
The Beast Era

Alistar is just a normal and peacuful world 30 years ago with the same level of technology from Earth, until disaster struck the whole world. The heaven and the earth are changing, and countless Portals that leads to a mysterious world appeared out of thin air. All kinds of strange beasts of all shapes and sizes gush out from the Portals, and human beings usher in a critical moment of life and death. These beasts are like the animals from their world but more stronger and some of them developed some unique abilities, they called them Primal Beasts. By using the bodies of the Primal Beasts, Human technology advanced and some scientists extracted the genes of the primal beasts and experimented it with a human. The human that got injected became neither a human nor a primal beast with stronger capabilities than humans and sometimes have a power capable of surpassing other primal beast, they called these humans as Beastmans. Even though humanity can now fight back against the primal beasts with the power of the Beastmans they still send some of their powerful military soldiers and scientific researchers to risk their lives to enter the world behind the portals. They were shocked to discover that their fire arms doesn't work in this world and by hunting the Primal Beasts in their world, there was a certain chance of obtaining a Strange looking orb. Those with stronger mental powers and awakened the primal energy and can use them are able to activate and have a contract with the Strange Orb, the Orb can transform into the Primal beasts’ original combat body, weapons, armors and many others, and they called the strange looking Orbs as Beast Orbs, and a new profession that handles Beast orbs came into being. They are the Beastmasters. And with the help from the power of the Beastmasters and the Beastmans, humanity managed to defend their Settlements from being destroyed and recaptured the Settlements that they lost. A young Beast master who wants to make money to cure his body accidentally became one of the unique humans existing and it turned his life upside down.

Avanow · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


Naivern Continent, Landor Region, in a Cemetery of Drass City, a youth about 18 years old with a brown hair and orange eyes, and has a slightly above average looking face was crying and wailing dramatically in front of the graves of his Mother and Father while still wearing his school uniform.

"Mom! Dad! I'm sorry, really sorry that your son was such a Failure!"

The young man shouted dramatically and increased his voice that even the other visitors that was crying to the graves of their own love ones are giving him such weird looks.

"My little brother suddenly stopped working this morning! I can't have a wife and a Family at this rate! I'm really sorry that our Ancestor's bloodline will end with me!"

After saying that he started even crying louder.


After hearing what the youth was saying some bystanders started laughing but when the youth turn around and glared at them they just whistled and pretend they didn't hear anything.

after glaring at the bystanders the young man stopped crying and said to the graves of his parents seriously.

"Mom, Dad, i have decided to become a Pioneer to the beast world, i already opened my Primal pool earlier in school with several of my classmates. And i'm going to buy a black-iron quality beast orb tomorrow morning because it's a weekend tomorrow."

The youth said while wiping his snot and tears.

"You know being a pioneer is a dangerous profession because i will gonna face dangerous Primal beasts and maybe other humans too, but i can't help it because the money i can get if i sell the materials and maybe a beast orb is too tempting."

"You don't have to worry about me though because if i did encounter a danger above my level even though it will cost some money i will prioritize my safety first."

"That's why i might not come back and visit here anytime soon but i'll visit you guys when i have some time."

The youth said and bowed at the graves of his parents respectfully and then he leaves the cemetery and headed to his old home while the bystanders are still giving him weird looks.

The young man's name is Jake Vlanders, he was from a fairly successful family.

His Father is a fairly strong 3rd stage Tiger-type beast man that pioneered in the beast world, and his mother was a 4th stage Beastmaster with a couple of gold quality beast orbs in her possession.

They were a strong couple and they worked together in the beast world, after gathering enough money to live a free life in the inner perimeter of Drass City they stopped working as Pioneers, got married to each other and give birth to Jake.

Jake's life was all sunshine and flowers in his early years, even though his father started training him how to fight a primal beast and how to survive in the wild at the age of 5. It was tough but he still loved them.

but it all ended when he turned 8 years old.

The 3rd beast swarm happened. And Primal beasts stronger than the previous beast swarm gush out of the portals and attacked the walls of Drass City.

Because it was in a state of emergency every beastman or beast masters that are still capable of combat are summoned to defend the walls of the City or the entire Drass City will be wiped out.

Jake's Mom and Dad, Emily Vlanders and Eric Vlanders also got called to defend on the frontlines leaving their 8 years old son behind and only gave him a old key to their basement and they just leave a few words and said to their clueless son.

"We'll leave this to you just in case." Jake's mom said to him while hugging his nervous son because of the atmosphere.

"It's for him in the first place."

The result of the 3rd Beast swarm was a Disaster, thousands of strong Primal beasts rushed out of the portal near Drass City and a couple of Epic quality Primal beast too.

Humans have suffered huge casualties just by defending and lost several strong figures including Jake's parents.

With the absence of his parents Jake had lead a hard life. Because he's too young to take on jobs and he didn't know what to do he just sell some of their possessions and goes to school and trained his physical body and fight against primal beasts in the virtual world until he's ready to go into the beast world.

"Clap! Ah stop reminding me of the sad past, i'll need to reach home quickly and let's see what kind of inheritance did they left for me on the basement."

Jake clapped his face and touched the key hanging in his neck and started running east of the Cemetery, towards his house.

Jake ran for 5 full minutes at full speed before he started feeling tired, his fitness is already good but he's grumpy about it.

"Huff, Huff, 5 minutes of running and i'm already tired? this won't keep me anywhere if i'm going to the beastworld." Jake complained to himself even though his physical capabilities are already good even though he just awakened and he still haven't used primal energy to boost his body.

after walking for 5 more minutes he saw tall walls on his sight with turrets and several defensive weapons on top of them prepared for the Beast swarm. Several military trucks drove past him carrying soldiers in them and preparing for the 4th beast swarm.

"Hayyys.... This 2 years are going to be chaotic, military are rigorously training themselves and are already preparing for the 4th beast swarm." a bystander sighed to himself while talking to a fellow bystander on the streets.

"They can't help it, every 10 years primal beasts are rushing out of the portals much stronger than the previous wave, even though us Humans are getting several times stronger too we will still face sever causualties." a bystander replied while looking at the driving military trucks.

Jake had heared similar kind of conversations everywhere and even though he's used to it he can't help but feel anxious.

'I will help during the beast swarm this time. I need to grow stronger quickly or i'll quickly die with the state that i'm in. 2 years is not long but i can still grow, this is just the beginning.' Jake clenched his hand into a fist and said to himself resolutely.

"Oh i'm already here." while Jake is absentmindedly walking he almost walked past by his house.

Jake's house is not small but not too big either, it's just a 500 square meter house with 2 floors and a basement level.

"I'm Home at last!"

Shouted by Jake excitedly.

After putting down his Bag into the sofa in the living room, he directly run toward the basement level quickly even though he still haven't changed his school uniform yet.

"Let's see what are you guys been hiding here!

You guys left me hanging for 10 full years already."

after going down the stairs, Jake saw a metal door that can't be opened if he doesn't undergo an age scan.

after Jake step into the front of the door, the scanner on the ceiling scanned Jake's body, when it confirmed that he's already 18, the door automatically opened on it's own.

"Why did they made it so troublesome to put an age scan here, So what did they left for me here?" Jake grumbled to himself while excitedly looking at the room but he can't see anything because the light is off.

after switching on the lights Jake can finally see what's in the room.

the basement room is small an kind of dusty because it wasn't cleaned in the past 10 years. There's a table in the middle of the room with two chairs on both sides and a cabinet in the corner of the room.

"Is this it? Where's the surprise? There's nothing down here at all!"

Jake almost cried because he dreamed what's in the basement for the last 10 years but Voila! there's nothing.


"Get it together Jake! I bet this is Dad's doing, he want me to find it myself. The basement is so little and it doesn't have a hiding place besides the cabinet."

Jake checked the table if it was something special but it's just a normal wooden table that was rotting.

"i bet it's on the cabinet!"

Jake walked to the cabinet in anticipation and quickly opened the cabinet but got disappointed that there's nothing inside.

after that Jake searched the wall of the room for 2 minutes if there is a hidden mechanism anywhere but didn't find anything.

"There's only one place i haven't searched yet, if it's not on the wall behind the cabinet then they did a good job trolling me for 10 whole years."

as expected when Jake pulled the Cabinet apart from the wall he quickly found a key hole that fits in with the key that his parents gave to him before they left the world.


After inserting the key and turned it, he discovered that he can pull it off from the wall like a drawer.

inside the drawer is a note, a vial containing an orange liquid and an.... eyeball?

"Let's see what did they left me with, hmmm... what is this liquid? and is that a beast orb? oh there's a letter."

"To our Dear Jake,

we decided to leave this letter just in case if we don't ever come back, there's 3 things that we will tell you.

The vial is a gene of a Herculean Sabertooth Tiger, it will help you awaken being a Beastman if you can't be a Beastmaster. It will also help you develope your physique if you're already a Beastmaster and maybe you can get a part of it's power too.

and secondly I don't even know if that's a Beast orb or not. Just drop your blood on it and if it absorbed your blood align it with your eye, any eye will do, and it looks like an eyeball.

and lastly be wary of an emblem or a sign of a Bloody Claw, no matter how good they seems don't trust them.

That's all, we hope that you'll like our gift.

-Mom and Dad"