

In the bustling heart of London, A crack appears in the sky, accompanied by a chilling question: "Do you have what it takes to save the world?" Those who select "Yes" are thrust into an extraordinary new reality where they gain mysterious abilities and are presented with a countdown timer. Amidst the confusion and fear, Harry and Susan encounter others who have also been awakened, including a grim-faced man named Marcus. As they band together to understand their new powers and the significance of the countdown, they realize that their fates are intertwined. With only 48 hours before the tutorial begins, they must navigate this strange new world, uncover their hidden strengths, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Paradox1507 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

A Meeting at the Parliament: Part 1

As the tutorial concluded, all the surviving people with skills were granted the title of "Player" and were given some EXP points. The announcement echoed through the air, and a collective sigh of relief could be heard as the title bestowed a sense of achievement and hope.

<Title: Player>

<10000 EXP Points Earned>

Shortly after, the top three players were announced for each area, and another list of top players in the UK server* appeared on the leaderboard. The option to view the leaderboard was added to the players' status windows.

*Server: Countries now stated as servers (for example UK server, European Server, China Server)

Harry and Marcus made it into the top 10 for the UK server, whereas Susan was in the top 20. Their hard work and teamwork had paid off, but there was still much to do. Monsters still lurked around the city, and wyverns dominated the skies, casting ominous shadows over the remnants of the city.

Despite the widespread destruction, the internet was miraculously still available. An emergency broadcast from the Prime Minister appeared on every screen, calling for unity and resilience. The trio, along with other survivors, gathered around screens to watch the address.

The Prime Minister stood at a podium; his face solemn but determined. Behind him, the British flag fluttered gently, a symbol of hope amidst the chaos.

"Citizens of the United Kingdom," he began, his voice steady. "We are facing an unprecedented crisis. But we are not defeated. We are survivors, and we will rise from this tragedy."

In living rooms across the country, people huddled together, eyes glued to their screens. Families clutched each other tightly, seeking comfort in the Prime Minister's words.

"My heart goes out to every family affected by this calamity," he continued. "But today, I stand before you with a message of hope. The tutorial has concluded, and the top players have been identified. These brave individuals have shown exceptional courage and skill, and they will play a crucial role in our recovery."

In a small flat in London, an elderly woman watched the broadcast with her grandchildren. "Did you hear that?" she whispered. "There are heroes out there, fighting for us."

Her grandson nodded; eyes wide with awe. "I want to be like them someday."

"The top 20 players in the UK server are invited to a meeting at Westminster in three days," the Prime Minister announced. "We will discuss plans for the future, including the establishment of more safe posts. These posts will serve as sanctuaries, where we can regroup, recover, and plan our counterattack."

In a modest home in Manchester, a young couple held hands tightly. "Do you think we'll be safe?" the woman asked, her voice trembling.

"We have to trust them," her partner replied. "They've gotten us this far."

The Prime Minister continued, "London already has a safe post, established by some of our bravest citizens. We will learn from their experience to create similar posts throughout the country. This is a call to arms for all capable individuals. Your skills are needed now more than ever."

Harry, Susan, and Marcus listened intently, feeling the weight of their new responsibilities.

"We must stand together," the Prime Minister urged. "Unity and resilience are our greatest weapons. Let us show these monsters that we will not be broken. Together, we will rebuild and reclaim our cities."

In homes and shelters, people nodded in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

"Thank you, and may we find strength in each other," the Prime Minister concluded, stepping away from the podium.

The trio gathered in the hotel lounge, surrounded by the hum of conversations and the occasional cheers of celebration. Harry pulled up the leaderboard on his status screen, scrolling through the names.

"We made it to the top 10," Harry said, a mixture of pride and concern in his voice. "But there's still so much we don't understand."

"At least we know we're making a difference," Marcus replied, leaning back in his chair. "But we need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Susan nodded; her eyes focused on her status screen. "The Prime Minister's meeting is in three days. We need to be prepared to contribute. Dave's safe post is a good start, but we need more of them."

Harry looked around the lounge, seeing the determination in the faces of the other players. "We should talk to Dave and see what he needs to keep the safe post running smoothly. We can use that information to help establish more posts around the city."

The next morning, the trio decided to head to the safe post to meet with Dave. Dave was already discussing plans with his friends. Harry approached him with a respectful nod. "Dave, could we talk to you about the safe post? We want to make sure we're ready for the meeting in Westminster."

Dave looked up; his expression tired but resolute. "Of course. We've been working hard to keep things stable, but there are challenges. We need supplies, communication networks, and trained people to manage the posts."

Susan took notes as Dave spoke, her mind racing with ideas. "We can propose a supply chain and training program at the meeting. If we can standardize the structure of these safe posts, it will make it easier to set them up quickly."

Marcus added, "We should also consider patrols and defenses. The monsters are still out there, and we need to protect these safe havens."

Dave nodded; his eyes serious. "Exactly. It's a lot to manage, but with enough support, we can do it. The key is coordination and resources."

As they continued discussing, Dave paused and looked at them thoughtfully. "I should also mention that I've been invited to the meeting at Westminster."

Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really? That's great news, Dave. You'll be able to provide valuable firsthand insights."

Dave nodded. "The Prime Minister's office contacted me directly. They recognized the effort we put into setting up the first safe post here in London. They want me to share our experience and help develop a blueprint for other cities."

Susan smiled, relieved. "That's fantastic. Your input will be crucial. We've seen how effective the safe post has been, and with your guidance, we can replicate that success elsewhere."

Marcus leaned forward; his tone serious. "We need to be prepared for the meeting. What are the main points you think we should focus on?"

Dave thought for a moment, then began listing the priorities. "First, we need to secure a steady supply of food, water, and medical supplies. Next, we need to establish reliable communication channels between the safe posts and a central command. Training programs for both combat and non-combat roles are essential. And finally, we need to organize regular patrols to keep the surrounding areas secure."

Harry took notes, his mind already forming a strategy. "That makes sense. We'll also need to address the issue of leadership and coordination. Each safe post should have a clear command structure."

Dave agreed. "Absolutely. Clear leadership is crucial to maintaining order and ensuring that everyone knows their roles."

Susan looked at Dave, her expression thoughtful. "How have you managed to keep morale high among the people here?"

Dave sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It hasn't been easy. Regular updates and transparent communication help. We also organize small community activities to keep spirits up. It's about making people feel like they're part of something bigger, that they're contributing to our survival."

Marcus nodded. "We'll make sure to include that in our proposal. Community and morale are just as important as supplies and defenses."

Harry glanced at his friends, feeling a surge of determination. "We have a lot of work to do, but with a solid plan, we can make a real difference. Let's make sure we're ready to present our ideas clearly at the meeting."

Dave smiled a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "I'm glad we're on the same page. Together, we can turn the tide and start rebuilding our world."

Back in their hotel room, the trio discussed their plan for the upcoming meeting. They reviewed their notes and strategized their presentation. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on them, knowing that the future of their city—and possibly the entire country—depended on the outcome.

"We need to emphasize the importance of the safe posts," Harry said, his voice steady. "They are the backbone of our defense and recovery."

"And we need to push for a unified approach," Susan added. "If each city operates independently, we'll struggle. We need a central command and clear communication."

Marcus agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "Let's draft our proposal and practice our pitch. We have two days to get this right."

As they prepared, the news channels buzzed with reports of unrest. While many survivors rallied together to rebuild and protect their communities, not everyone shared the same vision. There were whispers of groups who opposed the government, claiming that the state had failed to protect them. Among these groups were former convicts and individuals who had gained powerful skills during the tutorial and turned to the dark side.

A news report caught their attention, detailing a recent skirmish at a nearby location. The reporter's voice was tense as she described the incident. "Security forces managed to thwart an attack by a group of terrorists who opposed the government's plans. These individuals, some of whom are known criminals, have been using their newfound skills to sow chaos. The threat they pose cannot be underestimated."

Harry switched off the TV, his face grim. "This could be a problem. If these groups target the meeting, it could be disastrous."

Susan frowned, her mind racing. "We need to prepare for that possibility. The government will likely have security in place, but we should stay vigilant."

Marcus leaned forward; his expression serious. "We should discuss this with Dave and see if there's anything we can do to help secure the meeting. We can't afford to be caught off guard."

Later that day, they met with Dave in the hotel lobby. He was in deep conversation with some of his team members, but when he saw Harry, Susan, and Marcus approaching, he waved them over.

"Dave, we need to talk," Harry said, his tone urgent. "There are reports of terrorist groups planning to disrupt the meeting at Westminster."

Dave's expression darkened. "I've heard the same. These groups are dangerous, especially now that they have skills."

Susan nodded. "We need to ensure the meeting is secure. What can we do to help?"

Dave sighed, running a hand through his hair. "The government will have security, but it might not be enough. We need to coordinate with them and provide additional support."

Marcus crossed his arms, deep in thought. "What about setting up a perimeter? We could use players with defensive skills to help guard the area."

Dave considered this. "That could work. We also need a communication network to alert us of any suspicious activity. If we can get some players to act as lookouts, it would give us an early warning system."

Harry nodded. "We'll need to act quickly. The meeting is in three days. Let's contact the authorities and offer our assistance. We can't let these terrorists succeed."

The trio, along with Dave, contacted the local authorities and proposed their plan. The officials were initially hesitant but recognized the necessity of additional security measures.

"We appreciate your offer," a senior officer said, his tone cautious. "We've been stretched thin, and any help would be valuable. We'll coordinate with you to set up the perimeter and the communication network."

Harry felt a surge of determination. "We won't let them disrupt this meeting. Our future depends on it."

Susan and Marcus nodded in agreement, ready to take on this new challenge. They spent the next few days organizing players, setting up communication links, and preparing for any potential threats.