

In the bustling heart of London, A crack appears in the sky, accompanied by a chilling question: "Do you have what it takes to save the world?" Those who select "Yes" are thrust into an extraordinary new reality where they gain mysterious abilities and are presented with a countdown timer. Amidst the confusion and fear, Harry and Susan encounter others who have also been awakened, including a grim-faced man named Marcus. As they band together to understand their new powers and the significance of the countdown, they realize that their fates are intertwined. With only 48 hours before the tutorial begins, they must navigate this strange new world, uncover their hidden strengths, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Paradox1507 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Tutorial: Part 5

The Goblin Lord fell on its back after being pushed by Harry. The dagger Harry had been using lost its durability and vanished into thin air. A sudden silence fell upon the area.

<Defeated 1 Goblin Lord>

<10,000 EXP earned. Obtained 5,000 Gold>

<Additional 500 EXP earned being part of a party>

A message popped up for everyone in the area:

"The area boss has been defeated.

Access to other areas granted."

Everyone was shocked but relieved, with some even celebrating. Nobody thought the area boss could be defeated, but Harry, Susan, and Marcus proved them wrong. 

There were still four hours until the tutorial finished and the attacks by the goblins had reduced after the defeat of the area boss.

<Exclusive Quest Completed>

A message appeared in front of Harry as he calmed himself down after the battle.

<Receiving Exclusive Rewards>

<10,000 EXP Points>

<5,000 Gold>

<Exclusive Skill: Essence Drain: You can absorb power from the enemies defeated.>

"Hmm…Essence Drain" Harry said after reading the effects. He slowly pulls out his right hand over the fallen Goblin Lord and whispers "Essence Drain." A soft golden glow covered the Goblin Lord's body, and small particles started flowing from the body to Harry.

<Strength increased +2.>

"So, it can absorb power and increase stats. I wonder what else it can absorb?" Harry mused, checking his status window. To his surprise, all his stats were now visible. The only thing still hidden was his class.

"What are you looking at, Harry?" Susan asked, walking towards him.

"Nothing...my stats are now visible to me, but my class is still unknown. I wonder what it could be," Harry said, still pondering. "I see you got some equipment as a reward for defeating the boss," he added, pointing to an orb Susan was holding.

"Yes," Susan answered. "It's called the Eye of the Goblin Lord. It increases Mana by 20 and boosts mana regeneration by 20%. It's an epic class item. Marcus got a set of epic class daggers as well."

"Those are some nice rewards. I got a bracelet called Lordslayer Wristlets. It increases my Stamina and Dexterity by 5." After resting for a bit Harry said standing up "Let's head back to the safe post; we still need to find Tia's parents,"

The three of them reunited with Tia and started moving towards the safe post. On the way, they did not encounter any monsters, and things seemed to be calming down. As they reached the safe post, they saw a lady crying in the corner and a man trying to comfort her. As soon as Tia saw them, she screamed, "Mama! Papa!" She ran towards them, crying, and the lady burst into tears of relief, embracing her little girl.

The trio watched as Tia was reunited with her parents, the family's tearful reunion bringing a moment of joy amidst the chaos. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the ruined landscape, Harry, Susan, and Marcus knew it was time to head back to the hotel.

"Take care, Tia," Susan said, giving the girl one last hug. "Stay safe with your parents."

"Thank you for saving me," Tia whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Harry, Susan, and Marcus waved goodbye and set off toward the hotel. The streets were eerily quiet, the aftermath of the battle evident in the scattered debris and damaged buildings. Fortunately, the path back was clear, and they encountered no more monsters.

As they approached the hotel, relief washed over them. The building stood intact, untouched by the chaos that had consumed the city. They entered the lobby to the welcoming sight of their colleagues, who rushed to greet them with cheers and applause.

"You're back!" one of their coworkers exclaimed, clapping Harry on the shoulder. "We were so worried about you."

"Glad to see you all made it through safely," Harry replied, a tired smile on his face. He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw the familiar faces of his colleagues.

The tutorial's countdown timer finally reached zero, and a series of notifications appeared before them.

<Tutorial Completed>

A message popped up in front of everyone, announcing the end of the tutorial and the top three contributors.

<Top Three Contributors for the Area>




Each of them received an additional reward:

<5000 200 Gold and Achievement Points>

A cheer erupted in the lobby as their colleagues congratulated them.

"Looks like we did pretty well," Marcus said, glancing at his rewards. He couldn't hide the pride in his voice.

Susan nodded. "We couldn't have done it without each other," she replied, smiling at her friends. "It was truly a team effort."

Harry checked his status screen, noting the influx of gold and achievement points. "These achievement points...I wonder what we can use them for?" he mused.

"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough," Susan said. "For now, let's just enjoy this moment."

The group made their way to the hotel's lounge area, where they found a quiet corner to sit and reflect on the day's events. The adrenaline from the battles was beginning to wear off, replaced by a profound sense of exhaustion.

"The last 24 hours were crazy," Harry said, leaning back in his chair. "It feels like it's been a week since this all started."

Marcus nodded. "I know what you mean. But we made it through the first challenge. Who knows what's next?"

Susan looked at her friends, her expression determined. "Whatever comes next, we face it together. We've proven we can handle it."

Marcus leaned forward, a serious look on his face. "I agree. But we also need to prepare. This was just the beginning. We need to use our time wisely, understand our abilities better, and strategize for the future."

Harry nodded. "You're right, Marcus. We've got to stay sharp. But tonight, let's just take a moment to breathe."

As the evening wore on, they shared stories and laughter, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced. Though the future remained uncertain, they knew they had each other to rely on. The sense of camaraderie among them was palpable, a testament to their shared resolve and growing friendship.

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