
The Broken Road to Redemption

I’m an assassin, i killed so many people, that i don’t think hell will be enough punishment for me, but ween i died, i’ve got another chance, a new world, I’m going to claim that chance and won’t do the same mistakes,so what the adventures is waiting for me? And can i live a happy life throwing all the mistakes and the sins away?

rove_content · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 9: The wedding

The middle class noble who are we going to guard is a man know of his greed and gluttony, he is the type of man who wants everyone to see how much rich he is and how much power he have and that's why he have a lot of enemies but due to the geographical location of his land, he does not have any commercial power, because his land is in the north east of zorania kingdom very close to the enchanted elsysium forest, and that's why many merchants doesn't want to deal with him, but every thing will end if he marry lady Everwood, a lady from a famous noble house that has ruled over their territory since 300dc(devil comes), but he just going to marry the daughter of the subfamily not the main family but even though he will just have connection with the subfamily his income will be better than before, and now we finally reach our destination.

When i reach the clearing, i was surprised by the sight of a grandiose crystal palace, the iridescent walls were sparkling in the sunlight. The palace was surrounded by a moat filled with shimmering water that glows in different Colors as the day progresses.

The entrance of the palace is adorned with a magnificent arch, woven from silver threads and studded with diamonds and emeralds. Once I've step inside, i was greeted by a spacious hall filled with blooming flowers of every hue, their sweet scent filling the air.

At the center of the hall stands a grand stage, covered in soft velvet fabric in shades of pink and gold. The stage is surrounded by plush seating arrangements, where guests can relax and enjoy the ceremony.

The palace has a domed roof that lets in streams of natural light during the day and transforms into a canopy of stars at night. The walls of the palace are decorated with intricate murals depicting scenes from romantic fairy tales.

Our instructions were very clear, right now we aren't the kids of nobles,we are soldier and our only task is to protect this place, so our leader just spoke.

Isla blackwood « as everyone know I have been entrusted with the task of protecting this place, so I will not accept any lapses, for my sake and yours, you must follow my orders, and if you have any ideas or notice anything strange, I will be the first to hear from you »

Nice speech in a moment all the fear and the stress and n the air is gone, surely she have a great future in leadership.

Isla blackwood « aurelian moonstone can we have a private moment? »

« In the first day at the academy I was reading all the pupils using body language so I had an initial understanding of the pupils' personalities for future purposes, and among all the students you were the only one who did the same, so from the first day you hade my eye on you, so I was studying all your movements and habits, and I came to a conclusion, you were taught the same way I was taught, so i believe that you going to be a useful allie, so here's my proposal.

Aurelian moonstone, I want you to ally with me until we graduate from the academy and share information that will help us overcome the obstacles that will face us in the future so what is your respond? »

« very well isla blackwood For the sake of my future goals, i will ally myself with you, and now for our alliance ceremonies, I will give you a gift. In About two hours, people will attack this party. I don't know how many of them, or where they will come from, or how they will come, but they will be strong, so you must prepare your little soldiers and be ready »

« what are you going» she said

«I'm just going to check something »i said

The two hours ended everyone is on their nerves, The groom and the bride entered, But suddenly a smoke came, our reaction was quick, we quickly ensured people's safety but the smoke was just a deceptive move their real intention was to gather us in one area, then suddenly a barrier acted, but it was not an ordinary barrier it was a barrier that prevented the release of mana.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

rove_contentcreators' thoughts