
Chapter 3~ Flower

"Brianna Basma your majesty" she said to him as he blew out a puff of smoke from his mouth.

He didn't say another word to her instead he turned to the dark blonde haired man that had entered the room earlier.

"Stephen, take her to my room, get her something to eat as well" Virgil said walking out of the room, before he closed the doors his red eyes met her grey ones.

"This way brighter" Stephen said beckoning her to follow him out of the room, she did so without hesitation.

He led her to a pair of massive stairs that were made entirely of black marble, a few white sculptures of angels stared at her as she followed the man up the stairs until they reached a massive black door that had red markings and inscriptions on it, she gulped as Stephen opened the doors for her to step inside.

This definitely wasn't the room from her dreams, it made her exhale slightly in relief, the room had a dark atmosphere, with its black floor tiles and glossy black walls, the bed was draped with midnight blue sheets and thick curtains.

The room was dark, the only lights in it were emitted by a manmade waterfall that poured from the top of the ceiling down to the floor, the bright blue colour contrasting sharply with the glossy black walls beside it, she had never seen anything like that, it looked magical to her.

The room was so eerie, yet outstandingly beautiful.

Stephen gauged her expression with his dark purple eyes, he didn't expect this girl to be so calm after seeing the kings room that terrified him every time.

The man wondered how someone could sleep in such a place.

Perhaps it was because she was his brighter, maybe things that concerned Vidal could never irk her no matter how insane it was. He really hoped that was the case.

"Your food will be brought to you in a few minutes" he said and the girl turned to him "is there anything in particular you would like to have?"

"No, anything is fine" she said with a small smile.

He nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Brianna looked around the room once again, she would be living here, this palace was going to be her new home, surrounded with the creatures that she hated.

The king was her Nineveh, she apparently held most of his power, she laughed loudly at how ridiculous her life had turned in a few hours.

She decided to go to the balcony, she held on to the silver railings when she realized how high up she was, perhaps she was too busy ogling at the beautiful palace to realize just how many steps she had climbed, she peered down, she could almost see the entire palace from where she stood.

Her eyes drifted and she caught sight of Virgil, he was speaking to a woman, when she saw him lean down and place a kiss on her cheek she felt a sharp pain in her chest, she coughed out blood on her hand, she stared at the blood wide eyed... What was happening to her?

Had she fallen sick?

She ran to the bathroom to wash her hands and mouth, the last thing she wanted was for the king to see her with blood dripping from her mouth, that would only activate his blood lust and make him want to drink her blood, she shivered at the thought.

"Brighter, I brought food" she heard the voice of a young woman.

She rinsed her mouth with some mint water after changing the bandages on her feet with a new clean one she found in the black cabinet.

She left the bathroom as the woman was about to leave.

"Thank you" Brianna said bowing slightly.

The black haired woman chuckled lightly "you're welcome, you don't have to bow" she said and left the room, Brianna noticed a hint of sadness in the woman's eyes, she didn't know if the sadness was directed towards her or the maid was just unhappy with her job.

Brianna didn't hesitate as she grabbed the food from the tray, placed it on the floor and started gobbling it up like a monster.

Virgil had ordered for a meeting with the mayor of the borderlands and crimsonville as there was a drastic increase in the number of rogue vampires in those areas as they were at the borders between the ocean lands and the north.

"The rogue vampires are indeed from the northern lands, turns out your speculations were correct and we have to call for a meeting with the ruler of the north" Stephen said to Virgil as the two mayors had left the castle with their escorts.

"The king of the northern lands has never been friends with my kingdom, he's not going to agree for a meeting unless we offer him something great in return, for all we may know he might be sending rogue vampires to the kingdom for this very reason" Virgil said, lighting his cigar with his fingertips.

"What do you suggest we do then?"

"We'll be paying the north a little visit" Virgil said with a smile.

"We'll probably start a war by doing that Virgil" Stephen said.

"Now that I have my brighter I think it is time to take over the four kingdoms, why don't we start by destroying and rebuilding a kingdom that hates us so much? What do you think?" Virgil asked with a smile playing on his lips.

"I'm in full support of your decision, Virgil" Stephen bowed deeply.

Stephen knew that his lord was an overly ambitious man that wouldn't stop pushing until there was no one more powerful than him in the world, the existence of the other three Nineveh irked him, he wanted to become the only Nineveh, the most powerful man on earth and Stephen knew that Virgil would stop at nothing until he had achieved his goal.

Now that Virgil had finally found his brighter, he saw it as a sign, a sign that it was time to finally become a god on earth.

Other previous Nineveh of the ocean lands weren't half as ambitious as he was, if they were, the ocean lands would have been the only kingdom in existence, with a king that ruled over the world.

Virgil stared at his reflection in a mirror as he walked up the stairs, the red in his eyes were getting darker, according to the mage it was because of his brighters presence in the palace.

His bloodlust had increased drastically in a few days as well as his sexual urges, no amount of blood or sex could satisfy him anymore, it only seemed to increase his lust.

He ran his hand through his hair as he walked up the stairs to his room.

Brianna had finished eating and was laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the new information she had learned about her life.

"Brianna" she heard the unmistakable voice of Virgil say, she got up to her feet immediately.

"Yes your majesty" she said staring into his  red eyes.

"Why were you on the floor, my flower?" He asked her with a smile that made her feel like millions of bugs were crawling on her skin, she wasn't his flower.

"Oh, I learnt you are from the crater village, that is the poorest village in the kingdom, you probably haven't been on a bed before" he said walking to the couch, he sat down elegantly and crossed one leg over the other watching her, as if he was waiting for her reaction.

He was the reason her village was wallowing in poverty, yet here he was in his big palace mocking her.

"I have a very comfortable bed at home your majesty" she said as nicely as she could.

She couldn't start running her mouth and hurling curses at the king.

He slowly brought a glass containing red liquid to his lips, watching her, she wondered where the glass came from as there was no glass around there before.

"Why were you on the floor then?"

"I wasn't sure if I could stay on the couch or the bed" she said.

She heard him chuckle.

"The couch? come have a seat" he beckoned her to come towards him, tapping the space beside him.

She tried to steady her breathing as she walked up to where he was and sat, the close proximity made her feel slightly dizzy and sweaty.

She gulped as his hand slowly reached for the back of her hair, she gasped slightly as she felt his fingers on her scalp.

She could hear her heart beating in her chest and she wished it would stop.

"So you are my brighter, the woman that holds my full potential" he let go of her hair and took two gulps from his glass.

" I need that power, I need it urgently, I would have liked to force the power from you but it doesn't work that way unfortunately" he added.

"I don't think I hold any power in me" Brianna said plainly as she had never been able to do anything special in her life before.

His red eyes stared at her intently "really now?" He asked "perhaps you will have to visit the grand mage, he will run some tests on you to find out your hidden potential" Virgil said smiling.

She blinked "I don't have a problem with that your majesty" she said with a small bow.

"Hmm" he said "the grand mage told me something, about the dreams you've been having" he said, gauging her expression, he grinned when he heard the hitches in her heart beat that was already very fast.

Brianna couldn't say a word.

"You are my brighter, we are going to be spending a lot of time together as bad people will always try to use you against me" he grabbed her chin, turning her face to him, he saw the red marks on her cheeks, he knew how sexually frustrated she was because he felt the same urges if not even more as he was a vampire, vampires usually had about 10 times higher urges than the average human.

Right now Virgil's lust could not be satisfied by anyone except the girl that sat beside him and the same went for her.

"You should probably start getting used to being close to me" he said to the woman that looked flustered.

"Your heart beats like you just ran a marathon and your face is as red as a tomato, did your dreams have that much effect?" He asked grinning at her embarrassed reaction. As he let go of her face she turned away from him in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

"I'm just... trying to adjust to the new environment" she said and his smile widened.

"Is that so? That's too bad then, you wouldn't have enough time to adjust" he said emphasizing on adjust. She looked at him slightly confused.

"We're leaving for the northern lands in three days" he said getting up from the couch.

"The northern lands? What for?" She asked curiously.

"I'll be right back" he said raising up the glass in his hand slightly "I need something... stronger" he added and left the room.

She heard the door close, was the king some kind of alcohol addict?

"The both of us together will be taking over the frozen lands" he said startling her, she didn't realize when he came into the room as she didn't hear the sound of the door or his footsteps. his slender fingers held a wine glass containing a liquid that was a darker shade of red than the previous one.

"T-the both, of us?" She asked to make sure she heard him right.

"The both of us" he confirmed.

"You are my brighter and it turns out just close proximity can increase my power, I can feel the power coursing through me already" he smiled at her shocked reaction.

"I thought I had to willingly give you the power"

"I thought so too Brianna" he said squatting before her as she sat on the couch, he looked up into her big grey eyes "tell me flower, why am I feeling so powerful already?" He said his hands reaching to run his fingers through her hair.

"Speak" he stated at her silence.

"I- I have no idea, you know I don't know" she said and he tugged gently on her hair, her head falling back to expose her neck, she gulped, a small action that didn't go unnoticed by Virgil.

"How do I make you feel Brianna?" He asked her and she blinked, it was a weird question that she didn't have a direct answer to.

"Dishonesty would not be taken lightly flower" he added.

Brianna didn't know if this man had some kind of hidden power to detect lies and she didn't know what kind of punishment awaited her if she lied, she exhaled.

"You make me feel quite lightheaded and nervous-" she stopped speaking as she felt his fingers trail down her neck, his touch left a trail of goosebumps on its path.

Her breath hitched in her throat, she never thought breathing could be so difficult, she felt her body start to get heated, feelings from her dreams started rising slowly.

"What else, flower" his fingers went around her neck, his palm  rubbing gently against the sensitive skin.

She could barely think.

"Tired, hot, like I f-feel in my dreams" she said, her cheeks turning even redder, she was slowly loosing the ability to think properly and form sentences.

She opened her eyes and looked at him to see him glowing, he was emitting white glowing light all around him, it was a little dim, barely unnoticeable but it was there.

Virgil looked into her eyes that had darkened because of her arousal, he had wanted to tease her a little bit, but now he had felt the power, he couldn't get enough, he wanted to sink his fangs into her soft skin, he could feel the blood moving quickly through her veins.

His control was slowly slipping away from his grasp as he stopped rubbing his hand against her neck and shoulders and withdrew it.

Brianna didn't notice she had started breathing softly with her mouth, when he withdrew his hands from her neck she looked at him to see the glow starting to dim itself.

Thr realization what they had been doing struck her and she felt her cheeks heat up greatly, she looked down and pulled back up the sleeve of her gown that had slid down previously.

She felt his warm hand on the side of her face and she turned to look into his eyes that looked like they were black except for the tiny spots of red, she wondered how he had so much control over his lust.

"I'm delighted that I can acquire such power from just touching your neck" he said with a broad smile that seemed to be mocking her for her lack of self control.

"I'm sure I'll be able to take over the northern lands with just this" he said getting up from his squatting position and walking towards his bathroom, "for now I need a cold bath" he said unbuttoning his shirt, Brianna turned away quickly.

He noticed her discomfort in seeing him undress, he smiled and walked into his bath.

Brianna was waiting for him to finish his bath as she didn't know if she was allowed to go out of the room, she didn't know when she fell asleep on the couch.

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