
III. The Trials

As we walked and saught the land that we have not ventured, we ended up at the farthest side of the land. There was a different texture of land, it was white and at the end of it was blue waters, like it had no end but all waters... We looked closer and as we stepped on this white land it felt different! I said, let's call it sand! She agreed! Then, we moved closer to the water and starred at it. She asked, what kind of water is this?! It has a different scent! She gave me the fruit to hold and she went to the waters. It feels different too! As she said it with all gladness in her voice! There's a saltiness to the waters and also, there was all manners of sea creatures started appearing. They all went close to her, she touched them all with happiness in her eyes. Seeing it the first time, brought her in amazement! Each types of sea creatures have their different sizes and vibrant colors! She went back to the dry sand and saw shells on different places scattered with all sizes! They all looked marvellous! She said to me, let's eat this fruit and let's enjoy the blue waters! So, we did ate the fruit that we bought and went together in the sea.