
I did not see this coming..

A/N: First, please read this!

People upset about the strength level of Theos. I already told you I was nerfing him by a lot. I warned about that several times, in fact.

Secondly, y'all are seriously either underestimating Spiderman, or overestimating the Gods. Even in Marvel Comics, most Gods are Class 30- Class 70, with Thor being one of the strongest at Class 100, but we all know that ain't his limit.

Spiderman himself is Class 25 at the minimum, but he's been shown to casually catch cars, buses, stop trains, etc which is way more than Class 25. Sure, Class 25 is still weaker than most Gods, which is why I said he is "Around Spiderman level". MC is Class 30 as of this chapter, without any enhancements.

He can use his magic for that purpose, and he can use his Cosmic Energy. He is not just Class 30 though. He can multiply his strength level if the need arises. That's just his base strength. And he's still young for a god. 170 years isn't much when most Gods are Class 70 at thousands of years of age, and Strongest Gods are at Class 100+.

So, yes, he's nerfed, but not much. His defence is still high, thanks to his mothers. So he won't get one shotted by just anyone.

Now, Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07- Ch 30- bla bla bla.

Read on!


Age: 178 Years.

"Mother?" I ask, one evening, after we'd returned from a spot mother showed me.

For the last few years, mother had been showing me all of her favourite spots on Earth, along with those she showed my mum when she was alive. It was amazing, to see something so far into the past.

While currently, the world is not the same as the that I knew in my life, it was similar. It wasn't Pangea, as that had split up way back into the past, but it wasn't the world map of 2020 either.

I visited Mount Everest, and even saw Mount Kailash from afar. Mother was careful not to show me to any of the Pantheons, and that included the Daevas.

Honestly, I wanted to meet them. Who doesn't want to meet their Gods! Even if said Gods were probably just imaginary in my past.

But.. I also did not want to meet them. What if Indra is a bigger dick than I'd thought? What if Shiva is an asshole? Heck, what if Indra thinks I'm a threat to him simply by the fact that I'm his half brother?

Nope, better to keep thinking of them as Mythological and move on.

Mother also showed me the different places where the doorways to the Divine Dimensions are situated. Like, Mount Kailash for the Hindu Pantheon, Mount Olympus for the Greco-Romans, Some cave in Europe for the Asgardians, which they don't even use, an insignificant looking rock in Stygia for the Ennead, etc.

Sometimes, I wonder. How strong were the Elder Gods, that just by expelling Energy he collected from eating them, Atum managed to give rise to so many Pantheons?

"Yes, Theos?" Mother says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Shaking my head, I sigh, and say, "I want to travel the world. Alone, this time."

"Huh? What brought this on?" Mother asks, frowning.

Sitting down, I take her hand in mine, to reassure her that I'm not angry at her this time, and say, "It's just.. while I appreciate you showing me all the spots, and I love them, I truly do. But.. I stayed alone on Donna, mother. For 5 years! And suddenly being escorted everywhere by you is.."

I pause, not being able to think up a word that won't hurt her feelings. Mother hesitantly asks, "Smothering? You feel as if you aren't free?"

I nod, not saying anything. Honestly, I loved these years, but I do feel smothered. When I travel with mother, I never see anyone else, as mother makes sure I'm as far away from the Gods as possible. Heck, I haven't even seen any mortal!

Mother sighs, rubbing my hand with hers, and says, "I always knew this day would come. I just didn't think it'd come so early. My son doesn't love me anymore!"

"I love you, mother. But I do need to grow on my own." I whisper, hoping she understands, and stops her sad face.

Mother just wipes her eyes, and chuckles. She says, "I know, sweetie. I love you, too. It was just an old woman's way of trying to keep you home."

Wow, I am impressed. I still roll my eyes at her, and say, "You are weird, mother. Sometimes behaving like the oldest person around, and sometimes the youngest."

Mother smiles, not saying anything. We just stay silent for a few seconds, mother just looking at me.

She finally says, "While you don't need my permission to do so, I do give you my blessings to leave the island. I know, you can survive almost everything. But.. I'd rather you didn't wear your Celestial Armour when traveling. While not every God knows of Celestials, many do. The 2nd Host made sure of that."

I nod, understanding the sentiment. The 2nd Host was when the Celestials returned, and the island of Lemuria, and the Deviants were destroyed. Well, almost, in case of the Deviants. Some stayed hidden and were still hidden.

A few of the Skyfathers witnessed the event, and were still watching in shock when Tiamut was betrayed by Arishem. Thankfully, the third Host never came to be in this Universe, as Knull happened.

Those few Gods then spread the news of the Celestials, warning everyone to stay away from them.

If I showed myself to be a Celestial, even by showing my Armour, the Gods will most definitely band together to kill me. Doesn't matter that I'm Gaea's son, or that I'm just half Celestial. They will do anything to make sure I'm not a threat to them.

Especially Zeus. That bastard would kill his own son to prevent an overthrowing, like he did to his own father Kronos.

I nod my head at mother, and say, "Don't worry. I'm going to keep the armour in the Ship."

The Ship. It was a wonderful piece of work, that's for sure. Most of the stuff there was inaccessible to me, but what I did have access to, was nothing short of amazing.

Solar System wide scanners for any anomaly, a Galaxy wide sensor specifically tuned to Wormholes, and the best part, it was only accessible to me.

I think those sensors were only there so the Ship can warn me if a Celestial shows up, and my Visions fail me somehow.

Mother nods, smiling sadly. She pats my hair, and kisses my forehead gently. She whispers, "I will miss you, my little Theos. Well, not so little now, but I still will miss you."

Hugging mother close, I whisper back, "I will miss you too. But.. we both know you'll be keeping a close eye on me."

"That was obvious, Theos. But.. Don't worry, if you find a lover, I will not peek on you." Mother says, sniffling a bit.

"Mother!" I yelp, scandalous, and teleport out of there. I do not need to listen to The Talk. Honestly, listening to it once, while already knowing almost everything about it was horrifying enough.

"PRACTICE SAFE SEX, THEOS!" I hear a yell come from my house, as I close my ears and lay back on my tree.

Technically, I am somewhat close to 18 human years. I think I age 10 times slower than mortals, at least. No idea when, or if I would ever stop ageing. There has to be a point where I stop ageing, which will be my Prime. No idea when though.

But, for now, I am marvelling over the Universe. This is my last night on this island, for a long, long time.

---Age 184---

For the last 5 years, I have been studying the life on Earth to compare it with that on Donna.

The first difference was, the life on Earth was weak. And I don't mean it as an insult, it was factual. The acceleration due to gravity on Donna is twice as that on Earth, which meant that the beings that mother brought from here, to Donna, had managed to evolve to be stronger physically.

I wasn't going to take mortals there, as it was supposed to be my private space, but, if I did, I can guarantee that the humans there would at first have a lot of trouble surviving, and then they will evolve to grow stronger, faster, more resilient. Well, that is if they manage to survive, obviously. Gravitational force is not something that you can adapt to so easily.

But, if they do, every person that lived there would be comparable to Captain America.

The Comics one, who's just 'Peak Human' and not the Movies one, who's Superhuman.

Another difference would be that some animals had gotten bulkier, and most of that was muscle tissue. Imagine the force with which an ape, twice the size of mundane apps, can throw shit at you. Yup, you'll die.

There were other subtle differences, like change in Eye colour to make up for the decreased sunlight, or the higher concentration of Chlorophyll in plants, for the same reason.

While the light difference wasn't much, it was enough to warrant a change in the lifestyle.

Other than that, I mostly just studied the mortals staying on Earth. They were a curious little thing. Getting impressed by every little thing, and scared by anything that harms them.

But, they also have amazingly intuitive minds. The one craft they mostly focused on, was creating weapons. No matter what era, humans always find ways to harm others, by saying it'll protect them.

Man creates spear to fish, finds out it can also be used to kill competition for a woman. Voilà!

He creates arrows to hunt for food. Well, it can be used to kill animals, why not other cavemen?

You get the idea.

Unfortunately, I did not get to witness any big thing yet. Fire was already famous, thanks to Prometheus, the Titan. Stone knives, spears were already a thing as the mortals have existed for 3 million years, although not in this exact shape.

Wheels weren't a thing yet, at least for the mortals, so maybe I'll get to witness it or something. Wheels did pave the way for Civilization.

Huh, I don't think mortals of my old world existed so early. I wasn't a History buff, so I have no idea when the Homo Erectus lived, which is the one living on Earth now.

How do I know? Mother calls them the Erect Man. I connected the dots.

I was currently flying with my Magic, hiding from every being capable of sensing me. I was somewhere in the African Continent, following the trail of a rabid dragon.

Why was I in Africa? Well, I was observing a human settlement, remembering that most Civilizations began somewhere in Africa. While I was there, having a nap, invisible to the world, a bloody dragon came in, burned a few humans, captured two in it's legs and left!

Why do I know it's rabid? I don't, but it was a guess. Normal Dragons don't like human meat. They prefer horses, cattle, and other such animals. Wyverns, sure. Dragons, no.

So, it was either rabid, or under someone else's Control. There are plenty of Gods capable of controlling the minds of other Gods, let alone Dragons.

So, when the dragon left, I let it go, wanting to see where it went. If it was rabid, I was going to kill it. If it was under someone's control, I was going to see what they were upto.

Sure, I could have just used my Echolocation to see if anyone is waiting close by, but that's boring. Honestly, knowing everything all at once, with no one able to hide from you, is plenty boring. I'd rather use the training Scathach put me through, and track the Dragon myself.

I could see it in the distance, a small spot in my sight. The Dragon was big, like 100 feet big, and it's wingspan was even greater. So, yeah, it was fast.

Not faster than me, obviously, but it was fast.

About an hour after it took flight, I see it drop the altitude, and fly in the direction of a mountain. Looking around, I see a few more Dragons, Wyverns, and even some bigger birds, fly towards the mountain, with humans in their possession.

Some humans were awake and screaming, while some were unconscious. One by one, the different flying creatures drop down and disappear from my sight.

I frown, as I use my Magic to try and sense things. There was something hidden from my Magic, which wasn't supposed to be possible. You can't hide from Earth, on Earth.

I'm not using Echolocation this time, because if someone can hide from the Son of Gaea, ergo me, then they can most likely sense Cosmic Energy. I think. But, I'd rather not risk it.

Carefully, still invisible and silent, I drop down on the ground just outside the barrier that separates the Perpetrator from me. Using one of the skills my mother taught me, while Scathach trained me to be stealthy, I bend down, and shift into myself.

When I'm done, in place of me, a human looking God, there was now a wolf, half my original height. I'd become an Animagus!

Shaking my head to clear the uncomfortable feeling, I slowly walk towards the barrier, still invisible from sight and senses. As soon as I cross the barrier, three things happen all at once.

1. My invisibility fades away, showing me in all my Wolfy glory.

2. A mortal appears right in front of me, and looks around, his eyes finally stopping right on me.

3. I sneeze, blowing dust around, at the intense smell of sulfur all around.

"How in the hell did this wolf get here? I thought the wards would keep it out." The mortal mumbles, and comes towards me.

I sniff, and realize that this was no mere mortal, as the smell of Sulfur was also coming from him.

As the -now known to be- demon tries to pick me up, I allow him, and let him carry me outside the barrier. As soon as we're out, I shift back to my Godly form, and before the demon can even react, I hold him right by the neck, lifting him up.

Looking into his eyes, I whisper, "Let's find out what demons are doing outside of their Hell, alright?"

"Ugh- a God?!" the Demon fearfully chokes out, and tries to over power me. Obviously, he fails and I hold him still.

As the demon possessed mortal trembles, and tries to leave his meat suit, I use my magic to contain him within the body, and place my hand on his head. Let's find out his secrets.

'Well.. what did I land myself into?' I think to myself, as soon as I'm out of his mind.

Looking at the demon in disgust, I call up my Lightning and fry it from within, taking care not to harm the mortal body.

Black ichor leaks from the mortals orifices, as the demon within it dies. The mortal will be alright, after a few days of rest. Sighing, I simply create a portal to the location of the Mortal's residential area, and gently float the mortal Through.

Now, what to do with the rest?


A/N: Yup, the plot begins. Finally! Training is over, and except for summaries, I won't mention MC training again. Probably

So... Who do you think it is? Lucifer?Mephisto? Stay tuned, to find out!
