
The Broken Road to Redemption

I’m an assassin, i killed so many people, that i don’t think hell will be enough punishment for me, but ween i died, i’ve got another chance, a new world, I’m going to claim that chance and won’t do the same mistakes,so what the adventures is waiting for me? And can i live a happy life throwing all the mistakes and the sins away?

rove_content · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 10: The terrorists

They've activated a shield that can block you from using mana, and after that 35 armed person.

« Yo it's been a long time since i saw you, you fucking Giant Chubby, how have you been??» one of the terrorist said.

« What!!! Madoma!! You fucking scum bag what are you doing here?» the noble said

«what do you mean, it's my friend wedding party, of course i would show up, that's what friends do » he said.

« cut the crap, since when i was your friend »the noble said.

« please don't say it like this, have you forgotten the young girls that i offered you, i even curbed my lust for them so that you would be the first to try them, but now you want to get marry and And you want to cheat on us» he said

« What how did you know!!!??? » the noble said

« Please don't think that you are the only one that we are dealing with, We have a lot of connections even in the royal palace, opps i said too much, i'm sorry kids but this that is the last day of your life » he said

« Last day of our life,(A slight giggle) do you even know who you talking to i'm isla Blackwood, Donovan Blackwood's cousin, if you kill me right now you think my cousin will let it slide, he won't stop until he kill you guys »she said

« ohhh shite i didn't think that one of warlord bloodline will be in this place, but who care i'm sure the higher persons will take care of this situation, so don't be worry(with a slightly evil smile) » he said

When he finished his sentence, 2 of the terrorist attacked,the students wanted to fight back but they were surprised to see that there magic won't show up, but luckily i was there to recover the situation.

Arcan blade style: first style: Arcane Strike, arcane strike is a strike that contains both speed and strength and in order to do that you need to fill up your blade with mana, so using this blade i cut their head in the same time.

«(clap, clap,clap) impressive i didn't think you'll be able to do such a attacks with just pure strength »the terrorist said.

« What are you talking about, You ignorant are you that low, open your eyes and look closely to abyss » i said

« What!!! Don't tell me you fucker how can you use mana, The barrier is activated. No one but us can use mana, so how? » he said

« you scum bags have made 3 mistakes, first when we were coming i noticed something strange The guards had the same tattoo as the one on your neck, secondly at night the number of guards decreased so that mean that they've gone somewhere and finally you left the magic crystal unattended, I'm sure even someone like you with 0iq will understand what this mean »i said.

« Don't tell me you Tramp bastard, you inserted your mana into the crystal so that you won't be affected » he said

« Your right but in the same time your wrong, i didn't just inserted my mana into the crystal,I was able to understand her equations and solve it, so now tell me now what are you planning to do when your little trick is no longer available do you have any other tricks » i said

« H-how in earth that was a hight equation even a A+ sorcerer won't be able to solve it »he said

After i finished my sentence i cracked my finger and the barrier disappeared

« Now enough with talking, can you please take care of this situation, i don't think i will be able to kill all of them, hey can you hear me teacher »i said

« Well done aurelian moonstone, please leave the rest to me » the teacher said

After that the professor took the rest by him self, and that was a great experience, because I'm starting to understand This complex concept called mana.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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