
The Bloody Countess

“Bloody Mary… Bloody Mary… Bloody Mary…” Waking up in a void is never fun, especially when you don’t remember a thing about anything. Not how you looked, not your life, not even your own name. Would having power you never asked for help? Maybe a clichéd System, or maybe a woman who seems strangely familiar? If only you could remember your name. •Female Lead (Female POV) •Not a Harem •Overpowered •System that doesn’t hinder the host •System isn’t the main focus •Morally Ambiguous MC •Loosely Connected to Jörmungandr, another story I am writing. **Potential triggers in this story** •Blood and Gore •Assault •Mentions of SA •Suicide •Language •Extreme Violence •Sexual Content (Potential R18 Scenes in future) Monthly Updates

Vargr_the_Skald · ภาพยนตร์
6 Chs

Fateful Meeting

I sat up with a gasp, breathing heavy fading memories of that weird flashback I just had of my life prior to being in this situation. 

"It's time to wake up… Elisa." 

That woman, why did she look like me, how did she know my name, did she actually see me? 

Questions flew through my head, there was no way she could have seen me, my brain tried to rationalise. I was all but a ghost, a specter observing a scene. No one should have seen me, I couldn't interact with those memories so those memories shouldn't have been able to interact with me either. 

My maxed INT stat worked out different theories as to how that woman had known I was watching. It was too big to have been a coincidence, much too specific. 

'Eris, did you see those memories too?' 

Sorry, but no. I wasn't able to see what you saw during your memory restoration. What happened, I'm sensing that you're distressed.

'Yeah, that's an understatement. A woman saw me, she talked to me and even called me by name. The one I have now, which brings up another question.' 

I may have not seen the vision but, spectres in the visions are not supposed to be able to interact with you, much less, see you.

'You tell her that!,' I huffed in annoyance, 'also, interestingly enough. My name before was also Elisabeth. Same as it is now, it's too convenient to be a coincidence. What are your thoughts Eris?' 

Perhaps my creator has a hand in this, I am not sure either. What will you do now? 

'What can u do Eris? I'm going to find out who that woman was and what role she has in my life.' 

I wish you luck then Elisa, but please be careful.

'I will Eris, j-just… never mind. I'll deal with it later.' 

Eris didn't respond, honestly my mind was still occupied with trying to sort through everything I had learned so far. Maxed out intelligence or not, there was a lot of things I needed to organise and deal with. 

First if which was figuring out how to move forward. I didn't exactly remember everything regaining my memories. The memories were faded, my mind reasoned that this was due to the amount of time I had spent drifting around in the void. 

I knew I was in the Harry Potter world, but I didn't know which one. I wasn't too keen on interacting with anything either. I knew that there was magic made to seal or bind people like me. I didn't want to spend the rest of my new lease on life sealed away. 

That meant that I had to get far away from magical societies, and I had to keep a low profile. From my trip outside of my domain, I could tell that I was immune to the sun, that was a massive boon in my opinion since I wouldn't have to sulk about all day before slinking out when the sun had set. 

However, I was still a vampire and vampires had a thirst. A thirst that I could feel growing with every moment. 

I could hold off on it for a while, the rate in which my thirst progressed was slow. Enough so that I could estimate that it would take me several days before the thrust would get too unbearable and I'd need to feed. 

Strangely enough, I wasn't appalled at the thought of drinking blood. Maybe it was my body subconsciously changing to fit my nature. 

The thought of blood sent a pleasurable tingle down my spine. I frowned, if this sort of thing continued, I had no doubts that I'd turn into the woman who's name and powers I had taken. 

I didn't want to be a crazy bitch that got off on bloodshed and violence, but I didn't know how to prevent such a change and I doubted that Eris would know either. I made up my mind, if I was going to inevitably change into some sort of kinky bloodthirsty vampire, then I'd purposefully only kill bad guys. 

The term 'bad guys' was pretty subjective, but I had a firm idea in mind as to the type of people I'd kill. People who society wouldn't miss. 

An evil grin formed on my face, 'Yes… that way I'll be able to kill two birds with one stone. Feed myself, and take out some scummy people.' 

Nodding at my plan I got up from where I sat against the tree and brushed myself off. Looking down at my dress I sighed and switched out to the casual outfit I had in my Inventory. 

Any bulky gown disappeared and I was naked for a spit second before another dress appeared on my body. Now wearing a dark gray almost black dress and an oversized zip up hoodie I nodded in satisfaction at my more comfortable clothes. 

I also took out the dagger and strapped it to my inner forearm. No sense in going out unarmed even if I could technically karate chop someone's head off with my maxed strength stat. 


Quickly using my connection to Cassie again, I materialised in her room and just as quickly flew out of the open window. 

Thankfully Cassie was still asleep so she never noticed me and I didn't have to worry about witnesses. I wasn't too worried about anyone identifying me, no, I was more worried about having to fight my way out of something. 

I flew around for a bit as a raven before landing on a streetlight. Looking around I observed the sleepy little town. I didn't know where I was yet, I only confirmed that I was in America and it was the 1970s. 

I took off again and flew aimlessly hoping to eventually run into a landmark I would recognise. 

I had been flying for almost two hours when I finally spotted a larger town. I quietly landed in a seemingly secluded alley and shifted back to my human form. Running any fingers through my hair, I straightened up my ruffled appearance and got ready to leave the alley. 

Just then another figure materialised in front of me making me jump back in shock. Luckily I didn't scream, that would have been really embarrassing. Even more so when the figure turned around and revealed a dangerously good looking man. 

'That can't be normal.' 

Elisa, he isn't human… you need to run.

Eris' warning came too late, the man's eyes landed on me and a smile bloomed on his face. 

"Oh hello, who might you be?" 

I gulped, despite the smile and the carefree attitude u could tell that the man was dangerous. 

"Um… my n- I'm Elisa…" 

"Good to meet you Elisa," the man's smile grew wider, "My name is Joe." 

'Joe? Seriously? I can practically feel the power rolling of this bastard and his name is something so basic like Joe?'

I forced a smile on my face, "Right, nice to meet you too?"