
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Finding The Bomb

Everybody held their breath as they watched Izuku getting carted away on a stretcher, but my eyes were trained on Bakugo, whilst I looked at his sorry state as he just stood there in a daze, obviously thinking he's been lied to throughout his childhood that Izuku hid his quirk from him.

In any case, followed by what just transpired, Bakugo and Tenya made their way back into the room, followed Ochaco who had a face filled with worry.

Merely clicking my tongue at the sight because at this point if she continues to worry about every time he breaks a limb I seriously would find that having a mindset like that to be pretty foolish.

Anyway, with that round settled, they moved on from the building that now had a gaping hole running up the centre, and over to a new one with the next participants and Shoto's group as the heroes.

I can't say it was all that interesting to watch an emo kid freeze up the entire building and touch the bomb to score his victory, but my thoughts were soon out shadowed by everyone's gasp of astonishment at the sight of his display of strength.

With a couple of hours passing by with the rest of the students having their turns at being heroes and villains.

At this point I knew the Momo's group had come up with different strategies for dealing with me and Minoru, however, on my side, my 'partner' being the desperate piece of shit he is, who had been staring at ass like a depraved ape.

To my surprise, when All might call my group letter next I glanced over to give the enemy group a good luck wink, and most of that was aimed at Momo, but they all happened to be looking at me trying to give me intimidating stares when I gave the wink.

However, before they could leave I called out loud to All might "Put our bomb on the topmost floor" and with those words, Minoru finally stopped looking at the girl's assets and ran up to me with slight anger behind his eyes "Why did you tell everyone"

Momo's group were busy slowly walking out of the room to get ready, looked at me with dazed expressions, whilst I looked away from them and back down to Minoru and I frowned "why do you care, ass boy?"

Walked up to All might leaving Minoru seething in anger and told him to put it into the system so in no way could it be undone, but before he was going to do it he asked for my reasoning behind why I said it out loud.

I simply sighed and lied through a straight face "Heroes are able to get information to help in fights whilst some get false information, I am simply letting Momo's group decide whether what I said was true or not"

He looked intrigued by my logic and went along and put the position into the system, and seeing him do that I swivelled on my foot, to start heading out the room. Not long after heading out the exit did Minoru start picking up his pace to catch up to me.

Following a path, we arrived in a room that had a few chairs for us to wait on, but before I could close too enough to even consider sitting down did the door on the other side of the room swing open showing Cementoss who then called us over to him.

When we followed him, he just mentioned that the bomb was put in the place we had specified, which lead to Minoru giving me the stinky eye. Cementoss led us out into the urban area, towards our designated building we would be occupying, and that's when Cementoss parted ways with us as we made our way up to the building's entrance.

Gazing up at the 5-story building that had a basic office complex appearance that you would honestly forget if you ever saw it as you walked past it on the street.

In any case, I stepped through the door, to meet my gaze upon a large open space that only had the building's support beams and nothing obstructing my view to see the whole way through to the other side.

Stepping in, I quickly started to look for the stairs so that I could start getting myself up to where the bomb was and luckily finding the stairwell was pretty easy, which started me on my way up to the other floor in a casual fashion as I was in any rush.

Looking into every room just to get a good look at my environment, I noticed most of the rooms weren't actually that empty because I looked more along the lines of people up and left, then somebody else came in and pillaged the rest only leaving useless thing behind.

And in any case, we reached the bomb and that's when some mics that were outside the building mumbled their way inside saying "Are all students ready?" we did need to say anything as they were only saying that for effect.

"Good, now heroes you will be granted 15 minutes to defeat the villains" after that I could hear the slight cheer from Momo's group coming from outside because they had actually been granted an extra 5 minutes.

However when their cheers stopped that's when the mic bombed again "You will start when the count hits 0" and after he was done talking a metallic voice rung out.







And with that, I nonchalantly strode towards the stairs, not before I heard Minoru "Where are you going?" twisting my body to see him and I asked, "Do you know how to fight?" seeing him get all nerves and cower on himself I couldn't help but be disappointed as I would be carrying him to victory.

Glancing around the room, I found a rusted piece of a metal bar that I picked up and began to walk towards him, seeing him try and scurry away I grabbed him by the collar and bent the bar around him making sure he was not able to move.

Dropping the Minoru that now had his arms permanently stuck at his side, I went back to heading over the stairs and activated my x-ray to find them walking up to the second flight of stairs. I can't wait to see them on the third floor.



Kyoka, Denki and Momo had just entered the building to start searching when they came across and bain floor that was as wide as a football pitch and because they could see from one end to the other they clearly couldn't be, any way a bomb was hidden on this floor.

So the three of them quickly moved on to finding the staircase to get themselves farther up the building's interior.

Within a short, while the stairs were found and that was when Kyoka went up against the stairwell wall to pull out her ear jack to plug it into the wall and put her hand into the air getting them to be quiet.

Kyoka pulled it out of the wall gently and that's when she spoke in a whisper "They're still further up" and with that, the group made their way up to the first floor this time they were slightly unlucky because this time they had to search through the room that were present on this floor.

With this taking longer than they expected, Momo came up with an idea of making walkie-talkies for her group just so they could split the group up more to cover more ground. As she handed them over they set the signal and moved out.

Within a few minutes, Momo spoke across the walkie-talkie "KEk... Moving onto the second floor, over...KEk" with a slight giggle and Denki and Kyoka answered back in an agreeable tone to what Momo said.

So without much delay, they came up to the second floor and Kyoka did the same thing just arriving behind them and listening for any vibrations coming from the building. However this time something caught her off guard, as this time the vibrations were strange almost erratic in nature like a bug stuck on its back.

With Momo singling Danki to move on up the stairs with her, they both came to see an open room on this floor almost like the ground floor, except this time the room still had its partition that separated each of the offices' desks that were still scattered around.

They both sighed as after watching their other classmates boughts on the screens that took place, they had a rough idea about how big 'bomb' should be and that is towering over each of these partitions, so they quickly made their way back to Kyoka, which got them a couple of glances from her with a face of confusion.

Momo quickly clarified, "It was like the ground floor" Kyoka hearing this just shrugged in agreement, not giving it much thought after Momo finished her sentence.

As they made their way up, Kyoka stopped them in the middle and crouched, placing her ear jack into the concrete of the wall just to her left and Denki watching the same old thing, chose to move on up the stairs ahead to get the lay of the land.

However, before he could take a step, a loud rumble shook its way through the building's frame, causing Denki to lose his step and tumble into the railing, allowing him to grip it for support.

Whilst Momo was already holding onto the railing when the quake happened. However, the strong tremble caused her to lose her footing on the edge of the step dropping her face-first into the steps, but luckily she reached out her free hand, saving her face from taking any damage.

On the other hand, Kyoka wasn't able to be fast enough to pull out her jack from the wall before the vibrations propagated into her ear, destroying her right eardrum. Under excruciating pain, she numbly moved her arm to pull out her jack before the second wave of shakes brushed through the building.

Momo seeing the blood drip out from Kyoka's ear rushed to her as she yelled out to Denki "Help me take her to later ground!" without even a second thought, he bolted over to help Momo take the pain-stricken Kyoka up the stairs and onto flat flooring.

That was just when they all felt the third wave of shakes, passed through the floor just below their feet and trembling up their spines.

Subsequently, that's when Denki and Momo noticed cracks coming from the wall where the stairs were, but Momo quickly pushed that to the back of her mind and went to tend to Kyoka.

Out of know where they were all drawn to the sound of rubble falling onto the stairs above, and at the beginning, it was a slow little trickle that was barely audible when all at once a loud deafening noise echoed throughout the concrete box they were encased in.

Momo did not care and stayed trying to attend to Kyoka. Then, without preparation, a second noise that shocked the body to its core came crashing through the stairs that would have taken them to the fourth floor.

With all the rubble settling and with Momo trying to take care of Kyoka in the best way she could, her being preoccupied was understandable and even when somebody was trying to tap her on the shoulder I don't think would break her concentration, but that was until Denki spoke.

"Momo you might want to move Kyoka" with the sudden words breaking her out of her focus she asked "Why?" he didn't say anything but pointed to where the stairs were.

In the depth of the dust cloud, two ominous glowing red beads illuminated the dust that floated around the person Momo and Denki wear looking at.