
The Broken Heiress

As the chosen Heir of the family, she has so much responsibility on her shoulders however, she was facing a worse and more secluded horror of her life which broke her mentally, emotionally, and physically. With no choice but to accept her fate and undergo the family's tradition called "The Foundation". At the young age of seven, her mind was as sharp as an adult's. While undergoing the training, she faced several challenges still, but she strived. 18 years later, she came back as the heir to her family's Trillion dollar and counting assets. However, her past and everything she had been through during the training had left her broken and just a shell of herself. Will she ever find happiness and peace in her broken world? * * * Will update as frequently as I can.

Beautiful_Mind · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Bang! Click!

The front door opened and closed and the click of the lock echoed indicating the lock of the door. Those sounds were how I could identify who had walked in. Those sounds were all I had to survive. I knew he was back, probably from a club or out drinking.

I listened with my back pressed against my room wall at the far right, far away from the door. I knew that no matter how drunk or tired he was, he would always get to his destination which was my room.

His voice wasn't heard, which meant my sisters and mother were home. That alone calmed my beating and fearful heart. With shaky hands, I covered my mouth with my small hands to block the sound of my panicked breaths.

I waited, fear consuming my every being then I heard it. The sound of another door opening. The sound came right from above my room which was the penthouse. My parent's house and their personal space.

Whispering voices were what I heard next. The calm and gentle voice of my mother.

"Honey, you're back? Did you drink again?" my mother questioned

"Yes, I had no choice, the meeting was at a bar and that kid sure knows how to hold his liquor" My father laughed while responding to my mother his tone was so gentle that even I was almost deceived for a second.

"Haha! Okay, come on let's get to bed, the children are sleeping" My mother notified not wanting to disturb her children this late.

I heard the thumbing and struggling breath of my mother and father departing. I heard the elevator sound then I looked up, I could see the light of the penthouse reflecting directly into my room via the private stairway that connected to my room.

It was made in case of emergencies however, my father uses it for his special session with me every day, noon, and night. I watched the stairway door with anxious eyes and a beating heart.

I was terrified of the man I call father and of my busy and clueless mother who knew nothing about what was going on in her family, especially a family filled with girls.

As a child, I had seen my father beat up my elder sister, Just because he was frustrated with work and my mother wasn't home to make his day less frustrating.

Although he never cheated or slept with another woman, that was one thing I couldn't be certain about. I didn't know if it was obsession or love that he had for my mother, however, I knew with facts that he cherished her like how much he cherished his business or so I thought.

They were a perfect couple inside and outside without flaws.

However, the same thing couldn't be said for his children. I knew that if we were boys, he would make sure to hit us in the face but since we were girls, he needed not to leave a shred of obvious evidence.

My heart was beating fiercely against my ribcage. My fear was overpowering my mind and I knew that if I don't calm down, with his sensitive and enhanced hearing, he would hear my erratic breathing and there would be no peace for me tonight.

I tried hard to calm down but with the overwhelming fear, I felt, it was hard. once I did calm down, it was already 4 am and I was about to doze off when I heard footsteps, his footsteps. His steps were light against the tiled ground that without paying attention it could be ignored.

The door to the stairway creaked lightly, he had finally entered my room and before I knew it, he was bending right in front of my face with a deep frown etched on his face. I knew he was mad.

"It seems like you don't want peace for yourself this night eh? I left you alone due to your mother and siblings at home today and instead of using this rare opportunity to sleep, you're busy disturbing me with your erratic breathing and fearful heart. You coward!" His voice wasn't loud but so low and deep it felt like it was the devil speaking. My personal devil.

"I do not want to hear your voice so, just nod obediently and go to sleep. You only have two hours of peace now before nursery starts!" He raised his hand placing it on my head, he smoothed my hair petting me like an obedient dog before leaving now with a smile on his face.

With fear, I crawled towards my bed and slept half awake the whole two hours before school.

I jolted upright on my bed right before my alarm could ring and notify me that it was 6 am. I clicked it off with shaky hands and suddenly felt relief run through my body.

With steady steps, I stood and opened my bedroom door, I exited my room heading towards the kitchen. Upon arrival, I noticed my caretaker watching me with eyes clouded with pity and a look full of questions.

I knew what she wanted to ask, however, I shook my head indicating my answer making her understand then I heard a relieved sigh escape her parted lips before she began to get me ready for the day.

Without talking I pointed to the type of cereal I wanted which she gave me in my bowl, adding milk the only type I liked with sugar. I ate to my heart's content and with a smile I headed back to my room to get dressed. While my caretaker got busy cooking lunch for me.

Upon entering into my room, I saw my father's shadow and I knew I mustn't show an ounce of fear. With steady steps, I walked towards him and without words, I understood. He and my mother were the one's to always bathe for their children of 0-5 years before they teach us how it is done. It was a family tradition that they took seriously. Although I suspected it had something to do with their birthplace.

"You're now 3 years old and very soon, your training to take over the family business will begin once you're 7 years old. Sometimes, we include poverty training to the mix and to be honest, I think you're the only child who can undergo such training. After all I've trained you personally" My father explained with a smile.

"I know I haven't been the best father, however, all your sisters couldn't undergo the bizarre training due to how spoilt they became as the years went by. We tended to start the training once that child is 13 years old and could think. However, it seems they got too carried away with the joy of spending large amounts from a young age" my father continued his expression gloom

"From now on, the training will start when you are at the age of 7 so, Hope my dear, I'm putting all my gamble and hope on you to carry my legacy. If you do, I promise not to do it any more okay? You are my last redemption except you want me to take out my frustrations towards your little sisters?" My father manipulated. That was something I always knew, he was manipulative.

Using my sisters to cajole me into listening to him, was my only weakness. And for the first time in a long time, I opened my mouth and spoke threateningly my face was hard with anger and I know that if I was white-skinned, my face would have been red and steam would be seen coming from my ears.

However, I swallowed my anger and words and could only nod to his words. I couldn't afford to anger him since I was still powerless and a child. No matter how angry I am and no matter how much I would love to strangle him and hand him over to the police, I could only bid my time and wait till I'm strong enough for my family.