
the Backrooms

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Others
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2 Chs

level1 hell

Walking can be heard as I was walking down the street the loud sounds could be heard from the people around me I was looking for a place to sleep for the night I was homeless my parents are dead and I have no job in this moment my life was hell as I turned a corner I saw an abandoned building it was in ruins but the door somehow looked untouched it looked brand new and the strange thing is that it was drawing me in I walked up to it and opened it suddenly I was pulled in and fell unconscious I woke up with buzzing in my ear I got up and I was in a room with buzzing lights and nothing but walls with the same wall paper as far as the eye can see I got up and began to walk around saying "hello is anyone there" but the response I was met with was horrible suddenly there was a whisper I turned and saw something not of this world I ran as fast as I could the demon chased me as I ran I saw a note written on the walls in blood saying NO ESCAPE I continued to run but I herd a voice call out to me I saw a girl holding a door with an exit written all over it I ran to her and she pulled me in I was on the floor at the bottom of what I thought to be a flight of stairs I got up and said " who are you " the the girl replied saying " my name is Kate and iam trapped here for what I think has been a month" I got up and we shook hands "well there's no where to go but up " I said as we went up the stairs another door was there waiting ominously I took a breath and touched the handle...