
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Protecting The Bomb

All might, had been observing the screens with the rest of the UA class who were all scattered around the room, all watching different screens filled with excitement for this strange bought.

After watching the match for an extended period of time All might, would ponder as to why Dylan would occasionally look straight at the floor, but what had caught his eye, even more, was when he stood in the middle of the stairs.

Twisting his head over to the other screens, he noticed that at the same time, Kyoka and her group were also currently waiting on the stairs as Kyoka was busy listening in on the wall whilst the rest waited.

Honestly, he thought that Dylan was able to tell where they were, although that didn't stop All might from crinkling his brow at the fact Dylan was somehow able to tell.

This slowly led him to question what kind of other quirks he could have because something like this was definitely not able to be chalked up to a coincidence.

It didn't take long for people to forget about Dylan, mostly because he stood on the same step, swivelling his head at the ground almost like he lost a coin.

And moved on to keep their eyes trained on the other group, which they had more hope in to win, which they would constantly cheer for them to find the bomb either in silence or openly.

The classroom of 1-A liked to ask All might why, if Dylan told their group where the bomb was, why haven't they gone straight for it if they already know where it is.

On the whole, All might, couldn't help but think about what Dylan said and sighed as he went about to recite what Dylan had said to him to the students who wanted to listen.

"You all, as heroes, will get valuable information that can help out in a raid, but let me ask you this, should you believe in everything you hear. And that is what Dylan did, he wanted to see how they would react after he gave out the free information"

The class finished listing intently to All might's tail, and after that, they all happened to became dumbfounded in their own little ways about the thinking behind why Dylan would do such a thing.

Nevertheless, that would all change when they went into sheer shock after they all watch the building violently shake and to then see straight after what happened to the group of heroes.

All might dashed his head over to the screen with Dylan on his spotted with his foot embedded in the concrete of the stairs.

As Dylan was pulling his foot out, All might watch his face turn into one of puzzlement, confusing All might and making him pay more attention to what Dylan would do.

When All might saw the cracks in the concrete around the stairs starting to repair themselves he knew it was Cementoss who was busy fixing the mess Dylan caused to the stairs, in any case, that was when Dylan stomped again.

This time, the cracks didn't stay confined to just the stairs and began seeping up along the wall and across the floor, when the look on Dylan's face contorted to that of amazement and All might watched this, but he also definitely didn't understand any of it.

Whilst the other students had worried looks displayed openly as they watched because Kyoka was now bleeding out one of her ears and with her, almost limp deminer being lifted up whilst Momo and Denki were busy trying to get her up the stairs.

And with them making it up the stairs, All might watched as Dylan lifted his leg for the third time, expecting him just to continue to suppress the other group into leaving the area under such dangerous circumstances.

However, when that foot hit the concrete, the strength that was exerted into the steps pulverized the concrete into dust followed by the steps around it, turning them into small stones and then the surrounding concrete following suit becoming nothing more the pebbles in the shape of stairs.

Without any more flooring, supporting him, Dylan soon fell through the dust and debris of what used to be some stairs.

All might quickly glance over to the next set of cameras to just catch a glimpse of him barreling through the next flight of stairs.

The whole of class 1-A watched on with dazed expressions trying to grasp at anything that could make them understand what just happened, so one student looked at A;; might and asked "All might what just happened"

All might shifted his gaze from the screens and onto Eijiro, and took in a breath"He has just destroyed any chance for the heroes to get up to the top floor as well as made his presence known" but then one of the girls frowned and said with slight anger in her voice "Did he have to be that cruel though"

The big grin softened a little, and he glanced just above Eijiro to see a pink-haired girl hold a little bit of anger behind her eyes to which he sighed at and answered "Honestly I don't think he was meant to do that, especially the last 2. I think It's because Cementoss has reinforced the building's structure, making it harder to break"

Pausing to take in a small breath to then continue to speak "When Dylan stomped the first time I am guessing he thought he would break through easily, but Cementoss began to start repairing it the second he noticed that there was damage, which caused Dylan to stomp harder the following times"

All might stopped his obviously long speech, hoping that they understood, and turned back to the screens to continue to observe when he saw red glowing eyes emitting from within the dust that was displayed on the screen.



Momo was busy extracting cloth from her body and using it to wrap around Kyoka's head, trying to get the blood from pouring out any more than it already had.

Denki and Momo were progressively getting more and more worried as they saw the figure getting closer under the cover of the dust. Momo pulled out a metal javelin from her body to stand up and hurl it at Dylan.

Only to have to see him backhand the piece of metal into the neighbouring wall, just to see him continuing to walk forward to them. Denki quickly looked at Momo "Quickly take Kyoka" as he looked back with a stern face.

When electrically started to spark from his fingertips as the arcs slowly got bigger as they ran up his arm till they launched from his shoulders in random directions until he lifted his arms up to Dylan with open hands..

The arcs that were flying off his shoulders were focused back down to his hands and out at Dylan, these sparks exploding out in a wave of energy that slowly became more and more focused into a beam as Denki got a handle on the power.

With the shuttle of energy making its way over to Dylan, and that's when Denki only hoped that when his electricity hit him that it would be able to disable him for a brief moment, allowing his group time to escape or maybe even find the bomb.

Seeing the electricity slowly envelop Dylan, Denki sighed until he saw it explode out into a circle scraping against the floor, travelling around to the walls and then the ceiling in a whirling motion to begin gradually cutting out a deeper groove into the surroundings.

However, the energy that slowly was being spread out attacking the surrounding area all of a sudden stopped being expelled, but instead looked like Dylan was absorbing it by the way he took a couple of steps back to deal with the force hitting him.



[Energy Detected - Hitting Host]

[Dose Host Want To Extract Cosmic Energy]

[YES] [NO]

I looked at the message that popped up whilst I was being hit by Denki's beam as I was waiting for him to fizzle out, but what I read caught me off guard. And I wanted to see what would happen if I thought of answering yes.

[Host Has Agreed]

[Bioelectric Shield Deactivating]

[Absorption May Commence]


In the next moment, I felt my body almost open up as a wave of energy infiltrated my body as I felt the electricity puncture my very being with its share of pain that caused me to take a few steps back to stabilize myself.

Yet. Because of this, I completely forget to close my system, giving me the chance to see the numbers gradually beginning to climb.

[Cosmic Energy Added = 3^]

[Cosmic Energy ... = 8^]

[Cosmic ... = 26^]

[... = 43^]

It finally stopped at the number 57 before, Denki had drool flowing out his mouth, which brought a smile to my face as I just had Momo left before I win this bout.

Scanning around I couldn't find Momo anywhere, however, I found some rope hanging from the holes I came down here in so ass I activated my x-ray I found her claiming a rope that would lead her to the fifth floor and smirked.

Looking up through the floor, I saw where the bomb was located and went to step just below it and once I saw Momo climb up to the top floor I decided it was time to jump.

Activating slow-mo I shot off the ground watching the ceiling heading closer to me and stuck out my hand to press against the concrete as I forced my way through but I also watched the cracks shoot across the roof whilst I enjoyed the beauty of it.

As I passed through another floor, as I made my way to the fifth and final floor but to not shoot off out the roof, I open my arm extremely fast to cause an immense amount of air pressure to use it as my air brakes as I deactivated my slow-mo.

Landing, I saw the shocked expression of Momo and said with a smirk, "Do you surrender?" she looked at me with a stern expression with her hand behind her back and replied "Never"

Walking up to her, I reached out my hand to grab her when she tossed out two strange-looking objects, glancing back up at her, I noticed her eyes were clenched shut.


Interesting she thought out flash bangs but because her eyes were shut I grabbed her by the collar and asked again "Do you surrender" but this time as well as being shocked she had a soft smile and responded "Yes I surrender Dylan"

With the bells going off to signify the end of the match, I merely nodded and said "Good, let us go help Kyoka"