
the Backrooms

Asher_Thomas_6387 · อื่นๆ
2 Chs

level 2 eternal suffering

As I open the door I hear a sound and I turned back and saw the woman who saved me began to become distorted her hands strech out her teeth became sharp like knives her eyes go pure white she let's out a scream ruuuuuuun as she begins to run backwards to the door I entered before she went through her last words were escape this hell she ran through the door I ran into the door I opened and I was in a parking lot it was dark wet I looked to the side and saw another sigh written in blood saying fear the darkness I was confused but suddenly the light went out and I was surrounded by demonic smiling faces suddenly it changed at me I ran and saw a hallway I dashed into it but when I got inside I right leg was right of it left a riped bone I screamed out of terror but then the light went off and I felt my neck being to hurt I cried as my head was ripped of my body I thought to myself while this happened is this the end but it wasn't I was back at the stairs I blinked to make sure this was real but it was god no I cried as I fell to the floor but just like last time the light went off and I was ripped to pieces I was back again I was killed over and over again constantly I was murdered I have to escape this hell I told myself this as I kept dying I began to become nub to the pain I felt nothing but I was given the will to escape this hell of eternal suffering I ran into the hall way with light when the lights went off in there I ran to another hallway I jumped and dodged all the monsters I saw a door similar to the door I used to enter this parking lot I pushed through and was in only what I could describe to be a pipe dream ...