girl in the fire"

"Come on man don't tell me you are starting to fall that Alisha too" Andrew quipping at Ethan

"Pls Andrew quit being querulous and be serious"

Andrew grumble"I think she is at the medical bay or something"

Ethan picked up his Jacket"Come on man let go"

"What no no no man am not chasing ghost with you"

"Chasing ghost? What if am right let just go check it out"Andrew frown his face he picked up his jacket.

Getting to the medical bay Mr Hangrave was already there talking to Alisha.

"Can you tell me how the fire started" said Mr Hangrave

"I swear I don't know all I remember is coming from the library last night when I saw a book on the floor I picked it up and I blacked out the next thing I remember is waking up here"

Mr Hangrave Gwak at her with is serious face on "so where is this book now"

"It will probably be in my room" said Alisha laying on the bed

Ethan and Andrew look at each, they quickly make a delve into Alisha dorm the entire room was cluttered like someone is looking for a needle in an haystacks. Ethan and Andrew start searching the entire room

In a melancholy voice Andrew yelled "no no no no"

Ethan walk towards him to see what he found, there was a black book in his hands that has a hexagon shape on it "Is that the book" Ethan ask Andrew

Andrew opens the book and saw a lot of ritual and dark spell "Yes this is definitely the book let go back before anyone walks in"

As they reach for the door they heard a footsteps coming up the stairs and towards the room

Ethan advanced a step or two towards Andrew "Can you cast like a spell to make us invisible" he whispers

"No I can't but I think I can cast a spell to get us out of here"

In a state of trepidation, Andrew began to cast a spell with all his might. "Auferte nos!" he exclaimed, hoping to create a teleportation that would whisk them away to safety. However, to their dismay, nothing seemed to happen. Panic set in as the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder.

With the door about to be breached,