
The Brighter

In a world where Vampires, monsters and ethereal beings live together in peace, there are four creatures that are said to have the power of gods, each of those beings need a key to unlock their full powers, the keys are the brighters. Brianna Basma was a girl from the poorest village in the kingdom, her life changed when she was sold as a slave to the king to fulfil his sinful desires for a while before she was discarded. She was one of the pure maidens of the kingdom so she was worthy enough to warm the kings bed. She struggles to keep up with the kings carnal desires as he makes her experience feelings she never knew existed. •_•_•_•_• "open up your mouth" the man said as he emerged from the darkness, his voice alone was enough to make her knees weak, his face was still in the shadows but she could see the outline of his face and his dark eyes gazing at her. "Y- you have to stop doing this to me" she said taking a step back only for her back to collide with a cold wall, there definitely wasn't a wall there before, but then, strange things happen whenever the king is around. "I want you to loose your mind Brianna" he said bringing his hand up to her neck, his palm feeling the softness of her skin, his touch alone made her shiver and she could feel her dreaded arousal resurfacing. his hard but smooth palm slid to her shoulders, she could feel the shivers pulsing through her body with every movement. she felt his palm moving back up, he rubbed his thumb on her lower lip and she moaned loudly, unable to keep the feelings in, he smiled as he traced the outline of her lips with his fingers, before sliding two into her wet lips. "I have not even begun with you"

Indigoria · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2~ presence of a brighter.

Brianna woke up with a jolt, the sexual tension from her dream clouded her head for a minute, preventing her from hearing the loud bangs on the door.

She ran to her bathroom, the urge to pee was too high, she wondered if she would have peed herself if she'd stayed in bed longer, she shivered as relief swooshed  over her body.

She looked out the window, it was still dark, she wondered who was knocking at this hour.

When she got to the living room she saw her mother speaking with two men in low tones, but Bria could still hear them.

"she's a virgin? Pure and untouched?" A bald man with a long dangerous looking scar on his face asked.

Her mother nodded, giving them the assurance that they needed.

"Hmm, that's quite rare nowadays" the other man said he looked lanky unlike the other bald man "where is she?" He asked.

"I'm here" she answered, she was still wearing her faded blue dress from the previous day, her light brown hair was scattered, she probably looked like a mess.

A lot of people told her she was pretty, a fair amount of young men in her village had tried to get in a relationship with her but she turned them all down, and she didn't know the reason why she just wasn't interested.

With her big bright grey eyes, that shone beautifully and her oval face and small full lips.

"She's a beauty" the man with a scar remarked.

"We should probably get going now, a young virgin like this will get us a massive reward from his majesty" the lanky man said smiling.

His majesty? She thought to herself.

Brianna looked at her mother, she could see the visible tears in her eyes, she was sad to let her go.

"Strip and put this on" the lanky man said throwing a plain brown gown at her feet.

She stood there, motionless. Had she heard him right?

"St- strip?" She asked looking at her mother who nodded at her silently.

She had never been naked in front of anyone except her parents before, and not since she was little.

At her hesitation the men walked up to her and ripped out the front of her dress with ease, her breasts were fully exposed to them.

The sharp intake of both men didn't go unnoticed by her.

She didn't wear a bra, but luckily she had her panties on.

She felt completely and utterly humiliated as she picked up the brown dress from the floor and buttoned up the front.

She wiped the tiny drops of tears that had formed on her eyes.

Brianna followed the men out the door after giving her mother a long hug. The pain on her foot had reduced but she knew the wound was still fresh, she knew none of the men were vampires because they had eyes of normal colour, vampires normally had purple coloured eyes that turned to red when they were lusting for blood or other things... Disgusting... she thought.

She got into their brown wooden carriage that looked battered and old. Some neighbors stood at the front of their houses staring, probably wondering what was happening.

She had never been outside of her village before, the little village that was far away from everywhere had everything she needed, so she didn't have to go out for any reason.

She looked at the trees and houses that were outside the confines of her village.

The roads and houses seemed to be getting fancier and bigger the farther they got from her village.

"Where are we going?" She asked the two men that were seated at the front while she was at the back to get no reply.

She decided to keep her mouth shut since they didn't seem to be in the mood talk.

They'd been moving for about three hours and Bria was starving, she hadn't had any food or water, she started feeling sleepy, she tried her best to fight the sleep, she didn't want these men to hear her moaning and think she was some nymphomaniac.

But she finally slept, a long dreamless sleep, apparently she only had those dreams at night, she exhaled silently to her self in relief.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted in awe when she looked outside the window.

She saw tons of buildings that looked like they reached the sky, the roads were beautiful, the carriages looked so fancy, she had never seen anything like it before, people wearing beautiful polished clothes sat in fancy outdoor cafes and glass restaurants, laughing and eating, Brianna could never have imagined a world like this to exist outside her village, the difference was too much.

She frowned when she saw a signpost saying 'welcome to the city of nobles' she looked around and looked at the people walking and laughing different shades of purple eyes gleaming in happiness, Vampires, she thought.

Her eyebrows furrowed when she realized that there were also a lot of humans that looked happy as well.

How could they be happy when these demons needed their blood to survive?

They rode through another forest, but this forest looked different, it had trees with red and golden leaves, mixed with the green ones, the trees leaned over towards the road forming an perfect arches, rays of sunlight passed through the them, the place looked ethereal, like something that wasn't supposed to exist, she heard birds chirping and she couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

The road looked like they were cleaned frequently because the tiny leaves probably shed a lot, yet the road was clean and beautiful.

They got to a massive black gate, that was opened for them by some men dressed in black and grey, they were probably guards.

They entered the massive compound, it could contain her village twice.

She looked at the grasses that were perfectly mowed, beautiful flowers growing on them, fountains in the middle of the gardens, palm trees scattered here and there, there was even a water fall and a river at the very end to her right.

'How could one person own all this?' She thought to herself as the man drove towards a carriage park of some sort that had different beautiful carriages but most of them were black, with the exception of one red and brown.

She gulped.

The men got down from the carriage, opened her side of the door and harshly pulled her out, she felt so little compared to the environment.

Everything in the place was so high, making it look like a mansion made for giants.

Now she was out of the car, she felt extremely self conscious, with her plain brown dress and her brown tattered shoes with a visible bandage, even the maids walking around looked miles above her.

She could see men and women that were dressed elegantly as they walked out of the massive front doors that looked way too big,two palm trees were beside it, the doors were of the same height with a palm tree. She started walking towards the doors before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

It was the lanky man that drove her here, he motioned for her to follow him as he walked towards the back of the building.

She heard the sound of the birds again, and they made her happy, she momentarily forgot that she was going to become a slave, pet, or sex toy for some demon.

She didn't notice the pair of red eyes that stared down at her with interest from a balcony.

The doors were opened for them by a butler that looked at her like she was filth, he didn't seem too surprised to see the other two men.

The ceilings of the palace were so high, the beautiful silver chandeliers shone brightly high up in the ceiling, lighting up the whole place, the white walls were so smooth, she just had to touch them, she was quite nervous as she had never seen a place like this before.

The men led her to a room, they opened the white doors, and she saw a white bed with slightly transparent pastel pink curtains draped over it, the scene reminded her of her dreams. She struggled not to blush as she noticed the other young women sitting on the sofa in the room.

The other women looked way better than she did, and it seemed like they had been waiting there for quite a while as they had started playing board games.

They were dressed in pretty and colourful gowns that made them look even more shapely, then here she was with her disheveled hair and brown dress.

She calmly took a seat at the edge of the sofa only to hear some of the girls stifling laughter.

She furrowed her eyebrows and ignored them, she ignored the slight ache in her heart as well.

"They're just jealous" a girl said, Bria turned to look at an orange haired girl that had her hair braided and pinned up beautifully, her self esteem depreciated even more.

"Jealous of what" Brianna asked.

"I mean, you are kind of the prettiest girl here, they probably find it hard to believe that you are a virgin like the rest of us" the orange haired girl said matter of factly, so they were all virgins.

Because of the lack mirrors in her house, Brianna only got to see her reflection on water surfaces and on dusty windows, so she never got to know just how attractive she looked.

"I'm Lana Courier" the girl added.

"Brianna Basma, nice to meet you" Bria said nervously.

"Yh... Brianna you should probably take a shower and change your dress, the bathroom and closet is just behind that door" she pointed to a door on her left.

So she was supposed to take a bath and change first, that's why the girls laughed when she sat down.

She opened the door and got into the warm shower that could be mistaken for a water fall, she had never seen a shower before, all she had at home was a bucket and a pail to bath with. The place was white and spotless, with a variety of soaps and lotions that made her smell like fresh flowers.

She took a dark blue-green coloured dress and a pair of black heels, she had difficulty wearing it because of the injury on her feet that was still fresh, she fixed up her hair in a loose bun, some strands curled around the edges.

She looked in the full length mirror and realized that she looked more attractive than she had anticipated to, now she could see herself clearly, she realized she hadn't seen a woman as pretty as her. She exhaled and stepped out of the closet, back into the room, luckily for her the girls didn't give her a second glance and continued with what they were doing.

"You look amazing" Lana said, Brianna smiled at her.

"Thank you" she said as the doors were opened to reveal a tall man with golden brown hair, dressed formally.

"Ladies, His majesty will be joining you shortly" he announced and left, closing the door behind him.

His majesty? Brianna could hear her heart start to beat.

She was actually going to meet the king who was her possible Nineveh, the man she had been seeing in her dreams.

"I can't wait to finally meet him!, he's so dreamy, even if he's insane" Lana said, whispering the last sentence.

"Insane?" Brianna wondered what Lana was talking about.

"Oh, you haven't heard? The king is mad, he has some serious loose screws in his head and from what I heard, he's gotten more insane since the past few days, he ripped off the head of a maid that brought him coffee in the wrong cup" Lana whispered "he truly terrifies me"

Brianna's eyes widened, where was the goodluck her mother spoke of?

The doors were opened again, this time it was a tall young man that walked through, wearing a plain white dress shirt with a black tie that hung loosely around his neck, two men followed behind him, the first two buttons of his shirt were undone, showing the taut muscles on his chest, Brianna didnt ignore the red spots at the top of the shirt, was it blood?   She asked herself.

His dark grey hair was disheveled, like he had run his hand through it many times, his facial features were dark like his overall appearance, he looked like a devil that was sent to earth to seduce women into sin, he was undoubtedly the most handsome man she had ever met. Nobody needed to tell her that this was the king, his presence stated that fact.

She hated the fact that he was a disgusting vampire.

His dark red eyes looked at each of their faces, there was something dark and scary hidden behind his eyes, his hand that was in his pocket brought out a cigar which he bit into, Bria caught a peek of his fangs.

So this was the king of the ocean lands, Virgil Oakwood she ad heard whispers of gossipers in her village, they said he was a demon, in every sense of the word, a heartless man who showed no mercy to people, he enjoyed giving out the ultimate punishment and he did so with ease because of the tremendous power he had.

She didn't know if she had imagined it, but his dark eyes lingered longer on her face.

Bria thought vampires only had red eyes when they were lusting, was he lusting? No he couldn't be, vampires usually lost their minds when their eyes turned red, and the red in the kings irises was a deep red colour,  almost black, yet he looked calm and unbothered.

"Which of them is my brighter?" She heard him ask an old man that was two steps behind him, the man wore a long black robe with a silver cross chain hanging off his neck.

"I'm not sure your Majesty but" the old man pointed towards Brianna and her heart rate increased, she felt the droplets of sweat forming at her back.

"It should be one of those three" the man added, pointing her, Lana and another black haired girl that stood beside her.

The remaining girls were ushered out of the room.

"I thought you were supposed to be the best mage in the three kingdoms" the king said with an impatient look in his eyes.

"My king! I felt the presence of a brighter in the palace, so I figured it had to be one of the new slaves, I apologize greatly for my incompetence" the mage said with a deep bow.

The king walked up to them without a word, he stared at each of their faces, his lingering intense gaze didn't make her feel uncomfortable like it should have, she stared into his dark red eyes and it intrigued her

Her heart was still beating wildly, he took two steps closer to her, his lips curled up in a smile that increased her nervousness, he leaned forward slightly so he could look directly at her eyes and she didn't have to crane her neck to look at him.

"Breathe brighter" he said and her eyes widened, she slowly let out the breath she was holding. He knew.

The mage walked up to her as the other two girls left the room, Lana glanced back at her with a small smile on her lips.

The old mage placed his palms on either side of her head and whispered some words to himself, his irises slowly disappeared, turning his eyes completely white, Brianna was shocked because she previously didn't believe in magic.

The man took a deep breath as he left her head and his eyes returned back to normal.

"She is indeed your brighter, the most powerful of them all" the mage said turning to the king who was watching the both of them intently.

She didn't believe what her mother had said, 'I have power' she said to herself.

"What is your name brighter?" Virgil asked her.