
II. The Meeting

A thought came upon me, I proceeded to walk and head towards her. She looked at my way as she heard my footsteps. She saw me and greeted me with a smile and a curious look in her eyes, like she was thinking of what to say. Her eyes was full of mysteries as it locked as our eyes met. Then she said... Look, at all of this amazing sight! Her voice made my heart relaxed, as it was racing when our eyes met. As she proceed with such gladness in her voice as she expressed every feelings from each words she was saying about the surroundings. I was astounished. I just gazed, as she explained how she first opened her eyes and saw all of this amazing creations that she can see. From what's near her to a further distance of what she can comprehened to see. Then she came closer to me and grabbed my hands as we took off from where we was. She took the lead to walk with her as she shown me places I have not seen yet. Full of wonderful colors, shapes and kinds of different trees and flowers. Then, the sun started to fade as the skies changed it color to a wonderful yellowish reddish cue filled the skyline. I told her, let's go to this cave that I saw earlier outside this forest. Then, I took the lead as I led her there. As we walked her eyes was marvelled as she looked at everything that we passed by. The moon appeared and light all our path as we proceed to the cave. Fire flies appeared as it flies around our surroundings. Everything appeared majestic in sight, a different beauty from nature as the night sky appeared. The wonderful stars we started noticing... She looked and marvelled and said. Look! It twinkles as each stars as we gazed upon it! It is like a connection are formed with all the creations she looks at. Different sizes of the heavenly bodies All responded to her sight and amusement. I marvelled watching all of it with all amazement. Then, we proceed to enter the cave. The moon's light illuminates all the manner of stones in the the cave. It looked even more majestic in sight. The colors started popping out like an outburst of vibrant colors, the darkness was covered by all the illuminating colors inside the cave. Then we saw two furry creatures. They both are the same kind, so white and bright. We touched it, they are really nice and wrapped themselves around us. It felt so soft as their coats are like the whites pure clouds. Their warmness and comfort they brought felt amazing, a feeling of sleepiness started to over take us, as this creatures wrap themselves gently. Then we all fell asleep. Then we both awaken we looked around and gazed at the clouds up the skies, and started to see the colors of the sky change as the stars and moon's light over take by the sunlight. We both was in amazement! Look at this different clouds and the brightness of the sun started to manifest itself. The rays intensified, and we marvelled! We both walked outside as we head towards the left we saw a wonderful tree. It was full of different manners of fruits in one tree! Different vibrant colors and shapes. Then, we heard a voice started talking to the both of us. The same voice that I had a conversation with. As the sounds of the thunders and water's running, and He said: Oh creations how beautifully you both are made. We looked at each other and smiled. Thy image is the likeness of us, this tree is for both of you to eat. Try each of them, it is good for thy body. This will sustain you as with all the creations around you, their energies are for you. You both are One, one with all the creations and one with me Your Creator. If any of you need me, I am here. Cry upon me, I thy discerner of thoughts and hearts. I will be there when distress come. Be joyful, this land is for both of you. All the creations are created for you. They all look up to the both of you. I send thee a watchmen hovering the skies. They shall watch you and keep you safe. Then, the voice faded away. We both looked at each other and proceeded to try each fruits. Each of them have a different tastes, textures, and smell. The varieties are very deluctable, some sweet, and some sour, and some are mixed, but all are different tastes. It was very appetizing it gave us more energy and felt much better afterwards. She picked a special one, for later she said. Held it in her hands as we walked and go to the other side of the land.