
The Broken Bonds

Eeyolian is a young child who saw her house burned, her world destroyed, and her family killed. She was left to travel the expanse of a deathly land alone, and though she was not alone, she felt lonely. In a cruel twist of fate, she found herself hiding within the very land that destroyed everything she once called home. As she explores her new reality, she meets Noah, and over the years, they become friends, and she also grows curious about everything he represents. However, along the way, they share the same existential crisis. they are tiny, tiny people in a massive, uncaring, indifferent world. The Broken Bonds is not about futility but a mystery. how is someone like Eeyolian carry on forward, not only invest in others but to keep shouldering more and more burdens on top of her own?

I_K2ut · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Graves and Promises

Eeyolian POV


What makes me happy? I know that very well. I didn't know why he would go through all this just to tell me this, but since I decided to mend my relationship with Noe, it didn't matter much, but he gave me something.


I must follow my happiness, so there is no need to hesitate. It's not like I was hesitant before; my parents words are still stuck in my mind.


I wanted to say something, but this is not a good time to say anything. There will definitely be a time for us to talk.


Just thinking about it made me excited; I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.


"Did I say something funny?"


He looked at me with a confused look, and I let out another laugh at that.


"No, I just wanted to thank you..."


I smiled a meaningful smile and continued.


"Yes, I want to be happy, but your words change a lot..."


He still looked at me with a confused look.


I added to ease his confusion.


"in a good way."


He gave me a calm smile, as if he's satisfied with the result.


"Well, I just wanted to help, considering you're in a tough place right now."


A tough place, What is he talking about? His words were not clear to me, so I asked.


"What do you mean?" I said in an inquiring tone.


He gave me a strange look and added.


 "Oh...don't think about it too much. I might be wrong. I don't want to wrong anyone unjustly."


I didn't understand what he was saying. wrong anyone unjustly. What does this have to do with me?


It doesn't matter; there are more important things and more important decisions.


I got nervous for a moment, but I regained my composure. 

'I'll make sure I do it right.'




"Is there something you want to do? There is still some time before sunset."


Noe asked me what I wanted to do. I wanted to do a lot of things.But now there is not much time left until sunset. There will be other opportunities. At least I hope so. No, I will make sure of that. He himself said that he wants to return to this place with me.


I thought a little about his question and answered.


"There's a place I want to go, and I want you to go with me..."


I said in a calm tone, and before he answered, I added with some sadness.


"There are people I want to introduce you to..."


My heart suddenly became heavy; painful memories of the past came back, but I did not allow them to appear. This is a happy day; I will not ruin it for myself.


"Well, we'd better go now; it's far away."


He gave me a confused look and added questioningly.


"Who are these people? Do I know them?"


'No, you don't know them. I wish they knew you. I think they would have loved you very much, in fact.'I thought about this, but I didn't say it out loud. All I said was,


"No, you don't know them..."


I want him to know the truth, even if it is small—very small, in fact.


I don't want to lie to him anymore, so I'll start with something—a little something.


"But I want you to know them."


He gave me a more confused look but eventually agreed, without hiding the curiosity from his expression.


'I'm sorry, but this will only increase your curiosity and confusion, but I have to start somewhere.'


And I couldn't start from a better place.


Noe and I left the restaurant and headed straight to the place I wanted him to see. The streets were almost empty, unlike the middle of today. 

We kept walking for a while until we reached the place.


I've been feeling Noe's gaze on me for a while now. He didn't say anything at first, but when he couldn't suppress his curiosity any longer, he said,


"What are we doing here?"


I didn't answer his question; I just said vaguely.


"You will see."


He didn't ask any more questions, I was thankful for that. I wanted him to see with his own eyes.Although it may not be of great importance to some, it means a lot to me.


The sun was setting below the horizon, its dying light casting a golden glow over the cemetery, turning this resting place into a beautiful, surreal scene. 


The tombstones stand like silent sentinels, their shadows stretching across the green grass, whispering secrets of the past.There was a majestic tree, its branches reaching to the sky as if in silent prayer, standing as if watching over the departed. 


The light of the setting sun filters through its leaves, covering the earth with a tapestry of light and darkness in a delicate balance between the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown.


In this sacred place, Noe and I walked alongside each other with measured and reverent steps.Every grave marker we pass is a testament to a life once lived, a story once told.


Here, amidst the quiet and the soft rustle of leaves, I sought to bridge the gap between my present and my past. Today I will share with Noe the silent weight of my heritage, even if only the surface.


I took a deep breath and thought to myself.


'Is this the right decision?'


I know this is a decision that will put my life in danger, but I have to do this. If I want to be with Noe and get back what we had, I have to be honest with him and give him something.


'I've already made my decision.'


Bathed in the ethereal light of the setting sun, this cemetery is more than just a backdrop; she is a character in her own right, a keeper of memories, a keeper of history.And here, my journey with Noe will take a poignant turn, for better or worse. Today I will reveal to Noe the chapters of my life that have remained closed for a long time.


Noe and I walked for a while. He was calm on the outside, even though I knew he was nervous and confused on the inside. In addition to my silence and my serious and sad expression, his expression was getting more serious as time passed.


However, he didn't say anything.


In a secluded corner of the cemetery, where whispers of the past seem to linger in the air, stand two unique tombstones.The stones, ancient and covered in a cloak of moss, bear inscriptions in a script that dances with the secret of an ancient language, known only to those of my lineage, in this case only me.For any passerby, the words may be indecipherable, but for me, they speak to the truth about my life and what it was like.


Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Noe staring at the mysterious text with a furrowed brow; apparently, his curiosity piqued by the similarity of the writing on both stones.


"What does it say?"


He asked, his voice just a whisper, as if he was afraid to disturb the sanctity of the place.


My fingers traced the character's features with a gentle touch that seemed to be a bridge between words.I answered his question.




I felt my voice filled with a mixture of sadness and reverence.


"This is what is written on their graves..."


Noe didn't say anything; he didn't ask me who these graves belonged to or why I brought him here, as if he was waiting for me to tell him.


I returned my gaze to the graves.


The stones themselves tell a story, not only through the carvings but through their very shape.One, taller and more imposing, with a stoic presence, belonged to my father; the other, with a gentle curve, is an ode to a wise soul; this one belongs to my mother. 


They stand together, but each carries their own story, a testament to the individuals they commemorate—well, one individual, me.


I continued with my eyes glued to the graves.


"These graves belong to my father and mother..."


At this moment, the air seemed to carry a palpable heaviness, as if my parents spirits had momentarily returned to acknowledge the bond between Noe and me, a silent gesture of past sharing or approval.


I returned my focus to Noe. He still hasn't said anything; well, maybe he's angry; we've been together for a very long time, and only now does he know that my parents are buried here.


I couldn't resist, and added in a low voice.


"Are you angry?"


He gave me a strange look and added.


"Why would I be angry? I'm glad I learned something about you; even if it's small, it shows the trust I don't deserve from you..."


I didn't know how to respond to his statement, but before I could add anything, he asked questioningly.


"I can say I should just leave this to myself, but who else knows?"


I was happy with his question. I didn't want to force him to hide my secrets, but I didn't want to hide my secrets from him either. One day, he would know everything.


"Only your mother, who brought me, well, saved me."


He couldn't hide his shock and asked.


"What about my father?"


His father was always very taciturn; he didn't ask many questions about me, it always seemed like he didn't care.


"He doesn't know; rather, he doesn't want to know."


He gave me a slight laugh.


"Yes, that's my father."


He said this with a knowing tone, as if it couldn't be helped, about his father's.




I said in a low voice, almost pleading.


"I promise, one day I will tell you everything."


He gave me a kind look and said in a guilty tone.


"I believe you, but there's something we need to talk about first..."


Immediately I knew what he was going to talk about; I couldn't hide the happiness from my heart.


He added, saying,.


"But not here. I don't want your parents to hear this. Me being cursed is not part of the date I imagined."


I couldn't keep a small laugh from escaping my lips.


"Well, lead the way."


He took a few steps towards me and extended his hand to me, offering me help to get up from where I was kneeling next to my parents graves. I took his hand with a wide smile playing between my lips.


At that moment, I didn't want anything other than to say that there was no need to say anything and that I had already forgiven him, but I knew that he had to say it because words carried power. 


If he did not say anything, he would feel that he did not deserve to be forgiven. Also, I want to hear what he has to say.


Noe and I made our way between the tombstones, heading... I don't know where he is taking me—probably back to his house.


The setting sun casts a final golden ray over the graves, a passing kiss to honor the memory of those who lie there, and a sign that even in death, there is a light that never fades.