

A/N: I did consider sending Theos to Asgard for a while, but dropped the idea. It's not time yet. Soon, but not yet.

Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07. Ch 36.

Anyway, read on!


Now that I'm standing in front of them, although keeping a safe distance of 20 feet, I can tell that they're tall. Like, stupid tall. Thor was about 6'7 feet tall, while Loki was just a bit shorter. But, both of them were taller than me by at least half a foot, which makes me frown a bit.

I also look them over, and realize that they look a lot like their Comic book counterparts, although not the old versions.

Thor looked like the Thor from one of the last Comic's I'd read, with a black body armour, and 6 glowing white circular patches on his chest and stomach. He was also wearing a red cloak, which is something all Thor's wear, I think.

As for Loki, he was wearing a green Cloak, and black trousers. As for his upper body, it was covered in a dark green armour, with some Gold thrown in between.

Thor looks at me warily, and keeps his hammer in front of him, like I was going to attack him. Glaring at the struggling Loki, he asks, "Is this one of your tricks, Loki?! Make me out to not be mother's son?!"

What? What does that sentence even mean? I look at him, confused, and in the hateful glare of Loki, and ask, "The fuck does he even mean by that?"

Loki stops struggling for a while, and snarls out, "He is not the son of Jord, you idiot. Everyone on Asgard, and beyond knows Thor is the son of Frigga!" and keeps looking at me like an idiot.

Well, fuck.

I look at Thor, and sense for his Magic. Yup, he's definitely a Son of Gaea/Jord. No doubt there. Which means.. he doesn't know.

I just drop my head at my stupidity, cursing my impulsiveness. I just created a whole lot of problems for Odin, which I actually don't give a flying fuck about. He's already on my shit list for doing all of those things to Loki's kids based on a prophecy.

Sure, take precautions in trying to prevent the destruction of the 9 Realms, but really? Kidnapping children? And he did not just kidnap them, did he? Nope, he bound them all, separately, manipulated one to murder his brother, and just forbade Loki from trying to rescue them.

While I did not see Asgard within my Visions, yet, I do remember my Mother's tales of Asgard. She stayed there during one of the previous Cycles, as the All Mother, and the first wife of Odin. Yeah, I don't like to think about it much. She's a Goddess. An Elder Goddess.

Turning to Loki, I ask, "So, what was your plan for Ragnarok then? Rescue Jormy? Or summon Surtur?" he just glares at me hatefully, still trying to get out of the bindings.

That's suspicious, my Wood's magic draining property is not that extensive, he should have been able to force out if it by now, being Loki, the God of Mischief. Discretely, I activate my Echolocation, and blink.

The bindings had completely stopped absorbing his magic. Instead, it was currently absorbing magic out of a knife he had on him instead. Smart. And he did it all within a few seconds, not even letting me find out.

A genius.

So, he's pretending to be bound completely, either to realise my plan, or to bide his time.

"Well, whatever your plan, it's not getting fulfilled today, Loki." Saying that, I dismiss him, purposefully, and turn to the still vigilant Thor. I say, "I am not going to attack you Odinson, I give you my word."

Thor relaxes a little, naively. But, the word of a God, even someone as young as me, is not to be taken lightly. You just don't distrust someone who gave you their word, it's disrespectful.

He puts the hammer down on the ground, and I look at it in contemplation. Would I be worthy of it? Or would I fail to even move it?

Thor's voice brings me out of my musings, as he says, "Why did you call me brother? I don't think you're a Son of Odin, and Frigga is not one to be unfaithful to the AllFather..."

"Ah, I apologize, Prince Thor. When you summoned the Lightning storm, I mistook you for being another Son of my Mother, Jord. Alas, I did not consider that someone else could have manipulated the elements like my mother does." I say, looking appropriately apologetic.

Thor immediately smiles, eating up the small lie, while to the side, Loki rolls his eyes. By now he's stopped struggling, and just looks at us in curiosity.

Suddenly though, Thor picks up two stones from the ground, and before I can even register, he throws them at us. The one thrown at Loki hits him right in the forehead, while I catch the one thrown at me with my left hand.

"Ow! What the bloody hell was that for?" I yell at Thor, shaking my hand rapidly. Honestly the sheer strength he shows in throwing rocks scares me. My hand is hurting too much, and although it's starting to heal, it looked red.

Thor looks at me in shame, and then rubs the back of his head. He says, "I apologize, Son of Jord. I was just making sure that you aren't an illusion of my brother."

I simply let the hand heal, and glare at the Odinson, grumbling softly about idiotic brutes who suddenly gain insight.

Meanwhile, the force of the blow to his head knocked Loki out, and yes, I made sure by using my Echolocation. There goes his plan of escaping.

The rocks that hit us both were now turned to dust, the force of the throw enough to make it possible.

Ignoring my hand for a moment, I point at Loki, and ask Thor, "Can I ask what's going to happen to him?"

Thor looks a bit upset at the topic, but answers nonetheless, "Loki tried to summon the Midgard Serpent to kill my younger brother, Baldur, and Odin, my father. He will be imprisoned for a while, but then released. Despite his actions, he is still a Prince of Asgard, and cannot be punished for a failed attempt."

Wow, that's privileged. He tried to kill his brother and father, albeit adopted one, and he gets time out?

I said I sympathize with Loki's motives, his children. I didn't say I agree with his methods, or even his goal. Seriously, he tried to summon a serpent that's the size of this planet, just to kill his relatives? And even still, he failed? And the serpent is his son?

Yeah, it's not as clear cut as it seems.

Shaking my head, I simply offer Thor my hand, and say, "Well, I won't keep you here for long. It was nice meeting you, Odinson."

"Verily! It was good meeting you as well, Son of Jord! Until next time!" Thor enthusiastically says, promptly forgetting that we were about to fight a few seconds before.

I let the trees binding Loki go, and Thor picks him up, putting him on his shoulders. Nodding at me once, Thor swings his hammer, and flies away. Probably to go to a safe location before summoning Bifrost.

Mjolnir, I really wonder if it'll accept me. I do have the same powers.

Now, I have a question. What happens to the weapons of Asgard after Ragnarok? What if one weapon was on Earth when the 8 Realms are destroyed? Will it like, disintegrate, or will it stay intact? A question for another time, I suppose.

Shaking my head, I become invisible again, masking every part of myself, even the energies, and then fly away back to the river. Time to return to my research again.


Asgard, Heimdall's Observatory:

In the Pocket Dimension of Asgard, where the Divine Beings known as the Aesir live, there's a giant Bridge, made of all the colours in existence. At the end of this suspended Bridge, there's a Circular Observatory, which allows access to the 9 other Realms.

Yes, even Heven.

In this Observatory, stood a giant being, even by Asgardian standards. He was 8 feet tall, dark skinned, and had golden eyes that could enchant anyone that viewed in them.

This is Heimdall, the All Seeing. His sword, Hofund allows him to enhance his senses beyond known limits, and see, hear, smell, all over the 9 Realms, with only Heven inaccessible to his senses.

Of course, there are beings, Loki included, that can hide from him. One such being was our very own Theos, who was used to making himself hidden from Uatu, a Watcher. Although by Watcher standards, his Hiding wasn't that impressive, it was plenty enough for the All Seeing eye of Heimdall.

So, when he saw Thor talking with someone, but did not see who, he was already vigilant. Then, Thor attacked the being, but stopped the offensive actions immediately, which confused him even more, prompting him to call for his King, Odin.

"Heimdall, it's not like you to call me out without good reason. What is the issue?" Odin asks gruffly, as soon as he's within the Observatory.

Heimdall keeps looking at Midgard, trying to find the being invisible to him, and answers, "Prince Thor has captured Prince Loki, My King, albeit with some help. He is now on the way to the Bifrost site, with a captured Loki in tow."

"And? That's not enough to call me here, Heimdall." Odin points out, annoyed at Heimdall not getting to the point.

Heimdall finally gives up on finding the mysterious helper, and bows, turning towards Odin. He says, "Apologies, My King. The one who helped Thor capture Loki, managed to stay hidden from me, even when it was visible to Thor. Thor did attack it once, but for some reason, stopped the offensive. I felt that it could be something unfriendly, and thought to warn you."

Odin nods, not bothering to ask him to get back up, and says, "Good. Thor will come here soon, and if he was under that being's control, it's better that I'm here to stop it."

As Heimdall hears it, he stands back up, and gets in his position. As soon as Thor's within the Bifrost site, Heimdall pushes the sword Hofund downwards, and activates the Bifrost.

Him pushing the sword down was signal enough, and Odin gets ready. As soon as Thor flies through the gate, with Loki on his shoulder, Odin commands, "Sleep!" while focusing on his knowledge of Runes.

Almost immediately, Odin's Magic works, and Thor joins Loki in the land of dreams. Odin turns towards Heimdall, and says, "Have Loki taken to the Prisons. 200 years ought to teach him sense. And have Thor be taken to the Healing Chambers. Tell them I ordered a full Mental and Magical scan. I want to know who this being is, that managed to capture Loki, and stop Thor from fighting them."

"Yes, My King!" Heimdall says, and sends out summons for some guards to carry out the King's Orders. Once the guards take the two Prince's away, towards different destinations, Heimdall resumes his vigil, keeping an eye out, hoping the Being becomes visible for once.


Midgard, Gaea's Island:

Gaea, the Elder Goddess, Earth Goddess, Mother Goddess, also known by the names of Aditi, Izanami, Jord, and many more, depending on who you ask, was sitting in her house, with one eye on Theos, and the other on the book in front of her.

She had seen him observe the life on the planet, just like she had done for 3 Billion Years now. And she had also seen him capture Loki, and call Thor a brother.

'Idiot.' She had fondly called him, when he lied on the spot, thankfully knowing when not to speak the truth.

As she's reading, she looks up, feeling a portal be created within her house. Frowning, she sees a portal, blue in colour, with a black centre form near the door to the room, and sees a giant being walk out.

Ignoring him, Gaea just returns to her book, but creates a big chair for her guest. Turning a page, she speaks out, "It's not like you to show up unannounced.. Buri."


A/N: Dun dun dun! I'm not in a good mood today, but I am in a surprisingly good writing mood. I might post one more chapter today, or tomorrow immediately. I'm currently writing it.

Until next time, Tata!